Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 328: Encounter the French slaves 5

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Different strengths and realms have led to different perspectives.Although people are born with a completely equal relationship, from the moment they were born, the birth experience has made people have a huge difference.Since then, In the beginning, up and down, strength and weakness, good and bad, and other kinds of people have unknowingly divided people into various levels.

Just like this at the moment, with the strength and knowledge of Salanal, it can be seen that Zhang Yang shoots these three arrows powerfully, but this does not mean that other people can also feel it. Therefore, until Salanal's sword is cut, The mustache swordsman found something wrong. Before Saranar stood in front of him on the right, Moustache thought that the opponent would not attack himself first. He did n’t judge the opponent ’s goal until the three arrows approached. So the mustache swordsman did not take these feather arrows to heart, and not to mention that there is a master of the third-order black iron summit such as Deputy Captain Saranar in front of him, even if his strength is worse, it is false. Isn't a third-tier black iron junior player? It's just a few feather arrows, and the speed is not very fast. How much threat can it have?

However, the facts are not as simple as the mustache swordsman thought. When Saranar's interception of a sword fell, the mustache swordsman's heart suddenly raised two questions in addition to surprise!

The deputy captain of Salanar did n’t let me deliberately release water? Or were these three seemingly ordinary arrows actually not simple? At this moment, there is no more time for the mustache swordsman to think, because the three red arrows The tail arrow has arrived in front of him!

Any kind of creature has a natural instinct to protect the deadly vitals, just like protecting the brain with the hardest skull, protecting the heart with ribs and other internal organs. This is the choice and evolution made for survival. Similarly, In the face of danger, creatures will subconsciously protect the deadly parts. In this regard, even undead creatures. Of course, most of them do not have a brain and heart. The fire of the soul is their most important core.

Zhang Yang's three arrows are extremely tricky. He has been running to the door, and the second is straight to the heart, but the third arrow is straight to the root of the thigh, which is the position of the hip bone! This shooting method is extremely obvious to the master. That is to use the arrow going straight to cover, Zhang Yang's real goal and killing trick is the third arrow that finally hits the hip bone inconspicuously!

It stands to reason that these three positions are almost in an arc, it seems that this mustache swordsman only needs to swing the sword to make a slash or a beautiful arc of upswing to be able to cut them together.However, these three The speed of the feather arrows is not exactly the same, they are exactly half the arrow position before and after!

Don't underestimate the distance that is less than half a meter, because of this, even if the mustache swordsman suddenly played superbly, he successively flew the two arrows in front, but he was helpless against the damaging third arrow. There was a burst of blood! A mustache swordsman had shot a red-tailed arrow at the base of his right thigh!

"Huh ~! My legs !!"

Although Zhang Yang was so weak at this time that he could not penetrate the hips of the mustache swordsman, this arrow still scored a few points and hurt his muscles. It was difficult to travel on the North Snowfield, and the injury was almost instantaneous. Go to the action ability of the mustache swordsman!

"It's so **** awesome! It seems that I was a little underestimated before you, Zhu Lu ...."

Saranar looked at his subordinates who were struck down by the arrow, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It was enough to describe the word 'skin smile but not laughed'! If anyone is familiar with Saranal, you know, Whenever such a smile appears, it means that he is really angry, and once Saranar is angry, he needs blood donation and life to extinguish ...

Huh ~ huh ~

Zhang Yang, who issued these three arrows, is not easy at this time. This longbow is indeed a good weapon, but the problem is that he does not have enough power to use it at this time. In the weak state, he found that the three arrows he just shot have reached the limit. Now, in the current state, you can only pull the bow once again in a short time.

(What should I do ?! There are only more than 50 meters away from the enemy, but there are still two difficult guys ... What should I do ...?)

"Wright, please take Passat away! Me and Lentu will stop them! Now if we don't leave, none of the four of us will be able to leave!"

When Zhang Yang was anxiously thinking about how to defend the enemy, Chafers with an arrow in his leg seemed to have made a decision and suddenly shouted.

"What are you talking about ?! How could we leave you both alone and escape ?! Even if I die, I can't feel at ease! Don't say anything, I won't leave! Wright, you are interesting to us, but After all, you are not the people on our snowfields, there is no need to die with us, let ’s go! If you do n’t go, it ’s really too late! ”

Looking at Passat sideways, Zhang Yang suddenly asked:

"Are we friends?"


"Then I have no reason to leave my friends and run away alone?"

Seeing that the enemy on the opposite side was approaching again, Passat suddenly took out a delicate silver knife from his arms and stuffed it with Zhang Yang, anxiously said:

"This is an inheritance in our village. It can't fall into the hands of the gang of slaves, Wright, take it to the Xueyuan people to help, so that you can save us! If you are all caught I ’m really hopeless! Wright! I ’m begging you !! "

Holding this hand with a body temperature, a simple silver dagger with a shell of less than ten centimeters, Zhang Yang has nothing to say for a time. Passat is right, if he is caught, life and death are really not in his grasp. Too.

"Passat ... Chaffers, Lentu, I Wright assure you, I will definitely save you from trouble !!"

At the end of the speech, Zhang Yang, who was full of helplessness and anger in his heart, shot an arrow at the approaching enemy.Although this arrow was severely attacked by Salanar, they were slowed by a line. After sailing for thousands of years, they came to Xueyuan to 'find money', and died here, they had nothing.

Seeing that the enemy was less than 50 meters away from him, Zhang Yang no longer hesitated, turned around and ran to the rear. At this time, the three Passat talents were surprised to find that this guy named Wright, running on the snow, seemed to grow more than them. The Slavs on the snowfield are more skilled! Who is he? How many hidden things are hidden?

However, half a minute, Saranar and the remaining double-blade warrior came to the three Passat. Looking at the nervousness of the three, Saranal grinned and said to the double-blade warrior. :

"The three hogs will be given to you. I'll see if the kid who dares to fight me can run out of my palm! Huh!"

"Go dream! You will be killed by him! You **** robbers, executioners! Neither of you can die !!"

Passat was excited with a short spear. Although she was angry, she could clearly feel the gap between her and the enemy. Without saying anything else, it would be known from the faint light of the fighting on the swords of the two men. But even so However, Wright's words just now still have a convincing power.As he said, it must be true, and what he promised can be done!

Hearing Passat's words, Salanaar suddenly withdrew his footsteps, and then his head slowly made a noise:

"Don't worry, wait for me to get the kid back, and then clean up together. Don't cry your nose when the time comes! Ahahaha !!"

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