Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 435: Ten Players 3

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In any case, the footsteps of Sean and others have now reached the arena, even if the enemy is to be strong, he still has to face it.

Jason and others looked up and saw ten people from the other side of the arena. Most of these people seem to be more than 20 years old. A few even say that they are 30 years old. Less. Because the weapons used by different professionals are different, the other party's occupational distinction is still relatively obvious.

Sean looked in turn and saw the career configuration on the opposite side at a glance. Perhaps because the targets of the hunters are mostly those of Warcraft who do not have much intelligence, so the proportion of heavy armor soldiers in the team of hunters opposite is not high, only one shield warrior holding a huge tower shield And a weapon master wearing a red armor holding an epee.

In addition, there are eight other opponents, in order: a male archer using a longbow, Sean speculates from his longbow's appearance that he may be a professional like a sniper; there is also The archer is a woman in tight leather armour and holding a short bow. It looks like the same number as Lily.

Then there are two male sword dancers with almost the same weapon wear. Seeing their appearance, they should be twins. If they are met in a two-on-two battle, I am afraid that few will be able to compete with them. Yes, after all, there is a wonderful connection between the twins.

Because there are very few magicians who come to Beidou College, there is only a slightly older male magician opposite. Relative to the number of magicians, on the contrary, there are more thieves, and there are as many as three!

"Sure enough, as Neil Jielina said, the other party is a mixed profession! But their level seems to be a little too high ?! Is it something I feel wrong? Like a professional above Tier 4 silver level !? "

Lily's eyes widened at this time, and she was a little bit puzzled when she saw the opponent's level. Lily knows how big the difference is between the third-order black iron and the fourth-order silver, and the previous inherent concept makes her feel that she has little hope of victory.

"Hoo ~! Maybe your feelings are not wrong, at least I think the other party's level is above Tier 4 silver. It's just that since we have come here, if we don't give up hope if we don't fight, I'm afraid we won't do it again in the future What a great achievement! "

"Jason is right! If we make people frighten as soon as they come up, there will be faces to see Captain Wright in the future! Fight!"

Contrary to the problems in the team of Sean and others, the members of the No. 8 Hunter Division, after seeing Sean and Lanster and others, mostly showed contempt. They are too aware of the gap between Tier 3 black iron and Tier 4 silver levels. For professionals, it is almost a qualitative change! In layman's terms, if a professional below Tier 4 silver level is an empty-handed warrior, then those above Tier 4 silver level are warriors with weapons! The gap during this period is not an ordinary tactic that can be leveled.

Seeing that the enemy's strength is so uneven, the magician in the No. 8 Hunter Team raised his right hand to compare with the "three" gesture. This is the secret signal that they usually use between them. "One" is the nearby harassment. The division and the shooter attacked with all their strength; the "two" is the temptation and trap tactics of the three thieves as the core; the meaning of the "three" is to play freely.

At this point, Sean saw his opponent dispersed and rushed to the side quickly, and he was out of the game. The big deal was to lose the game and fail the exam. After all, the average level of the enemy was too high, even if it was lost, it was not a shame. What's more, this tactic is said to be designed by Wright's boss, maybe it can really win!

Thinking of Sean ’s renewed excitement, he only heard him whisper:

"Don't think too much! We must not lose! Find your place according to the previously arranged tactics! Quickly!"

After all, everyone also experienced a bigger scene together. After hearing Sean ’s call, everyone no longer thought of what was there, but immediately arranged the formation according to the previously arranged tactics. The formation given to them by Professor Neil Jelina is divided into three rows, each of which is a few meters apart.

Unlike the time when fighting in the past, Shield Warriors Ryan and Defer did not protect the weak caster but stood in the first row of the team! Not only that, the left and right of the two shield fighters are the weapon master Jason and the sword dancer Millier, and their four fighters are all above the fourth-order silver level, even if they are in frontal conflict, they will not be weaker than their opponents.

In the second row behind the four of them, there was only Sean. His half-tone magic swordsman could be far and near, not only supporting the first row, but also not being instantly knocked down by the enemy who crossed the line of defense. Just right.

The third row concentrated all the long-range pros in the team, Anna the Mage, Lily the Archer, Lanster with the puppet, Medici holding Garfield, and Charlotte holding the magic book.

According to the plan, the mission of the front-row soldiers is not to kill the enemy but to contain as many as possible. Then Sean in the midfield will choose the target of "fire collection". At this time, the magician and the shooter in the rear need the first time Attacking Sean ’s target, without any surprise, the three consecutive rounds of magical blows and feather arrows shot by Lily can solve an enemy at once!

It's just that such tactics have very high requirements for the abilities of the front-row soldiers. Charlotte's Bright Magic Book prestores all third-order light magic [Holy Shield] in order to give the front-row soldiers enough support. In fact, Charlotte has not been able to exert the true power of the powerful equipment of the light magic book. You must know that this light magic book discovered from the ruins is a legendary equipment! The book has a total of 14 pages and can store 14 magic items from level 1 to level 7 legendary level! Each page of it can store a basic light magic!

Unlike general magic scrolls, magic books are reusable equipment. As long as the required magic is released into the pages of the magic book one day in advance, this magic can store an element cycle, which is six days. When it is necessary to release these pre-stored magic, the caster only needs to put in a little mental power again.

The reason why Charlotte can't exert the maximum strength of this light magic book is because this magic book can only store the same level of magic as the user! This makes Charlotte, who has not yet reached the fourth-order silver level at this time, can only store the light-level magic of up to only three levels in the magic book!

Even so, as far as Charlotte ’s third-order black iron intermediate level is concerned, all the mana consumed can only release 6 third-order light magic, but with the light magic book, she is only the magic book at this time. In, you can save 14 third-order light magic in advance! This almost indirectly increased Charlotte's strength to the peak of the third-order black iron level!

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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