Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 179: big trouble

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Shaun muttered uncontrollably, he was always grudged about the "No. 14".

"It's so unlucky! It always feels like a dying rhythm!"

At this time, Sean and others who have entered through the gate of the enchantment find that their side is the first to enter the field, then does it mean that the opponent is stronger than a few people? It is said that the strength of the team is roughly calculated according to the average value of the individual class, so are they not dominant? After all, Jason is a fourth-order black iron advanced warrior!

Just as the four of Sean just stood ready in the middle of the venue, as a warm female voice came, the light of teleportation magic suddenly lit up in front of me 20 meters!

"Attention No. 14 team, No. 4 team is about to enter!"

After dazzling white light, Jason looked closely and saw that four female archers had appeared on the battlefield!

"not good!"

"It was the team of powerful archers who had seen the same team the day before yesterday! Lanster stepped forward!"

As Jason and Sean shouted anxiously, Lance was struggling to stand in front of the crowd with a huge shield! It turned out that last night while studying today's tactics, Sean had a whimsy. According to the past situation, Lanster has always been responsible for protecting Charlotte and harassing the enemy, but now Lanster is controlling the four-legged spider. Afterwards, with the help of his wretched [Mage's Hand], the intensity of the harassment was enough, but his and Charlotte's protective capabilities were too poor. Update first time Update first time

Because the caster needs to condense magical elements, generally, except for the magic metal such as Mithril, no other metal armor can be used by the mage. Updated for the first time and for the battle of this level, leather armor is of little significance, so how to improve the protection ability of the two has become a problem that everyone has been thinking about.

Based on the above, last night Sean actually asked Lanster to try to carry a huge tower shield and leaned in front of him when he usually attacked. Lanster did not delay casting the spell at all. More and faster chapters are here. Once he needed his defense, Lanster stopped casting spells and raised a tower shield to protect himself and Charlotte. This method seems to be good, but the problem still exists. Although Lanster is tall and fat, he is a serious puff. In terms of strength, he is not as thin as Sean.

At this moment, Lanster can only barely make a very simple defense. As for wanting to use it freely? That is a fool's dream.

Just as Lanster was holding the tower shield and standing in front, the opposite shooters had launched their attack! I saw a series of arrows flashing a little bit of arrogance, and instantly crossed the distance of twenty meters. In the thud, he nailed the huge tower shield in Lanster's hand!

The tower shield, as a kind of shield with a strong protective ability favored by heavy infantry, is generally between 130-180 cm long and 40-110 cm wide. Not to mention the magic equipment for the time being, the material of the tower shield is generally made of hard and light hardwood wrapped thick iron plate cooked cowhide. More and faster chapters are here. It is also at least 3-5 cm thick and weighs more than 25 pakri.

It is such a shield, if it is not to use grudge, the archers can only hope to sigh. However, once the grudge is added, this ordinary shield is not enough to resist the huge power of the arrow with grudge ...

However, with seven or eight arrows, Lanster was horrified to find that the heavy tower shield even appeared to be about to crack! This discovery scared him to turn his head and shouted shoutingly at everyone behind him!

"Oh, I'll wipe it! Jason and Sean, please come up with some ideas! This shield will be shot soon! I, I can't hold on!"

Just as Lanster was about to cry, Charlotte suddenly opened his eyes that had been closed. I saw Charlotte holding a thick magic book in his left hand, and holding a scepter in his right hand. The last mantra in her mouth was pronounced, and almost five bright magics connected end to end were added to Sean, Jason and Lance!

"[Basic Blessing] [Holy Shield] [Basic Blessing] [Holy Shield] [Holy Shield]!"

Just after Charlotte used the method Garfield taught her, the audience in the stadium suddenly boiled! What's going on? Obviously a little priest with just three ranks of black iron in his early strength, how can he release more than three magics in a row! ? Understand the legend, the caster can only release up to three magic in a row! Unless she uses several magic scrolls in a flash? That's not true, the release of the magic scroll is not like this, is it? ! There is a magic book in the hand of this girl? ! That is truly a priceless treasure!

Compared to thousands of years ago, the magical civilization at this time was actually falling! Although it has developed in alchemy and small objects, many important and powerful magic items in history have been more difficult to manufacture. Update for the first time except for Pompeii, which has a highly developed magical civilization, no one on Orlando has the ability to make magic books!

"What is the origin of this little girl ?! Send someone to check!"

"Wait to contact her immediately and ask her how much the magic book is willing to sell! It is worth the extra money! Go!"

"Is it really a magic book? How many years have it been ..."

"Adult! Should we ..."

"Is it really a magic book ?! It would be nice if I had one!"

At this moment, the battle on the battlefield is brilliant or not, the audience has no time to pay attention. At this moment, some people with some strength and power are trying every means to find out the details of Charlotte's bottom line, and then make the book worthless. Get the magic book!

Looking at the chaotic crowd around him, Zhang Yang could not help but frown! He didn't expect that the fat white cat Garfield's suggestion would lead to such serious consequences. Who knew that it was just a magic book that would set off such a big storm?

"It's going to be a lot more ..."

Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh in a low voice. Human greed and ** are the most terrible. Once controlled by these, then humans are not much different from demons ...

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Anna is not like Lily watching the game with all her heart. Her attention has always been concentrated on Zhang Yang's body. At this time, he saw a rare frown and sigh, and she asked out strangely in her heart.

"Nothing, I just said: Sean is going to win ..."

The people within the enchantment can't see the outside reaction. At this time, under the defense of [Holy Shield], the grappling Jason and the sword holding Shawn have rushed to the body of the four archers opposite Beside. Compared to the ranger's ability to pass everything but not at all, although the archer has great lethality at medium and long distances, once the soldiers get close, it is a tragedy ...

They looked at the four people who were happy and triumphant, and then looked back at the people who were deeply interested in Charlotte. Zhang Yang knows that the real test will only start after the exchange meeting is over ... (.)

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