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The power of Kaineng is very close to that of modern computers, but Titans use their magic and technology to achieve what humans on earth want to do but have not done. By communicating while walking, Zhang Yang roughly understood the ability to open energy. When this kind of pseudo life form is formed, it will absorb the surrounding energy to shape the body, thus affecting its own attributes. If it is in a world of darkness and fire that is more devilish, it will get talents like dark fire.

However, the unique situation in the space maze has shaped the unique energy. It only absorbs the surrounding space energy when it is converted, so the attribute of opening energy turns out to be its rare spatial attribute! Short-distance flashing is her current ability. As for other things, her new body is not yet available.

The most worth mentioning is that Kai Neng turned out to be a female elf! Zhang Yang asked her why she chose women, and Kai Neng's answer was full of longing.

"Women are species that can conceive new life! Our pseudo-life bodies, our greatest wish is to become a real life body. You can have your own independent soul, you can truly feel this diverse world, you can reproduce your own descendants, At this time the most original desire in the universe! "

When Zhang Yang asked how there was only one of her to reproduce offspring, Kai Neng told Zhang Yang that as long as the pseudo lifeforms evolved into real life, then they could go back to the world of Titans and transform a batch of pseudo lifeforms into theirs again. Same race. Such a new species was born.

"The Titans are really amazing. Many of their methods are already comparable to the" God "in the general sense."

Hearing Zhang Yang's sigh, Kai Neng smiled and said:

"In fact, in many planes, Titans are the gods believed by local life. This is not only because of the power of the Titans, but also because they always help life out of ignorance and wisdom. Speaking of it, Titans are indeed the greatest race in the multiverse One, just ... "

"Just what?"

Zhang Yang is very curious about the following in Kai Nengkou's mouth. It sounds as if the Titans are not perfect.

"Most of the Titans are extremely kind and noble, but a very small number of Titans are enchanted by power and go to the darkness. They are called Dark Titans, the most destructive abyssal creatures in the universe, that is The Dark Titans are so powerful. The Dark Titans are extremely powerful. Most of them have powers above the eighth-order epic level. The abyss creatures they make are not only powerful, but also focused on destroying everything. The Dark Titans believe that the universe is Disordered, it should go to the end. That's it, the Titans' biggest enemies are the abyss creatures ruled by the Dark Titans and the greedy and brutal Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. "

Kai Neng's words reminded Zhang Yang of Poseidon's message he saw when he learned the sorrows in deep water. After he told Kai Neng, Kai Neng's expression was full of anxiety.

"Abyssal creatures are difficult to be completely eliminated, because the dark Titans are so powerful. As long as the planes targeted by the abyssal creatures, there is never a doom that can escape destruction. Master, what do you do?"

Zhang Yang has never thought about it so much. He just wants to travel the world of Orlando comfortably. But if the abyssal creatures really come again, will these races in the Orlando plane continue to struggle side by side as they once did? What can he do as a little stranger?

"I don't know, these may not happen in my lifetime, let's talk about it later. Kaineng, we have been walking for so long, how far is it from the exit?"

Realizing that Zhang Yang didn't want to talk about the topic just now, Kai Neng stopped asking. However, Kai Neng thinks of Zhang Yang, because Zhang Yang is not only her owner, but also her creator, like a father. In Kai Neng's soul, there is Zhang Yang's soul imprint, which is one of the things that constitute the source of her life.

"The exit of the Orlando plane is about to come. But master, I think this exit is quite dangerous! The huge magic circle built on the exit of the Star Road in the Devil world almost paralyzed the hundreds of planes in this area. Pathway. Orlando is the closest exit to the Magic Circle. Relatively, the danger here is also greater! I can feel that there is attracting the force of the violent thunder and lightning in the space. Can you change your destination? I know one The relatively safe route only takes about 30 years to return to Orlando ... "

Just hearing this, Zhang Yang has already made a choice. He does not have so many 30 years to spend. Moreover, he has a feeling that this time he will face the Orlando World Export Crisis, which is a rare opportunity for him! If he misses, he will lose a lot ...

"Relax, enable it. We will enter the Orlando plane from this exit! Trust me! I have come across so many difficulties and dangers, and this time I will turn the dangers out!"

"If you insist, okay ... then the exit is very close. It will probably be 10 minutes after Orlando walks with me."

Ten leaks! ? Is this still close? You have to know that Zhang Yang's walking speed is not slow. At least ten leaks on the flat ground must walk about 40 miles away!

Facing the boring and dull space maze, Zhang Yang rarely talked about his initiative and Kai Neng.

"Energy, do you need food?"

"Yeah, master! I'm a creature now, okay! Don't you starve to death if you don't eat food ?!"


"Let me ask an idiot question. So, what food do you need to eat?"

"In this respect ~ usually eat some food with energy, but it seems that when I evolve again, it needs a lot of energy to crystalize. I remember that there should be some in the space ring."

This time Zhang Yang understood that he had seen the objects in the space ring before. The energy crystallization described by Kai Neng should be something like magic core and magic crystal stone, right? I just do n’t know how much she needs ...

"You look so small now, will you grow up in the future? If it's not convenient for you to show up, where do you hide?"

This time Zhang Yang's question seemed to ask Kai Neng. She scratched the cobalt blue hair on her head and thought for a long time before answering ambiguously:

"This? I'm the first elf, okay ?! I don't know very well whether I will grow up, but I know that my strength will become stronger with time. As for the master, you said Hidden problems, I can attach to the virtual space outside the space ring for a short time, and I can hide the space ring! Great! "

"... how does your character seem to have changed a bit?"

"This is normal! This is the performance of changing from a pseudo life form to a life form! This is the growth of the soul and the formation of character! Master, you don't even know this ?! The children of the Titans know it!"

"... Okay, let's hurry ..."

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