Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 340: The true face of the shadowslayer

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"Huh ~! Huh ~! Are you a monster? All my magical power is consumed on you! Really ... I really ..."

Padru doesn't know what to say, should he say "I really shouldn't treat you"? So let's not say that Padrulu's weak paralysis sitting next to him can only sigh, Zhang Yang and him are two completely different feelings !!

How many days? In the end, how many days have been tortured by that overloaded body ?! In Zhang Yang ’s feeling, these days seem to have passed for a year! Although it has not been completely restored to its best state, even at this time The load is still 120%. But as long as it is no longer more than 200% overload, then it can be regarded as a great boon for Zhang Yang! According to his natural recovery rate, it only takes about one day after he You can return to the normal state, so as to completely get rid of the impact of the weak state on him!

Not only that, even at this time, his recovery in combat power is not a little bit! In addition to the fact that his right hand is temporarily unable to recover, Zhang Yang's strength, speed, resilience and other qualities have been restored to the level of second-level bronze primary ! This is much stronger than before when it was weakened by more than 90% and even ordinary people can't compare with it ...

"I'm terribly sorry for using up your magic all at once! But this is too much help for me! Thank you sincerely! Padru! Believe me, you definitely made a right choice!"

"... you're welcome!"

Although he said so, Zhang Yang still saw too much unhappiness and far-fetching from Padru's face. But this is irrelevant, the most important thing now is to rescue those Slavs who have been arrested!

"Be careful yourself!"

After Zhang Yang left such a sentence, he turned around and sprang out. Where is the speed improvement compared to the previous one? ! At this time, he already had enough power to exert his previous skills, so when Zhang Yang picked up a scimitar from the ground and rushed into the battle circle, but after a few strokes, Zhang Yang killed a third-order black Iron Junior Slave Warrior!

(It seems that my magic is not completely in vain, except that the [Ancestor Healing] has the best effect on the sequelae of madness, and does not have the power to enhance the combat power! So, this person has been crazy before Can't it be done ?!)

Carter's eyes have been killed, and he is a humanoid chariot after crazy! Even if the mutant monsters summoned by the raiders have seven or eight times the power of ordinary people, they can only persist for a moment in front of the mad Carter. If it weren't for the Shadowslayer from time to time to release some [Shadow Arrows] and [Dark Orb] to interfere, I am afraid that the mutant monsters would have been cut by Carter and others.

Chopped! That's right! Berserkers don't use grudge, they are warriors who fight by body and strength! Corresponding to their own powerful defense and recovery, the power of the high-level mad warriors can only be described as horror! They generally use weapons such as giant axe and heavy hammer, so if they are hit by them, even those enhanced monsters will become a pile of debris after being hit a few times!

"It's a troublesome guy! You asked for it! Come on! [Fusion Monster] !!!"

Seeing that the mutant monster he transformed was not an opponent of Carter and others, and just now Cove had some of his slaves running away with his remaining hands! This caused the fury in the shadow grabber's heart to climb to the top! Therefore, he was no longer able to maintain the disguise under the anger, and when the magic was released, the shadow raider finally showed his true face! !

"Damn! What monsters are these ?!"

When Zhang Yang rushed to kill three members of the slave squad, a disgusting feeling from the bottom of his heart instantly attracted the sight of everyone nearby to the location of the shadow grabber. I saw that the black robe outside the shadow raider had cracked. At this time, what appeared to people was an ugly creature covered with fine black scales and numerous small horns! This monster is three meters tall. A large mouth covered with tiny teeth can reach the ears. It is slender and thin. A pair of golden pupils is full of cruel eyes watching everyone present!

"Jian Jie! It's an honor for you humble humans! Once again you can see the honor of Master Makalite's avatar! It's just that it costs a lot of money, let me die! Jie Jie !!"

"Not good! This guy is a demon warlock! Envoys !! Stop it from casting spells !!"

Zhang Yang was still more than 20 meters away from the demon at this time. Except for the bow and arrow, he had no other means of attack at the moment. However, as soon as Zhang Yang's voice fell, the magic of the demon warlock called Makarit was released!

"[Shadow Bondage] [Dark Armor] [Dark Control] !!!"

The mid-level dark magic released by three successive spells fully demonstrates the cunningness and power of this demon! The nonsense just now is to buy time for it to cast a spell! ! This is good, the first released third-order dark magic [Shadow Bondage] suddenly entangled all creatures below the third-order black iron level. The second fourth-order dark magic [dark armor] has formed a layer of energy protection layer like a lock mist coat in its shape, and the third fourth-order magic [dark control] is even more terrible, this demon actually passes the shadow Combined with dark elements and magic, control three mad warriors with the strength of about 4th level! Coupled with the huge monster beside it that had just been fused by the mutant monster, it was more than seven meters high, and it was ugly and scary, it was not easy to cause trouble. Zhang Yang's heart suddenly shuddered!

This is good, the form happened again at this time ***! The Slavic chasing regiment fighters who had the advantage just now, when facing the large group of monsters under the condition of being restrained, some of them suddenly became more and more rare!

"Just try to contend with me ?! Little Carter, did you forget how the fifth-order madman died ?! 桀桀 !!!"

Hearing this, Carter, who was struggling to compete with the surrounding monsters, suddenly paused, and the claws of the two mutant monsters left two deep blood marks on his sturdy body!

(No, no! No! You ca n’t let that happen again! I must kill it to avenge all the dead! Uncle Pat! I can do it! Even if it is dead, stop it! !)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!"

Zhang Yang clearly saw that Carter swallowed a red thing in an instant, and then with Carter's painful roar, he was already in a state of madness and he once again had signs of madness! !

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