Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 422: Yaoyang Beidou 2

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In fact, the information left by Zhang Yang is very simple. The contact point he left with the mercenary union is the Beidou College Library. Therefore, after the **** task signed with Fox was completed, the next day Neil Jelena only received an **** task with a reward of 80 gold coins and hurriedly set off.

The merchant who posted this task thought it would be good to hire a dozen-person mercenary squad, so when Neil Jielina led the Lightning Division, the merchant couldn't even believe it was real! It should be known that after the members of Lightning Thunder have been promoted, their strength is already comparable to that of the medium-sized mercenary regiment. The reward of 80 gold coins is not easy to hire more than 100 people. It is not easy to hire one-tenth of them.

In fact, Neil Jelina took this task only as a piggyback. If you want to calculate it more seriously, the 80 gold coins will be able to meet the consumption and consumption of the group members for a few days. As for profit, Neil Jelina did not consider. It's not that Neil Jielina doesn't care about money. After taking the mercenary regiment for a while, she already knows the significance of gold coins to the team. However, because the previous mission was extremely dangerous and difficult, Fox later compensated a large number of gold coins for these participating mercenary groups. Because of the largest number of thunderbolts and the outstanding performance of Neil Jielina, Fox directly gave her 5000 gold coins as a gratitude. This income is comparable to the income of the ordinary medium-sized mercenary regiment for one year.

It is for this reason that Neil Jielina can be rich and capricious once. Because of the terrain, Warcraft activities in Ladovia are frequent, compared to less thieves. Most of the caravans used mercenaries to hire mercenaries only to deal with the Warcraft encountered along the way, so because of the large number of people, Neil Jielina and the people of Lightning Thunder arrived almost without encountering several attacks along the way. .

Looking at this city, which exudes a strong mercenary atmosphere, Neil Jelena can hardly restrain her excitement!

(How long? How much time has passed? I finally want to see Lord Wright again!)

Because it is impossible to bring the Hundreds of people into the Beidou Academy, Nier Jielina instructed Bini Luke to lead the group members to arrange the residence, and they can freely pick up tasks here, even fixing 20% ​​of each character to give For the mercenary group, Neil Jelina has temporarily adjusted to 10%! This time the interest of the mercenaries suddenly increased. The ratio of the thunderbolt mercenary group was 30% -50% of the other mercenary groups. The adjustment of the mercenary group at this moment will allow ordinary mercenaries to make a big profit. A stroke ...

Temporarily aside all the mercenary regiments, Neil Jelena finally sent Allen away, and then came to Beidou Academy alone. Unlike Zhang Yang who led the team to participate in the competition, Neil Jielina did not walk through the tunnel through which the test team passed. She only came to find people, not contestants. But even so, Beidou Academy surprised Neil Jielina who was here for the first time. Inside that huge wall, it is completely like another world. Everyone who enters for the first time will be shocked by the scenery here.

Neil Jelina entered Beidou College at the time of a weekly vacation. Many students arranged their own practice or relaxation on this day. Because of this, in the huge Beidou College, whether it is on the square or the grass There are many more comfortable figures than usual.

A week in the Orlando continent is six days, which means that the six elements of earth, water, fire, wind, light, and darkness rotate in a cycle. In this way, five weeks is exactly thirty days, which is one month. This algorithm has been used for thousands of years, but recently it is said that a novel algorithm has appeared in the Temple of Light in Franks. They have designated a week as seven days. Why this is so, there is no exact explanation.

However, these are just rumors at present, people still use the six-element cycle algorithm: ground sun, water sun, fire sun, wind sun, light sun, and dark sun. Although this name is accurate, it is more troublesome, so now people directly use order instead The element name is abbreviated as Monday, Tuesday ... Saturday.

Is Nigelina a beauty? This question is actually very easy to answer. When she appeared in Beidou College, both male and female students would unconsciously put their eyes on the woman with lightning scars on her face. Compared to these professionals who have always been in the academy, Neil Jelena is not the most powerful. At Beidou College, many 20-year-old professionals have even advanced to the fourth-order silver level, which is already a very good master on the outside.

However, although the level is important, it does not represent everything. At least the kind of temperament formed by Neil Jelena who experienced real brutal battles and killings is something that these academics do not have. So, soon someone approached Neil Jielina to make a conversation.

"Miss beautiful, you shouldn't be a student of Beidou College? You don't know, Beidou College allows the students to fight in the college in order to understand the true survival rules, so not only that, even the robbers can Rob it in the academy! "

"Oh? This is really unexpected."

The person who talked to Neil Jielina is already a third-tier swordsman for the iron senior. He boasts that his strength is stronger than his peers, plus his appearance is white and clean, so his heart is always I think I am charming. At this moment, the beautiful woman seemed to agree with herself, and he was even more proud.

"Of course! This is the famous Beidou College! Every year, I don't know how many strong Tier 4 silver or even Tier 5 gold go out from here! By the way, what do you call this lady? What's the matter with Beidou College? What? I think you are also a professional. Are you here to study? That ’s really a bit of a hassle. To know that there are too many professionals who want to enter Beidou College, but there are only a few talented and lucky ones. To be accepted! You ... "

This man's mouth opened and it was endless. When Neil Jelina first entered the Beidou College, the novelty and shock completely disappeared when he was so disturbed. Neil Jielina is in a hurry to find Zhang Yang, she has no patience to waste time with a guy like this 'small cock', so when this man is still talking, Neil Jielina spoke He was interrupted directly.

"Where is the library of Beidou College?"

"Uh ~ what? Ah! Are you going to the library ?! Say ah beautiful! I'm familiar with that place, and it has become the focus of our Beidou College in the past six months, so, if you can promise me to share with me, Miss At dinner, I will **** you over, how? "

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