Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 433: Ten Player 1

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Niel Jielin's tactics are very simple. The core idea is to concentrate firepower to break each point, but this is easy to say, but it is too difficult to achieve in combat. Under normal circumstances, the defensive ability of warfighters is significantly higher than that of the caster. Take the representative shield warriors, their defensive ability is almost the strongest among professionals. It's extremely difficult for them to hurt their heavy armor. They are the strongest barrier in front of their companions.

Compared with the Shield Warriors, the weapon masters using the Epee are much worse in defense, but as long as they reach the fifth level of the gold level, the weapon masters can also wear heavy armor to fight, then their defense is Second only to Shield Warriors. After the weapon master, the defensive abilities of other professions are ranked in order of rank, and there are knights and swordsmen. The reason is that wearing heavy armor is a great advantage.

Although sword dancers belong to the category of warriors, most of them choose leather armor in pursuit of flexibility and speed. Even a few who value defense are only wearing one more armor or wearing some plate armor parts in key parts. The sword dancer's defensive ability is only slightly higher than that of thieves, assassins and archers, but this also depends on who it is. For all casters in civilian clothes, their defensive power is fairly high.

On the one hand, because of the affinity of the elements, the caster rarely sees objects made of metal. On the other hand, the magician is weak and cannot bear too much weight. Not only that, even ordinary leather armor is rarely worn by magicians. Only the leather armor made of Warcraft leather with natural affinity for magic can be used by the mage.

Neil Jelena's tactics are arranged around this core. Since it is a ten-player battle, Neil Jelina speculates that it is unlikely that the college will only send a single professional to play. The configuration of Sean et al. Is very clear. Even if you do n’t know how to join the two ’s occupations, it ’s ok influences.

Based on this consideration, Neil Jielinna believes that the composition of the hospital team will also be a mixed profession! This is not over yet, because of the existence of Charlotte as a priest, Beidou College will probably also arrange an auxiliary professional in the team. Has the summoning ability been counted?

"Oh, that's not bad! Do you remember the test when we first entered Beidou College?"

"Test? I remember playing a few games, Sean, which game are you talking about?"

Not only was Charlotte curious, but Jason looked at Sean with a questioning expression. Miss Neil Jelina is analyzing the tactics with everyone. What does he suddenly mention about the test?

"Which game is it, the last one we lost! Remember those four tin cans ?!"


How could Jason forget that battle? ! It was those four warriors with two-handed swords that ended their dream of breaking through the four levels. Later, after joining Beidou College, Jason also specifically looked for them, but the four seemed to disappear suddenly, and they could not find it. It was not until some time ago that Sean heard news from the four people. It turned out that they were chosen by a big noble at that Beidou exchange meeting, and they were heavily employed to serve as guards.

"I really want to compete with those guys now! I just don't know if we can deal with ten Epee Warriors? Four of them are so powerful, maybe ten of them will directly fight us into pig heads ?!"

Lanster said the first half of the sentence was very imposing, at that moment Sean even thought that this kid suddenly turned! But after listening to his whole sentence, everyone suddenly shook their heads in unison, Lance was still the Lance, after all, the dog's mouth could not spit out ivory!

At this moment, Neil Jelena really took Lanster's words seriously! I saw her looking at Lanster seriously and said:

"No! You're wrong! If our opponents were just all 10 Epee Warriors, it would be almost impossible for us to win!"

"How is it possible ?! I don't read a lot of books, don't you want to cover me!"

Seeing Lanster's face unbelief, Neil Jelena continued:

"In fact, this is a very simple truth. You just know the configuration of the normal mercenary squad. Except for preparing to participate in large battles on the battlefield, the coordination between the mercenaries has always been a mixed type. Shield warrior, weapon master , Archers, thieves and magicians, this configuration can deal with almost all battles, if possible, the mercenary group will also recruit priests, priests and even druids and assassins to enrich their membership. If all For a single professional, resilience and survivability will be much worse. "

"Hey? It makes sense! Why didn't we expect it ?!"

"But according to you, why did we lose?"

Seeing that Charlotte had the same question marks as Lanster, Jason frowned slightly, and then spoke only two words.


Yes! Half a year ago, Jason was a third-tier black iron epee warrior. Less than a fourth-tier silver level was embarrassed to be called a weapon master. Jason clearly remembered that Ingir went to the personal test. At that time, he was the strongest fighting force in the team. At that time, the attacks of Lanster and Sean could not even pose a threat to each other! If Charlotte could not bless himself [Blessing], I am afraid that he would be knocked down by the four Epee Warriors with only one face?

Jason was doing a great job, and Sean suddenly spoke.

"Miss Neil Jelina, you do n’t have to bother to give us an analysis. I found that you are really amazingly similar to Captain Wright in this respect! You know so much. This arrangement of things like tactical layout means that we ca n’t do it. You still tell us how to fight! "

Listening to Sean ’s words, Neil Jielina rarely blushed. In her view, most of these theories were told to him when Lord Wright rushed, although he later accumulated a lot when he led the group. Experience, but she thinks she still knows too little compared with Master Wright.

Looking at the trusting eyes of several people around, Neil Jielina was moved and happy in her heart.

(Adult's vision is true ...)

"In this case, you are ready as I said next! In fact, this tactic is also mentioned by Master Wright and he said that as long as it is properly coordinated, this tactic can be used to weaken the attack! Even if the level is not enough , Can also defeat opponents. Although I do n’t know what lineup will be sent by the Beidou Academy, but I want to take a graduation exam, should n’t there be a fifth-level gold-level strongman? "

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