Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 237: Stone house under the bone

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"Who is this little guy? How did he get here?"

Faced with questions from life and death old friends, Baird Jones solemnly removed the bone helmet from his head, revealing an extremely handsome face, and then placed the bone helmet on the armor rack at the door while answering Road:

"I don't know how he got here, only that his human name is 'Wright', but when he was first discovered, this mysterious guy appeared in the form of an ancient flame demon, and the rest are unclear. Oh! By the way, I have checked that he is a real human being, otherwise the "world seed" which contains powerful positive energy of life will directly burn him to ashes! "

Zhang Yang didn't expect that he had such a meaning when he let himself eat the seeds of the world tree! So Zhang Yang's gaze to Baird Jones inevitably has a trace of dissatisfaction.

"Haha! Just make sure it's human! For so many years, I have dreamed of Orlando's current situation! How is the French Empire? Looking at your appearance, should you be a Frenchman ?! Tell us about it soon! !!! "

The man with the short hair who opened the earliest at first looked the most cheerful, and even though he was not familiar with Zhang Yang, he asked him impatiently, holding him by the stone table.

"Ardell! You tycoon! How many times have I told you! The etiquette of the Knights! Do you understand the etiquette! I have emphasized at least a few hundred years !!! Oh, sorry, my name is Alger, hold it The name in your hand is ... "

"Haha! Come on! Alger! After so many years, from life to death, my habit can't be changed! My name is Yadal! It was once the captain of the charge of the Knights of the Pride of France! Alger was the guardian knight , And Baird used to be a long rider! Well! Now we know! You can talk about the current situation of the French Empire and Orlando !! "

Zhang Yang had already seen their thoughts about his hometown, so he did not shy away. He told the three people of the Orlando continent that he knew about the situation ...

"... Has it been more than 1,700 years? I thought it was only a few hundred years ... I didn't expect ... Fortunately! The Orlando continent is still stable, and the **** is still safe ... We ... … No sacrifices in vain !!! ”

After listening to what Zhang Yang said, Yadell suddenly cried with a headache! It turned out that he had a very happy family before his expedition to the Devil Realm. Although his wife was not very beautiful, he was gentle, and the three children in his family, such a long time passed, his thoughts At this moment, finally out of control!

"Ardell ... hey ... Look away! Old friend! Now that everything is gone, it's no use thinking anymore."

Although Al Jie has always been Zou Ran alone, he can understand the pain in his old friend's heart. In the past two thousand years of life and death, he has established a friendship beyond their affection!

Baird knows that what he says is useless now, let him release his emotions, otherwise it will take longer, if the **** in his heart turns into grudge, they will no longer be able to maintain the form of ‘heroic spirit’! At that time, it was good to extinguish the smoke. Once transformed into a wraith, the destructive power would be no less than the devil.

"You don't have to blame yourself, it's not your problem. Yadell's emotions have been suppressed for too long and need to be released. Tell me about yourself, how did you get here?"

Zhang Yang's experience can be said to be too bizarre, just after rebirth, it is enough to make people stunned!

"I didn't expect it! The reason why you passed out at that time was actually this! Lich ... that's really powerful and evil! So how is your left arm now?"

Zhang Yang couldn't explain this question by himself. Now his entire left hand has lost his sense. Although there is no difference on the surface, his internal muscles and bones are now occupied by saturated crystalline life energy! This is great! Although the bright green death energy was completely blocked in the innermost bone, it seemed safe, but it was an indisputable fact that Zhang Yang's arm could no longer be controlled.

"Okay, but just completely unconscious. Maybe it will be better in a while, I don't know."

In this case, even experienced Bayer Jones, who was once a legendary seventh-order legend, could not understand it. But a more important issue made Baird Jones have to say seriously.

"Wright, there is a very important thing you must know. Within the scope of this [Judgment Thunder] magic envelop, the soul will be imprisoned slowly, as long as more than seven days, even if you find a way to leave You ca n’t go out anymore. Because the soul is imprisoned here unconsciously, once it leaves the range of [Judgment Thunder], it will die instantly! Therefore, if you still want to leave, you still have 3 Devil's Day! "

Hearing this, as long as the heart was shocked! No wonder I always feel that there is a mysterious attraction in this place, and I feel like I want to stay. Is this because of the influence of the magic circle? ! Worthy of being called the first magic circle of mankind! This bright and dark trick is really unpredictable!

"In that case, do you know how to get out of here? Didn't you leave a return path for the surviving warriors ?!"

At this time, Yadell had controlled his emotions. After hearing Zhang Yang's question, he said:

"No, the situation has reached the point of complete despair. People have no way to retreat, and the devil is invincible. Not to mention the sacrifice of the" Flanned Pride "Knights into the Devil Realm. Prepare. So this magic circle is flawless! As long as you come in, you ca n’t leave it except death and death! If not, the dozen or so people we left would not stay here for thousands of years. ... "

After listening to this, Zhang Yang felt very helpless. If he had the hope of leaving, how could he possibly see them.

However, when Zhang Yang bowed his head and said nothing, Al Jie, who had never spoken again, suddenly burst out:

"There is no perfect thing in the world, even God is not perfect. The same is true of this magic circle. A dead comrade in the magician once proposed a possibility! But ..."

"you are right?!……"

After a glance at the arrogant look of Alder, Algerton paused and said slowly:

"In the beginning, this magic circle was built on the collapsed space-time tunnel. Although it later became the birthplace of" Judgment Thunder ", it also became a hub! We have studied if we can resist the thunder. The power of punishment can be found through passing there. After all, space has the characteristics of 'recovery'. After so many years, the passage sealed in 'Chilei' should have been restored. Can it be used again? "

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