Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 412: Mysterious Mission 1

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If the previous words are used to describe a beautiful woman, then this woman can definitely be regarded as a rare beauty. The problem is that it is a man who grows up like this! This is a bit crippling.

Perhaps it was because I saw more such mixed visions of surprise and collapse. The man with a variety of smiles just smiled lightly and ignored it at all. However, his smile was so sweet that Li Ang, a serious young man, suddenly blushed!

(This product looks a little bit outdated ?! Was it the wrong gender when you were born! You grow up like this, why are we sisters like this ~ !!!)

Man Zhu vomited a big groove in her heart unconsciously, and did not blame her for collapse. Based on the beauty and charm, she is a hundred percent original woman who can't beat the young man in front of her! It's really against the sky! It was at this moment that the ‘beauty boy’ spoke, and the voice was soft and sweet and it was natural and unpretentious! God! This turned out to be a natural false girl!

"Several guests, please feel free to take a look at it. The" Bronze Weapon Shop "is the old name of Brosstown. The weapon armor here is carefully crafted by Master Joey. Of course, if a few need higher quality weapons You can also personally ask Master Joey to customize it. "

After listening to the hypocrisy, even Zhang Yang felt a little bit crisp.

(I ’m really lucky. I can encounter such a superb item at any weapon shop, no! No! I came to the blacksmith who issued the mission according to the mission instructions. Is this a weapon shop? He opened it? The client is the "Master Joey" in the mouth of this fake mother ?!)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang had to speak, but he didn't think there was anything disgusting about the pseudo-girl in front of him. On the contrary, the pseudo-girl seemed to make people feel natural, without any pretentious place. It's just that for a man to be born like this, Zhang Yang feels a little awkward.

"We just received an **** job at the mercenary union. As usual, we came to say hello to the employer in advance. Of course, if your shop's weapons are really good, I wouldn't mind picking two for temporary use. "

"Oh, so, wait a moment, I'll go to the forging room in the back and ask Master Joy to come out."

Politely put this sentence down, the pseudo-girl turned her head and walked into the door behind her. It wasn't until now that Li Ang had slowed down. He was really angry and embarrassed at this moment. He didn't say a word at all, and sat down on the side stool beside him. Manzhu received the education of the temple since he was a child, so he wouldn't open his mouth to tell other people's gossip. At this time, Zhang Yang just quietly poured out time to carefully observe the weapons in the shop.

Leaving aside the weird ingredients in this shop, Zhang Yang suddenly found that most of the weapons and armor made here were relatively good. There were fine lines all over the swords, Zhang Yang knew that these were all struck out at once. In general. Compared with smooth and shiny weapons, this type of directly forged weapons are much better in toughness and strength. In addition to the lack of good looks, they are deeply loved by insiders.

After a rough look, Zhang Yang quickly looked at a heavy metal bow, a thickened wide-edged sword, and a set of twelve non-reflective stainless steel flying knives. Because Zhang Yang wanted to hide the fact that he possessed space equipment, in order to carry these weapons, Zhang Yang chose another thick leather breastplate with nearly 20 weapon positions. In fact, this piece of breastplate is a set of equipment with that set of stainless steel flying knives. The forge designer who designed this equipment almost calculated the customer's mind, as long as he bought one of this set of flying knives and leather armor, Buying the other one is a sure thing.

It's really interesting. This flexible mind and concept is much more advanced than most of the businessmen Zhang Yang has seen in Orlando. This alone made Zhang Yang have a strong curiosity about the owner of this weapon shop.

After about a very leak, as the forging sound behind disappeared, Zhang Yang heard the footsteps of the two people coming from the direction of the forging room behind. Until Zhang Yang turned to look at the door, a sturdy old man with two moustache appeared in front of several people, accompanied by the pseudo-mother.

"I'm sorry to keep a few waiting, I'm Joey, this is my grandson Millais. Only Millais has told me that you took over the task I posted at the mercenary union, but I don't know the three are now Come, what's the matter? "

Hearing the old man's question, Zhang Yang simply followed a common greeting etiquette for mercenaries, and then calmly said:

"Because we go to Shenxing Lake and have our own things to do, we venture to come and just want to confirm whether the tasks are in conflict. If it is convenient, please ask the master to explain the details and routes of your posted tasks."

"Oh? I'm so lucky! I didn't expect to see mercenaries who follow the tradition of the mercenary world in this era. I am already very satisfied with only this point!"

The mercenary industry, like other industries, has its own rules of conduct from the beginning of its establishment. This is not only the conditions and constraints established on the monetary transaction contract, but also the code of conduct and bottom line for mercenaries to do things. Reputation, respect, honesty, and courage are the core ideas of the mercenary tradition.

However, with the passage of time and time, there are fewer and fewer mercenaries following this tradition. In the view of some people, only those who still follow the tradition of the mercenary industry can be called mercenaries, and the rest It is no different from adventurers and even thieves.

Joey happily touched his two beards on his mouth. He really liked the steady mercenary in front of him. Even if he specially praised him just now, this man did not show the slightest impetuous expression. Now Joey is almost certain that the mercenary who didn't know where he came from was not pretending. If this is the case, then the task of releasing yourself for ten years should finally be completed?

"There is something I need in Shenxing Lake. Your task is to **** me through the deep forest from here to Shenxing Lake. If it succeeds, I will tell you the rest. Of course, this difficulty is already It is beyond the original mission, so if you can continue my mission, I am willing to build a Tier 3 weapon for you for free! How about? Interested? "

Although Joey already recognized Zhang Yang very much in his heart, the connection of that thing was so great that he decided to keep his secrets for the sake of safety. If he can really go where he is, he will never say too late.

Tier 3 weapons can already have an effect of increasing the grudge. In general, a senior Tier 4 silver level strongman uses only a Tier 3 weapon! Therefore, a third-order weapon that suits you is definitely worth more than 1,000 gold coins! even more!

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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