Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 454: Shen Xinghu

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Although Zhang Yang felt a little uneasy along the way, until they walked out of the deep forest for a day and saw Shen Xinghu with their own eyes, no accidents still happened, but if it is true, the only accident in this trip is Li Ang. Stomach is broken ...

"How many times has Wright told you before! The ecology and species near Shenxing Lake have mutated, and many things can no longer be judged with common sense! As a result, you are still secretly eating fruit! The priest, even diarrhea! "

"I ... hey ... I'm already in pain, why are you still spraying salt on my wound ... You are still a sacrifice of light, do you have sympathy ..."

"I'm so sorry! My compassion was just eaten by a grumpy guy!"


Listening to the fight between Manzhu and Li Ang behind him, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that it was a wise decision to bring Li Ang. Before this, Manzhu always liked to say nothing to Zhang Yang, but because Zhang Yang mostly laughed, so after a long time, Manzhu also felt bored. Now it's better, Li Ang, who is already confused and greedy and lazy, coupled with the character of the hob meat, suddenly became the target of Manzhu's leisure time. Of course, most of the time, Manzhu is still very decent. At least in front of outsiders, she will also retain some face for Li Ang ...

Looking at Li Ang's helpless expression, Zhang Yang decided to save him a little better, thinking he turned slightly and asked:

"This is Shen Xinghu. What I need should be underwater, but how watery are you two?"

Zhang Yang's words really distracted the two of them, but the answers of Li Ang and Man Zhu also made Zhang Yang helpless, because Man Zhu couldn't swim because she was a woman, Li Ang was a dry duck! In the end, Zhang Yang took them both far away from Bross City to Shenxing Lake, is it just a sightseeing tour? !

"It's really lost to you ... In this case, wait for me to go hunting, you can camp here and wait for me. But you must remember that there may be unknown dangers in this neighborhood, if you feel any wind or grass or something is wrong. Place, do n’t wait for me to leave quickly, it ’s important to save my life first! ”

Seeing Zhang Yang's expression was very serious, Li Ang and Man Zhu had no choice but to put away their playful attitude and nodded. As for whether it will be done according to what Zhang Yang said when it is really in danger, then I am not sure ...

After simply tidying up his carry-on gear, Zhang Yang took off his leather armor and cloak, and shirtless with a weapon belt prepared to walk towards the lake.

"Hey! Why don't you say something in advance if you want to take off your clothes! Don't you know there is a lady present?"

Man-zhu is not a bare-chested male soldier. In fact, she has even seen a few brazen female maid soldiers who are bare-chested! However, compared with those guys, Zhang Yang's figure is perfect! Normally, because of the clothes, Manzhu didn't notice anything special. At this moment, when she showed up, she felt a dazzling feeling!

Because of the thunder and lightning shaping, Zhang Yang's body is strong and symmetrical, and because of his cultivation of 'Euge', from the body of Zhang Yang's scars, Manzhu seems to feel a vigorous vitality and wild domineering power Xiang Huiying's feeling! The visual impact that Man Zhu brought to that moment was no less than the allure of jewels for women!

"Ah hey! Wake up! Hey! Hey! If you look again, you will drool! Hey, everyone is already in the water. What are you watching? Hey ~! I didn't expect you to be a lustful woman. ! "

When Manzhu just recovered, she discovered that a pair of fat hands were shaking in front of her eyes, and she heard Li Ang's voice faintly in her ears? Huh? ! Just now ... just now ...! ! !

Suddenly reacting to what he just did, Manju shouted and blushed! Seeing that Li Ang was still talking weirdly in front of her eyes at this moment, Man Zhu actually reached out unconsciously ...

"You die for me!"

"Oh hey ~! I can't swim ~ Hey ~"


Shen Xinghu has a regular circular shape, and Zhang Yang's diameter is about 100 meters. The water quality of this small lake is greenish, and I do n’t know whether it is because of the late evening or something else. There is a faint layer of mist above the water of the entire Shenxing Lake. Looking far from the lake at this moment, this tranquil water reflects the remaining red glow in the sky, which is surprisingly beautiful ...

Zhang Yang Xiulian's "Bite Evil Decision" was born out of the "Deep Water Fight Qi Jue" of the water system Qigong method, coupled with the special constitution of Ere's body, he can not only breathe through the skin without mouth and nose Even on weekdays, the time spent on the shore is much longer than that of ordinary professionals.

In fact, the lake water of Shenxing Lake is very cold. Zhang Yang found that the temperature is only normal at a distance of two meters near the surface of the water. Afterwards, the lower the temperature, the colder the lake. The preliminary estimate is that when the temperature is about ten meters underwater, the water temperature It has dropped to about freezing point! It was at this time that Zhang Yang finally discovered the first creature in this lake-the silver scale saury.

It is said that the blue-scale saury in the deep sea is a very powerful third-order warcraft. This three-meter long body of water-based warcraft is covered with bright blue scales. When they travel to the middle of the sea at a very fast speed When moving, the blue scale saury will naturally produce a layer of [water flow cutting], do n’t look at it is just a third-order water magic, but it is rubbed by this magic when moving at high speed, even the fourth-order water magic [cold Ice Shield] may not be able to completely block! Therefore, in addition to their natural enemy giant pincer shrimp and a few other crustaceous Warcraft in the sea, other Warcraft will not be okay to provoke them.

Although the silver scale saury and their distant relative blue scale saury are only one word in the name, but the strength of the two is really different! Most silver scale swordfish are not even first-order Warcraft, and the best among them can only reach a maximum of second-order. The silver scale saury can no longer use talent magic. A sharp tooth and fine scales outside are their means of attack and defense. If not the speed of the silver saury, it would be a bit distant from the blue scale saury and its vitality and tolerance to the environment Even more extraordinary, I am afraid that this ethnic group has long disappeared into nature.

(It is even more difficult to find the star-spotted water snake in such an environment. Having said that, does the star-spotted water snake really like the divine Warcraft? Why have I been down for so long that I have not seen one What? Is it too early?)

At this moment, I was thinking randomly. Unconsciously, Zhang Yang had dived into the bottom of Shenxing Lake for more than 100 meters. The water temperature here has dropped to about 30 degrees below the freezing point, but looking down from here, it is still a black paint. Can't see the end. At this time, Zhang Yang didn't realize that there was any danger in his perception. In addition, the star-spotted water snake never appeared, so Zhang Yang decided to continue down. He would like to see how deep the Shenxing Lake is. Is the bottom of the lake true? There is a meteorite!

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