Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1783: Awkward union

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Since Zhang Yang proposed that everyone work together to build the 'emergency strongman' plan, whether it is Ophelia and the Silver Pegasus Knights under his command, or the belongings of Neil Jelina and Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, the response to this proposal has been very enthusiastic . After all, in the current situation, every additional point is very valuable for the defense force, and the Silver Pegasus Knight as the representative of the guardian of the human kingdom, although ordinary people have not reached the point of blind worship to them, but If you can see them patrolling the sky every day, then not only can people in the kingdom greatly enhance their sense of security, but they can also play a role in stabilizing the kingship.

However, the strength of the Silver Pegasus Knight is certainly strong, but the small number has always been their flaw. Therefore, if the 'Emergency Powerful' plan can be effectively implemented, it means that people have finally found a way to improve the fighting power and survivability of the Silver Pegasus Knight again.

This is of great significance to the Silver Pegasus Legion and the entire human kingdom.

However, when the two sides separately carried out material preparations and personnel selection, they found that compared with the gratifying progress of improving the intelligence network, the personnel selection was not as smooth as expected. For example, the Thunderbolt mercenary shooters who learned this information at the beginning were really excited. After all, it was a great honor to be able to fight with the Silver Pegasus Knight in the past. Who wants to get the opportunity to fly with them together? , It seems like a dream!

What's more, almost all men and women in the Silver Pegasus Knight are handsome guys and beautiful women, plus they have a minimum of Tier 4 silver junior strength, so they are extremely ideal partners and even partners in any way, so How can one not expect so much after hearing this news?

Compared with it, the Silver Pegasus Corps can recognize the combat capabilities of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps. After all, even if Zhang Yang, the insignificant and powerful regiment, is not mentioned, the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps is also Mok The most powerful in the Westwood Kingdom. Therefore, in the spirit of a strong alliance, it is not very exclusive to equip the Silver Pegasus Knight with a shooter partner from the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps.

The problem is that the so-called "Silver Pegasus Knight" refers to not only a knight, but the silver pegasus fighting with the knight in the sky is the key to the problem!

Do n’t forget that Silver Pegasus is not only powerful and intelligent, but their ‘picking’ personality is basically as famous as its power. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to want to ride the Silver Pegasus. After all, even when those Silver Pegasus knights meet with their future mounts and comrades in arms, they also choose the Silver Pegasus to choose the knight. Knights choose mounts like ordinary cavalry.

Therefore, when Ophelia and Neil Jelina led the first batch of ‘emergency emergency’ reserve members, the scene became very embarrassing!

Not to mention the gap in strength. When the two parties find each other's partners and prepare to board the Silver Pegasus for the final test, most of the Silver Pegasus simply rejected the Cavaliers' choice. The partner even hung the two of them aside and flew aside to rest!

At that time, almost everyone who saw this scene was stunned. However, while the knights were busy communicating with their silver Pegasus partners, Ophelia suddenly thought of a bit, and then insulted himself. So busy, how can we forget such an important thing!

Whether you want to become a Silver Pegasus Knight or simply want to ride a Silver Pegasus, in addition to having to greet Silver Pegasus in advance, you must meet a little bit, that is, the knight must be a pure person, which is almost the most Basic requirements!

And how to judge whether a person is pure? Does Silver Pegasus have the power to see through people's hearts in addition to its superior magical ability? The answer is actually very simple. As Silver Pegasus with excellent sense of perception, although they can't judge whether a person's character is good or evil from a simple appearance, they have a way to tell whether this person is a virgin!

In other words, regardless of whether they are male or female, as long as they have had a relationship with the opposite sex, they will be regarded as 'unclean' by Silver Pegasus. Even if they can accept the cooperative battle with them, they will not let the other person ride on their backs. The biggest flaw of horses as mounts is extreme mental cleanliness!

Therefore, within the Silver Pegasus Legion, there has always been such a paradigm that can be called "self-black", that is, when people are joking, they will call the "Silver Pegasus Knights" the "Bachelor Knights." In order to join this knighthood, the prerequisite must be a 'single baton' that 'defends like a jade'. Unless this person wants to retire, he (she) as a 'silver pegasus knight', regardless of **** Keep this in the end, what is this not a bachelor?

Of course, there are also people in the Silver Pegasus Knights who choose to form a family, but from the moment that person actually put it into practice, he has lost the qualification to continue flying as a Silver Pegasus Knight. So either leave the Silver Pegasus Knights and enter the Silver Pegasus Legion, or they can only stay in the Silver Pegasus Knights as a trainer to take care of the Silver Pegasus and teach the newcomers. In short, they are rejected by the Silver Pegasus.

Therefore, most of the Silver Pegasus Knights will either not marry for life and choose to be with their Silver Pegasus partners; or they will first engage in a pure and gentle spiritual love to balance their duties as Silver Pegasus Knights. Psychological needs, until they are determined to become a family, they will first say hello to Silver Pegasus partners and say goodbye to them, thus ending their career as a Silver Pegasus Knight.

From this point of view, it is really appropriate to call the "Silver Pegasus Knights" "Single Knights" ...

So when everyone including Ophelia remembered this stubble, they were surprised to find that the members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps were really precocious and open! Obviously, the men and women members selected this time are not old, and their strength is mostly third-order black iron senior and even two fourth-order silver beginners, but in terms of personal life ...

It can only be said that most of the mercenaries who choose to be mercenaries are a group of guys who advocate freedom and like to play in time ...

However, it is true that this is true, but it is a bit difficult to select members from the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps that are strong and ‘pure’. After all, to be honest, in addition to the hope that the applicants of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps will get the glory of flying together with the Silver Pegasus Knights, it is also a very important reason to spot these handsome men in the Silver Pegasus Knights.

But who would like to think that these beautiful and handsome guys who have always been single and obviously need the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps to help get rid of the singles? There are even sayings of "abstinence", which can only be seen but not eaten. The feeling is really enough to torture people. Therefore, many of the candidates of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps at that time gave up this idea, which suddenly made a few of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps girls recognized by Silver Pegasus feel a little overwhelmed, but they did not know what to do.

It was at this time that the two maidservants who admired Ophelia might have heard more rumors, so they wanted to vent their lives in front of their love rivals for their lonely queen, so they caught Take this opportunity to pretend to be a gossip and generally laugh secretly with a voice that everyone around can hear:

"Oh oh ~ I have long heard that the atmosphere in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps is very bold. Men and women can have fun in time as long as they are in love, and now it seems that this rumor is actually true! You see, these are so young, It was also dismissed by Silver Pegasus, what kind of people did they bring, what kind of team are the female soldiers in the mercenary regiment really enough to be 'happy'! Ha ha ha ~ "

Although the two maids stood in the cloister behind the crowd, the voice was not particularly loud, but everyone at the moment was also a third-order upward professional, so all these words were naturally wordless. heard it. At the same time, Ophelia couldn't help being furious, and his face became quite ugly. At the same time, he turned around and prepared to scold the two ignorant guys.

But before waiting for Ophelia's attack, Meili, who had come with her, already shouted loudly:

"The two of you are free to watch the buzzwords, right? Very good! From now on, you will be relieved of your two maids' status and work for me in the kitchen! If you dare to chew on the root of the tongue, you will be cured of the crime of disturbing the military. There is no strength to help and dare to add chaos here, see you really do not know life and death! Guards! Take them down! "

"Ah ~ No, we dare not ~ Lord, spare us this time!"

"We didn't mean it, we won't talk much in the future, just spare us ~"

"take away!"



To be honest, the atmosphere on the school ground was quite embarrassing, but everyone didn't mention it, so it was just a bit dull. Now it's okay to be disturbed by these two maids who don't know how to speak indiscriminately. The male soldiers on the Thunderbolt mercenary team are okay. Although they can't talk about pride, they are not angry. On the contrary, some female soldiers were a bit ugly. If they had not seen the deputy commander Neil Jielina kept silent, they were afraid that they would turn around and leave.

Seeing this, Ophelia suddenly felt a headache. Although Meili dealt with the two stupid maids in time, the words had already been spoken, and it would be difficult to think about returning. If only this is the case, although most of the Silver Pegasus knights have very good upbringing, they do not know whether it is jealous or boring superiority in this regard, so that now look at the members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps. It ’s obvious that the eye light has a strange look.

More importantly, there are too many gossips among the three of Ophelia, Neil Jielina and Wright, so they were specially mentioned by the two stupid maidservants The words "what kind of people bring what kind of team" naturally turned the goal to Neil Jelina!

So if this is not handled well, it will be really troublesome!

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