Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 402: Li Wei's Xie Li 2

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Zhang Yangyao ’s weapon material cost is not too high. Take a one-handed sword as an example. If it is cast into a fourth-order silver-level weapon that can be embedded with a magic core, then this weapon must be added with expensive Mithril, Counting the arrangement of the magic core, the magic pattern and the magic array, the cost of such a one-handed sword is about two thousand gold coins.

In contrast, if made according to Zhang Yang's requirements, such a one-handed long sword only needs to add black iron to increase the strength to meet the requirements, but the weight of black iron is almost five times the same volume of ordinary steel! Weapons made entirely of black iron can only be used by those races with great talents. At least humans are difficult to control. After all, if you can kill an enemy with a Pakri heavy weapon, why do you have to choose five Pakri? Heavy weapons to waste power?

As we all know, except for the extremely rare real silver, the texture of other single metals is not as strong as alloys. Therefore, the weapons cast according to Zhang Yang's requirements are only made of black iron mixed with a certain proportion. Because the value of black iron is a hundred times cheaper than that of Mithril and only slightly more expensive than ordinary metals, Zhang Yang is not polite this time, and actually let Li Wei customize five weapons for him!

A one-handed broad sword with a blade width of about one and three meters; a double-edged axe with an axe surface almost catching the size of a shield; a heavy chopper used by a cavalry; a blade half a meter long and more than two full-length The last piece of Mi Guowu's sword-blade gun is Zhang Yangte's drawing of a two-handed giant sword made by Li Wei! The style and size of this giant sword are completely drawn according to the 'Sword of Forbidden Demon' in the ring of Zhang Yang's space. You must know that Zhang Yang's eyes are greedy for the sword of forbidden demon for a long time, but this weapon is not only too heavy, but also contains the seal The power of the soul is not something he can bear now.

However, his previous experience made Zhang Yang understand that if he is not familiar with this heavy and huge weapon in advance, he will be able to use it as soon as he gets stronger even if he becomes stronger in the future. Therefore, Zhang Yang decided to imitate a "Sword of Forbidden Demon".

These five weapons are all specially made according to Zhang Yang's requirements, so it takes about fifteen days to complete the production. Li Wei told Zhang Yang that the Kia Caravan had a station in Bross City, where there was a lot of materials to make weapons for Zhang Yang. Not only that, Li Wei also customized a set of armor of the same material for Zhang Yang. In fact, Li Wei ’s shrewdness had long guessed that Zhang Yang ’s customized black iron equipment should have a special reason, but he did not say it clearly, just told Zhang Yang to Just go to Kia's station to find him.

Things basically settled like this, because the changes in the Slavic Kingdom exceeded everyone's expectations, Ingir must take the Kia caravan back to Bross City as soon as possible, so when Li Wei woke up, the team decided to be at noon today To leave the town of rose flower.

Temporarily bid farewell to Li Wei and the magician Yuman, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered what Man Zhu said on the way back. She had specifically instructed Zhang Yanglin to go to the Rose Flower Town Pub to find her before leaving, but Man Zhu didn't say exactly what happened. In Zhang Yang's opinion, it is about saying goodbye to each other, but when Zhang Yang came to the tavern, not only Man Zhu was already waiting for him there, even Pastor Li Ang was there!

"Wright, here ~!"

Seeing Zhang Yang enter the house, Manzhu raised his head lazily and waved to him. At this time, but in the morning, there was no one in the tavern except for their table. It wasn't until Zhang Yang sat down that Manzhu sat up slightly, sipped the fruit wine and said:

"I heard that the Kia Caravan will leave and return to Bros. City in the afternoon?"


"Then you have decided to go to the Bros. City Mercenary Trade Union to find someone to release the task?"

"Let's talk about it again. After all, I don't know much about the remuneration of mercenaries here. I just plan to take a look first."

"Hmm ~! I think you think so too. It's better than that, you always want to go to Shenxing Lake. How about you take us with me?"

Man-zhu's words caught Zhang Yang a little caught off guard. He had originally wondered if he encountered a mercenary team that was on the way to perform the task, he might as well join temporarily. If not, as long as he is sufficiently prepared, Zhang Yang should be more careful, and it is not impossible to go by himself. But Manju, a bright priestess who looked very weak, grew up in the greenhouse. If she makes three shorts and two shorts on the road, Zhang Yang will feel guilty. After all, in his opinion, Manzhu wants to go with him, at least one reason is for his sake.

Don't know that Manju and Li Ang are not high-level, but around the city of Bros, they can already be regarded as relatively advanced members of the Light Temple. After all, there are only a handful of people with magical talents. The number of spellcasters in the French Empire is only about one-thousandth of that of the warlords, and most of these people are not worried about no one to support. Very few. Otherwise, a large caravan such as the Kia Caravan will not have a Bright Priest or Bright Rite in a caravan.

Therefore, if Zhang Yang can bring Manzhu and Li Ang to the mercenary trade union to recruit people, the number of candidates will be countless! If you want to go out and take risks, complete the mission, but you can spare yourself to make money! If everything goes well, in case of any damage, you can only barely save yourself on weekdays. If the minor injury is okay, just go back to the city and recruit people for treatment. However, if the injury is serious, it is likely to be taken in one life. In the same way, if there is a priest of light and a priest of light in the team, if the mercenaries have removed their worries, as long as they are not killed on the spot, they will not be afraid of being injured.

"... You don't want to take risks, there are many other unknown dangers besides Warcraft in the deep forest. If you go, I'm afraid it's safe ..."

Zhang Yang still didn't want the two to follow. If they were brought with him, he added a lot of responsibilities, not to mention, and he would be a bit handicapped. After all, Zhang Yang is quite proficient in jungle warfare. When he is fully prepared, he can run away if he is confident that he can't beat it. This is not what Man Zhu and Li Ang can do. However, before Zhang Yang's words were finished, Manzhu interrupted him.

"I know you are worried about the safety of the two of us, but you should be clear that the continent has started to mess up again, and seeing the coming of the two months, the Slavic kingdom has changed dramatically. At this time, if we can get some exercise in advance, Afterwards, I will be calmer even if I run into danger again. My teacher once said that the bright sacrifices like us, the harder it is to practice and the harder it is to be promoted again. This is because of the lack of discipline. So for me The teacher also agreed and supported her decision. Now I will wait for Wright's words, do you want to take us? "

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