Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 270: Undead shadow

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Yuman is only a fifth-level gold junior spiritual magician. He knows very little about the mysterious undead that has disappeared on the mainland for more than 100 years. What he knows now is only from books, so for Yuman couldn't give a definite answer to Li Wei's question.

"I can't be sure, old friend. The power of death is a higher energy different from elemental energy. I can judge it is the limit by the nature of energy. After all, Necromancer and undead creatures on the mainland have been gone for too long. "

"That's too bad! We don't even know what kind of enemies we have to face, and this injury on me is always bad. Now, in addition to letting" Snow Shadow Guard "strengthen the vigilance and hurry up, We have nothing to do ... "

Li Wei's words made Yuman not know how to untie his old friends for a moment. Now the caravan is at least two hundred miles away from the Flange mark, plus this year's very abnormal autumn snowfall, these two hundred miles The road must go at least ten days! However, in addition to Xueying's guards, the number of ordinary guard mercenaries is too small at the moment. When facing enemies that can be 'pseudo-crazed', they are generally difficult to play any role. As for the two Tier 5 masters in the caravan, Li Wei now has a strange injury and has little combat power. As a spiritual magician, he is not suitable for group combat. Both of them in a carriage fell silent for a while. .

At this moment, the sound of the report suddenly came from outside the carriage.

"Admiral Caravan! The battlefield has been cleaned up, and the casualties of the brothers are all set up now. It is time to go!"

Opening the car door and looking at the calm guard who came to report, Li Wei secretly made up his mind that he must bring the caravan back to Flange, even for those who have always trusted and supported themselves!

"Have the injured brothers been put on the carriage? What can you find when you clean the battlefield?"

Li Wei asked habitually, careful and rigorous habits have been integrated into his daily behavior.

"Relax! The merchants voluntarily freed up enough places to place the wounded. There is nothing to clean up on the battlefield except for some better weapons. The pus formed by the strange enemies' deaths can even corrode quickly Drop the whole leather armor! We can hardly find a clue about this. "

"Well, you have worked hard. Let everyone go!"

The guard was about to turn around and leave after saluting, but he seemed to suddenly think of something and turned back and said:

"Oh, lord! 'Xueying' told me that a newly added mercenary named Wright said that these enemies are likely to be eroded by the magic of the undead. He also checked all the bones. I think maybe Found something. "

Hearing this, Li Wei and Uman suddenly became interested. They still remember the strange mercenary who joined only yesterday, but did not expect him to find something. So Li Wei quickly said:

"How many enemies did that Wright kill? Where is he now?"

"It is said that he shot six or seven enemies alone and was a strong archer. I remembered seeing him at the place where the Slavic Berserkers gathered when I came."

"Very good! Inform the caravan to set off immediately and increase vigilance. By the way, let Wright come to see me!"



After the war, Zhang Yang was valued and commended for killing six enemies. There are few ordinary guard mercenaries who can kill enemies. Even one person like him kills six. You have to know that even among the "Snow Shadow Guards" who are above the third-order black iron on average, there are many people who did not kill Zhang Yang more than Zhang Yang.

According to the rules of the caravan, if you kill a second-tier enemy, you will get five gold coins. If you kill a third-tier enemy, you will get 25 gold coins. The price of the fourth-tier quasi-strong will exceed 100 gold coins. The number of one hundred and twenty-five gold coins! The fifth-order strongman is 625 ...

It is said that the enemies below the second rank only give 50 to 80 silver coins, so Zhang Yang won a total of 25 gold coins. In this way, every enemy that can be pseudo-crazed is counted as a second order! Is this also a way to boost morale?

At the moment, Zhang Yang looked at Zayoke, who was still excited about the bandages on his abdomen and left arm, but he was helpless, but it was only ten gold coins. So excited? And it is said that Zayoke was injured because the guy rushed to the front as soon as the battle started. But this is also something that can't be helped. Looking at the surrounding Slavic fighters from almost all local wounds, we know that by this time, they can't control the blood and the kind of forward rush at all ...

"Don't be so desperate, at least when you charge, see if your comrades are with you, otherwise you will die and no one will collect you."

Facing Zhang Yang's concern, Zayoke was just a smirk. Ten gold coins are not much to Zhang Yang, but for Zayoke, who lives on a remote snowfield, the money is enough to buy a decent outfit.

As he said, a distant herald soldier ran to the side on a wildebeest, but he stopped a few breaths before Zhang Yang.

"Which is Wright ?! The caravan master tells you to see him! The caravan is about to leave, and the others are ready!"

The messenger seemed to be too busy, and after he had finished speaking hurriedly, he ran to the rear of the team. This made Zhang Yang a little puzzled. Could it be that he had absorbed the energy of the undead? It should not be, otherwise it is not as simple as a herald, maybe it is a matter of the side. Simply saying hello to Zayoke, Zhang Yang walked towards the carriage where the caravan captain was.

At this time, the huge Kia caravan had already set off again. After this battle, the merchants felt a little frightened. What are the most feared businessmen going out? One is not to make money, and the other is that my life is not guaranteed. If my life is gone, what is the use of money?

Looking at the merchants next to me with a frowning face and fear, Zhang Yang could only sigh helplessly. I hope this attack is just an accident. If his guess is true, then ...

"Hello! You are Wright? Lord Caravan is waiting for you in the carriage! Come with me!"

Thanks to the young guard, Zhang Yangla drove the door and entered the caravan of the caravan captain. This carriage is nearly half larger than the average carriage from the outside, and the space inside is nearly ten square meters in size. This place is enough for four or five people to sit down and talk easily.

"I heard that you are looking for me? Your Captain, Captain."

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