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"Hurry up and give up struggling to die! The enchantment [dark cage] has been set around here, and time will not be lifted! The unnecessary struggle will only make you more painful! Ah ha ha ha ha ha !! ! "

Zhang Yang gasped violently at the moment, and the attack of the enemies around him paused for a while as Zhang Yang desperately killed one. He laboriously pulled out the rune hand axe from the lower jaw of the corpse, which caused Zhang Yang to tremble with a sudden tremor, and the warm blood flowing from the long sword of the dead person under him, making Everything in Zhang Yang's eyes started to get a little unclear. In order to desperately kill this person, Zhang Yang paid the heavy price of being pierced by the left chest, just a little bit, this sword will pierce his heart!

The mercenaries and the killers around you look at me, and I see you are mostly speechless. A brave and fierce guy like Zhang Yang is the last thing they want to face! Maybe many people can be cruel to others, but this kind of guy who is cruel to others and to himself is the most difficult to deal with! To kill such a person, it takes a lot of people's lives to fill it! And none of them want to fill this hole!

Their hesitation gave Zhang Yang precious reaction time, and at this moment Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly became sharper! Enchantment? well! Since there is no longer a way to live at this time, let ’s transform into a devil and let God decide his own destiny! Is eternity sinking? Still completely destroyed! !

Suddenly pulled out the long sword inserted on the left chest, accompanied by the splattered blood, Zhang Yang opened his arms and shouted out the "broken" in the Devil's old language!

Suddenly with Zhang Yang as the center, a black and blue shock wave appeared out of thin air! After the shock wave passed, a dazzling black and blue flash that never appeared began to scatter from Zhang Yang's endless **! Accompanied by the bursts of noise from Zhang Yang's mouth like a beast like a scream, a kind of mutation that is completely freed from the shackles, and the body and mind completely reach the level of the ancient flame demon!

At this time, everyone around was blown out by dozens of meters by the shock wave, watching Wright's body that was about to die in the field actually began to twist and undergo unknown changes, and the power of the current transformation was so strong! A feeling of great difficulty finally frightened everyone around me! But at this time, only the group of black armor mysterious people showed an untimely surprise and clear!

"What's going on !? What the **** is he !!"

A fifth-order golden warrior who was barely crouching on the ground asked the same question from everyone, but this question was destined to be answered by no one. Because at this moment, the answer has been revealed! With the opening of the demon wings behind Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang has completely transformed into an ancient flame demon!

When the demon Zhang Yang slowly raised his head, the magic runes on his meat wings began to light up from the bottom to the top. As the demon Zhang Yang's eyes opened suddenly, a faint blue flame came from his eyes. And the devil's horns above the head ignited! In an instant, a strong and violent, cold and murderous momentum directly enveloped the dark prison cage!

"Huh ~! It turns out that the complete demonization is so wonderful! I was wrong before! Only the devil is the most free-handed existence! Only the conformity to the blood of the demon is the most appropriate choice! Hahahaha!"

The demon Zhang Yang was so sorry at the moment, he shook his head slightly and said to himself, when the people around hesitated not to step forward, he began to move!

The surrounding mercenaries are also about 30 meters away from the center of Zhang Yang. However, at this time, they only saw the demon in the center, and a burst of dust up to several meters violently exploded. The screams at the time of death!

"Ah ~!"

"Ah! Little ..."

"Do not!……"

Only a moment passed, a series of popping sounds when breaking through the air began to sound! However, at this time, the sky was already bursting with blood rain! Many people were completely torn apart by the demon Zhang Yang who rushed quickly before the reaction, and only the fifth-level gold-level professionals could resist one or two between the broken limbs and the flying arms!

But Zhang Yang, who was completely enchanted at this time, has become the most efficient killing machine! He does not start with a relatively powerful fifth-tier gold-level professional, but quickly massacres large fourth-tier professionals! Judging from his complete promotion to the legendary level at this time, and his ** and his powerful state, the fourth-order professional killed by him is weak and like a chicken to be slaughtered!

They can't see it and can't help it. All they can do is make a long or short half-scream when they are dying! That momentary acceleration brought miserable deaths for at least ten people! After demonization, Zhang Yanghun became the best weapon, and the rune hand axe was discarded on the ground at the very beginning.

When he walked through the crowd to the edge of the enchantment and turned around, the large remnant of flying limbs had not yet fallen to the ground!

"Fuck what level of demon this is! How can it be made to this degree !!!?"

Looking at the flesh-and-blooded road from the center to Zhang Yang's location at this time, a soldier with a money emblem shouted nearly collapsed.

Just this blow, the mercenaries around were trembling! This is not an enemy they can face! Who is blind and blinded by lard to lead people to fight this demon? ! However, it is too late to regret now, and Zhang Yang, who is completely occupied by the evil consciousness of evil from the blood of the demon, has no pity! All he wants now is killing and destruction! !

"Go to **** !!!"

With this cold, murderous word spoken from the mouth of the demon Zhang Yang, his figure once again "disappeared" in the eyes of most mercenaries!

What kind of armor and armor, what kind of lock fog clothes, fighting armor, can not stop his killing under Zhang Yang's hands at this moment! As long as there is a weak point that cannot be protected, as long as it cannot keep up with the speed of the demon Zhang Yang's straight line impact! As long as you can't carry the power that is as heavy as a mountain, then the end is actually the same! That is to become a member of the broken bones on the ground!

"Quick! We all go to the Black Armor! They seem to be arranging some powerful magic! Maybe they can escape!"

"Yes! Our seven Tier 5 gold masters gathered together and should be able to block him! Let's go!"

At this point, there were only two points missing, and the devil Zhang Yang had already killed at least thirty people from side to side! There are even two tier five gold junior masters who have placed orders! At this time, this "dark prison cage" is no longer a three-party combined rounding weapon, but it is the biggest obstacle to their escape!

At the moment of the enchantment, only the Black Armor side has a few more people. There are a total of ** people. The remaining ones except the five fifth-order gold masters who have just ran over, only the edges are lucky Four or five miscellaneous fish! The fate is really unpredictable. Who can think of nearly sixty masters who have been killed by a "human" in just two points and only one-third! ?

At this moment, a heavy armor soldier in the black armor suddenly looked hoarsely and shouted:

"Want to live! Come to us! As long as this magic can be completed, this guy can disappear here!"

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