Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 184: Night talk and morning exercise

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At the moment when four fireballs hit Jason, he suddenly felt a wave of excitement, and under the influence of a mixture of extreme excitement and extreme fear, his whole body of anger suddenly exploded! In an instant, it runs to the limit of the normal day, and then rushed out of the body! This process took less than a moment, but Jason could clearly know every step and every trajectory! This moment of time seemed to be extended many and many times in his feeling!

It is also because of the [Lock Mist Clothing] that has suddenly been promoted, that Jason can escape his life in the superimposed [Fireball]. But even so, he repeatedly lost his consciousness after bursting out of the fire, and just stood there, all supported by an unyielding belief ...

In the end, Shaun ’s four-member team still lost the qualification to continue to play. In theory, they can still compete for the fourth place through two battles, but watching the three of Jason, Shawn, and Lanster are all injured. , One by one is in a coma, Charlotte with only one person is naturally unable to continue the game ...

"It's no pity that you have won too many prizes with your own strength and conviction. These can't be bought with any amount of money, so you don't have to cry one by one, this time the harvest is enough. . "

Zhang Yang looked at Shaw who was crooked in front of him at this moment, and said helplessly.

"That's what I said, but I always feel very unwilling."

Sean still feels dizzy in his head until now, and he feels a little vomiting, maybe he was shocked. Not to mention, of these few people in the house now, Sean is most in need of recognition. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not even an opponent of the energetic Lanster! This time, he finally felt what he had been pursuing. Once lost, it felt even more sad than when he never got it.

Zhang Yang can roughly understand Sean's feelings, which is a state of mind that urgently needs affirmation. But as the saying goes, it is still too late. Once this mentality affects him for a long time, then over time, his character will be unconsciously distorted?

"Victory or defeat is a common matter among mercenaries. As long as there is hope, as long as there is still life, everything can be tried hard! Not this time, and next time! Sean, you should look at the longer term."

"Uh ... oops, boss, why don't you understand these things? Rest assured, I'm just feeling uncomfortable and complaining. Having said that, we were also surprised that we won the fifth place!"

When Sean had just said this, Lanster suddenly said:

"If Charlotte hadn't got that bright magic book, we wouldn't have a chance to get to the present! And Jason was actually promoted in battle! Is he the biggest one this time !?"

It was found that the spearheads of several people had a tendency to turn back to themselves again. Jason swallowed secretly, and then learned the popularity of the crowd and began to change his target.

"Oh by the way, Captain Wright, aren't you going to compete in the top ten in the singles group tomorrow? Don't you need to prepare anything?"

Hearing this, not only Charlotte, but also Anna and Lily ’s eyes turned to Zhang Yang ’s face. The question was abrupt. Zhang Yang tilted his head and thought for a while before answering. Road:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the opportunity should be relatively large, but the battlefield is constantly changing, and no one can be sure whether there will be any unexpected changes. Therefore, I can only say that I try my best."

Listening to Zhang Yang say this, Lily first jumped out with a face of unbelief and retorted:

"Cut ~! Wright boss, you always like to hide your hands! I found out that under normal circumstances, when you say about, then you already have 70% to 80%, and when you say about the same, it should be ** Isn't it ten? Huh! According to me, this first position should be proper! "

Zhang Yang did not expect that now everyone's trust in his strength has reached a nearly blind destination. You know that his current strength of arrogance is only third-order black iron intermediate, not as good as Jason's level! However, when it comes to combat effectiveness, Zhang Yang is indeed the strongest.

"No one knows the exact details, so don't think about it, you will know tomorrow ..."

It was the night that everyone still rested on the second floor of the library where Zhang Yang temporarily stayed. At this time, it was said that it was not too much. ! In the end, until Zhang Yang went out and put out a sign with the words "Dangerously Entering", this group of nasty guys converged much ...

Nebula circulates, grass grows insects. As the horizon slowly turned white, the new day began.

Jason, who got up early, scratched some messy hair and was about to get up, when he suddenly felt that the air was full of a strange sense of moisture. What's going on here? Surprisingly, he suddenly noticed that Zhang Yang's resting place was now empty, and there was a shadow sitting on the terrace on the second floor ...

When he came to the door gently, Jason could hardly believe what he saw! I saw a layer of hazy and clear water-blue energy that completely wrapped Zhang Yang's whole body! And the moist water vapor can't help floating out from there! The scene in front of me is really amazing. In Jason's cognition, it can gather energy visible to the naked eye during cultivation, which requires a very strong elemental affinity to do it! He really didn't expect that Captain Wright's so powerful strength and speed turned out to be an aquatic temperament!

However, after a minute of leakage, the water element outside Zhang Yang's body quickly dissipated. With a breath of breath, Zhang Yang ended this practice. Turning to look at the stunned Jason, he smiled slightly, pointed to the roof and jumped up first.

"Unexpectedly, Captain, you are actually practicing water-based temperament, and the water element fit is so high. What rank do you have now practiced, Captain? Why have n’t you seen you use external temperament? And since you It ’s a water-based physique, how can you use the power of thunder and lightning? "

As Zhang Yang came to the roof, Jason first asked with exclamation and doubt.

Hearing Jason so straightforward, Zhang Yang smiled slightly. For someone else, it would certainly not be such an undisguised secret, but compared to other people's deceitful thoughts, Jason is like a blank sheet in this respect. Zhang Yang has always admired him, and at this time did not hide himself, he told all the truth about the sorrow in the deep water ...

"It's unbelievable! Captain you are only at the third level of intermediate strength at this time? I think you are at least fifth-level ..."

Seeing Jason look surprised, Zhang Yang just said something deeply:

"The strength of grudge is not all, and the strength and weakness are only relative. Well, they should wake up, let's go down. Today's game really makes people look forward to ..."

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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