Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 445: Inside and outside the arena

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"Huh ... I didn't expect to see a legendary Warcraft willing to sign a contract with humans after so long, my old friend Dumbledore, the students you enrolled in this session really lie in the tiger and hide the dragon. This time I will not be willing to let them graduate prematurely, even if I switch to the same decision! "

Dumbledore was so angry that his beard was shaking, which was almost impossible for a powerful sixth-grade Zijin intermediate swordsman. The reason why he is so, on the one hand, he regretted not letting the top three hunters end and fight with Shawn and others. On the other hand, Lanster's behavior really made him angry!

(Fortunately, your kid is not a warrior! Otherwise, you are virtuous, even if you do n’t want to graduate, I will kick you out of Beidou College!)

Although Lanster ’s control of magic and his imagination on that day were impressive, his approach ... even Master Bourgui, who was always open and advocating personality development, was speechless. This kid is too vulgar and too bad!

"Huh! Did you understand? It wasn't all because of the mysterious disappearing Wright! Yes! That guy brought me a lot of genius, but when I ended up, I was so happy that I wouldn't say anything. If you are alive, you have to work hard to find clues about his disappearance! If he is still alive, wait for me to find him. I, I want ... "

Speaking of which, Dumbledore could not speak for a long time, but Master Bourgui next to him asked with a mysterious smile on his face:

"Oh? What would you do if you found him? Wouldn't it be possible to fight with that person ?! You know, not only are you looking for his trail, our Magic Guild is also looking for his whereabouts! You should be clear , What kind of battle happened in the place where Wright disappeared, you still have n’t seen the traces left behind, he should have been fighting with the avatar of the eighth-order strongman at that time! It may be that there is very little coming down, but from the recent news, the man survived! Old friend, do n’t you know what this means? "

"... What else! Isn't it possible that I can't beat him! Huh! Doesn't make sense ... I knew I didn't want you to help him get rid of the curse ..."


For the time being, let go of the two old men who whispered together, not to say, Robbie was not so angry at this time. He is very, very sad now! !

Just when he was raising his sword to attack the beautiful female Austrian mage, a whirlwind that suddenly appeared from under his feet blew his entire person from the ground into the midair of more than two meters high. Robbie found in panic that he could not move his body except his head! In desperation, he looked down, and it turned out that it was the youngest young man who held the cat! !

From beginning to end, the young man holding a fat cat gave people a feeling of 'beating soy sauce'. Who knows that when he actually shot, Robbie, a fourth-order silver intermediate warrior, was scrapped with only one move. '!

If Robbie guessed well, this trick of the young cat holding him should be the fourth-order magic among wind magic [wind binding]! However, if this is the case, the question arises: the fourth-order wind magic [wind binding] is indeed a controlled magic, but in general, the duration of each release of this magic will not exceed half of the leak! Unless the user has power above the seventh-order legendary level, most of the "wind binding" released by the fourth-order wind magician is only about ten to twenty instants!

Robbie was a little dumbfounded at this time. How long has it been since it was first controlled? How could you miss two points? ! But looking at the expression of the young man holding a cat, it was still a relaxed look! Is this guy a legendary wind magician? ! impossible! This setting up Robbie denied it for the first time. If he really has the power of legendary level, I am afraid that with only one magic, the No. 8 hunter unit will fail instantly! Not at the same level!

In fact, any unlucky Robbie couldn't think of it. The true strength of Medici is even just a second-level bronze junior magician! Without the help of the big fat cat Garfield, such a thing as Medici can't even withstand Robbie's punch! However, the fate is so wonderful, because with the help of Garfield, a contractual warcraft with a seventh-order legendary level of manipulation, Medici can not only release all the wind magic of the first to fourth ranks, but even these magics do not consume his own magic. ! Although Garfield after the seal has only fourth-order silver primary magic power at this time, under its control, Medici will not only reduce the cost of releasing all wind magic by half!

At this point, Garfield was lying lazily in Medici's arms. If you don't look closely, I'm afraid no one will find the faint green light in Garfield's eyes! In fact, for Garfield, humans are mostly very weak creatures. If it is not fun itself, and know some secrets of advanced after the legend of Warcraft, I am afraid to be too lazy to mess with Medici and others.

(Originally thought that the guy named Wright had already died with the demon queen's avatar, but I didn't expect that he survived meow !? But it seems that it should be sent to the devil. Meow? I don't know if I can see meow in the future. , Saying that Shuai Miao has n’t been to Devil's World! If you see Wright, you can ask him how to go to Devil's World ...)

Just when Garfield was bored and cranky, Medici and Robbie were happy. (Robby: Whose eye saw me playing ?! Does my look look happy now ?! It has always been the kid playing me, okay !? If you think it's fun to be motionless in the air, why not? Try it with me? !!! By the way !!!)


For the time being, I don't mention how much resentment Robbie felt. (Robby: Grudge your uncle!) The battle between Anna and Jason and the remaining three of the No. 8 hunting unit has started again. (Robby: There are clearly four people left in our No. 8 hunter team !? Am I not a human being ?!% ¥ & ......)

Unlike the one-on-one spectator's imagination to quickly resolve the battle, Anna and others exchanged glances and decided to win one-on-one!

In fact, Millier was already wounded many times. After Charlotte's repeated requests, she had to step back with Charlotte for treatment. After Sean attacked two people in succession at this time, his self-confidence has burst, and he feels that he with steel puppets can definitely handle the last weakest thief! However, when he grinned and wanted to step forward, the archer Lily standing beside him actually grabbed his ear, and then whispered fiercely in his ear:

"You lascivious and frivolous guy! Don't you want to arouse everyone's public indignation today !? Also want to be ashamed and give me honestly to play with my feet behind!"

After saying this, regardless of Lanster's mournful bitter gourd, Lily, the beauty, took two steps forward sturdily and chicly, and then pointed to the thief opposite, shouting loudly:

"Who is that! Yes! Just say you! Miss Ben chose you!"

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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