Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 440: Arcane Barrage and Ragebreak

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It can be said that the sword of Sean is really a stroke of the gods, not only the enemy did not guess that he had this strength, even the next Jason was shocked by him! When did Sean develop such a "cruel" trick? ! This is a common move, it is simply torture, okay? !

However, it was not a moment of surprise at the moment when the sword dancer ‘opened the middle gate’, Anna and Lily prepared a long-term joint attack and once again showed the final effect!

Because Sean ’s angle blocked Lily ’s vision, Lily could n’t directly attack the target, but she was n’t fighting alone, and most of the magic Anna released this time was for Lily! Unlike the amazing [Arcane Barrage] that was released before, Anna's choice of magic this time is the most representative magic among Arcane Mage: [Arcane Missile]!

Many magic scholars believe that among all kinds of magic, only arcane magic is something that humans have studied themselves, and its initial prototype is just a zero-order magic [hand of the mage]! Legend has it that this magic was invented entirely for the purpose of using it to remotely control dangerous magic experiments, and from the zeroth order [Mage's Hand] to the second order [Mage's Fist] to the third order magic [Arcane Missile] and Tier 4 [Arcane Barrage] and Tier 5 Magic [Burst Missile] and so on, each level of Arcane Magic's level increase is traceable and can be linked layer by layer!

Therefore, it is often said that the Arcane Master who cannot shoot missiles is not a good Arcane Master.

Anna ’s [Arcane Missiles] magic is quite satisfactory. Each [Arcane Missiles] is the size of an adult man ’s fist. These magnificent purple light-emitting missiles drag the same color flame tail, even the most discerning Austrian Masters have to admit that Anna ’s [Arcane Missile] released looks like a textbook perfect!

However, Anna did not release this magic to show her magical appearance. The reason why it looks perfect is that Anna ’s [Arcane Missile] itself has been thoroughly studied, and only a thorough coordination of magic power, mental power and control power will produce this. 'Beautiful' magic! But generally speaking, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. This view is even more magical!

Anna's ability to manipulate this magic is even more amazing! I saw that she released four Arcane Missiles in a row, and these [Arcane Missiles] flew to the enemy with huge arcs drawn from four directions as soon as they appeared, not only that, when they approached the sword dancer , These four [Arcane Missiles] actually used the impact force released by themselves to strike the sword dancer from the ground into the air at a precise angle of a few centimeters!

Even if the sword dancer's grudge skill [Lock Fog Clothing] can reduce elemental damage, the resistance of [Lock Fog Clothing] to this arcane magic that exists beyond the six elements must be much lower. After Anna's four missiles were completely hit, the sword dancer was already dizzy and weak from the impact. As for the successive burst of arrows, Lily not only directly destroyed the [Lock Mist Clothing] outside the sword dancer, but also blasted him into a dark upper body, and was transported away as soon as he landed!

"Brother! I fight with you !!"

It is said that brothers are connected, which is even more true among twins. Seeing that my brother was instantly blown out of the game by a series of blows, life and death were unknown, and the sword dancer's eyes turned red suddenly! I saw that he had completely given up avoidance, and his grudge and speed exploded completely towards Sean! At this moment he was really anxious, even if Milil's two swords drew two blood on his body, he was completely ignored, but this sword dancer brother should not ignore Jason! Just when he rushed not far in front of Sean, Jason, who was seven or eight meters away, screamed rarely:

"[Anger Storm] !!!"

In an instant, I saw Jason's body darkened first. Not only did the light of the external grudge disappear, but even the [Lock Mist Clothing] used before was sucked into the giant sword in his hand by a mysterious force! At this moment Jason ’s shouts had not completely dissipated. I saw a big sword raging in his hand from the top to the bottom, and an eight-meter-long, green and transparent sword gas actually used the way of 'shooting flies. Instantly shoot the sword dancer brother down on the ground and vomit blood!

Seeing this scene, more than half of the audience in the stands stood up suddenly! What is this trick? ! People at Jason's level know that he is just a junior tier 4 silver warrior! As soon as the sword-qi attack appeared, many people with keen senses sensed the huge pressure contained in that attack! That is definitely more than the fifth-level gold level power!

With grudges outside, is Jason the sixth-order purple gold level? impossible! If he is such a strong player, the eighth hunter squad is only a few of the fourth-tier silver-level professionals who are not even enough to fight alone! That being said, Jason must have used the power of foreign objects to make such an attack! Thinking of this, countless people in the field looked at Jason's eyes eagerly, no, to be precise, they looked at Jason's wrathful sword!

"I didn't expect that after seeing 'Silver Dawn' at the last exchange meeting, only half a year later, a legendary weapon appeared in Beidou College. Listening to what he just screamed, I guess this weapon should be called 'Angry Wind' 'Right ?!'

"What's wrong? Old fellow, you are the dean of Beidou College, wouldn't you want to grab the weapon in your student's hands ?!"

"... how is it possible! Just sigh ..."

"Hehe, too, you are such a powerful sixth-level Zijin intermediate warrior who hasn't got a legendary weapon for most of her life. They are not interesting because they hold these little dolls in their hands. "

"... If I can hit you, I will definitely smash your broken mouth!"

"Hahahahaha! Old friend! You still have to step up to the legend! Otherwise, you can only think about it! Haha ~!"

"Huh! I have almost found the legendary weapons on the mainland in the literature, but this anger sword has never been heard. Is it possible that this elf called Jason really came from the elven mainland? ? "

"According to the legend, there seems to be a large number of elves in Shuhai. Maybe after so long, the continent of Orlando and the elven continent will finally communicate again ..."

"A legendary weapon of elves ..."

"Old friend, don't think too much. Which of these legendary weapons' owners was not a legendary strongman? Although it is only held by this group of children, don't forget who will pick her up after Frida's injury. of!"

"... Fording!"

"Yeah ~! That guy has already reached the seventh level of legendary advanced. Maybe in a few decades, he will advance to the eighth level of epic level?"

Speaking of which, Dumbledore and Bourgui sighed in unison, thinking that when the people were still young, they had the opportunity to team up to explore a ruin. At that time, Fording was much younger than their age, but their strength was already Can be equal to them. Fifty years have passed unknowingly now, both Bourgui and Fording are already legendary powerhouses, but Dumbledore is involved in the Beidou Academy, but the level has stayed at the sixth-level Zijin Intermediate level for many years, if there are no surprises If you know ... Dumbledore is 78 years old!

Under the legend, everyone is mortal, but since the mainland has a history, there are no less than one billion people in the world. How many professionals can claim the seventh-order legendary rank?

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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