Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 476: Birth of the Soul Guardian

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Because of the relationship between Kobe's predecessor level, the Terna people selected a fourth-order fighter to prepare for occupation, but before that, Zhang Yang had to deal with it first.

Even if Kobe ’s death is not long, but after his soul dissipates, there will naturally be a trace of death force in the body. Even if these death forces are generally not enough to make human corpses into undead creatures, but For the soul of the Terna who is about to display the skill of [occupying], it is still a serious obstacle.

I saw Zhang Yang put his hand on Kobe's chest, and at the same time, he ran the "Euresis" to absorb the power of death. When Zhang Yang raised his head to complete, as the soul of the Terna warrior suddenly shone, dragged together The purple light of a few afterimages suddenly rushed into the body of Kobe on the ground!

However, Zhang Yang's luck seemed to affect the others around him. Just as Zhang Yang and Oujira waited quietly for the result, Kobe's closed eyes on the ground suddenly opened together! Different from what Ojira said to Zhang Yang, Kobe's eyes were dark red at this time!

"Not good! Lord! This is a sign of failure when [occupying] corpses and undead! I'm afraid this corpse is no longer usable!"

Hearing the disappointment from Magcha, Zhang Yang also felt a little sorry, but at this moment when he remembered each other's many characteristics of his power of thunder, he decided to let it go!

(If the power of thunder and lightning can break all the characteristics of energy, then slowly injecting electricity into Kobe ’s body as in [Thunderbolt Resuscitation] should work?)

Thinking of Zhang Yang did not raise his hand here, with the control of the soul in his body, a trace of extremely weak thunderbolt force followed Zhang Yang's hand on Kobe's chest and directly passed into his body! Kobe's body suddenly spontaneously spasmed involuntarily! Although this power is only a trace for Zhang Yang at the moment, its strength is still close to the limit of humanity!

"My Lord !? Is this ...?!"

"My Lord, you?! ..."

Before the words of Magna and other Terna populations were finished, the dark red in Kobe's eyes trembling on the ground quickly dispersed! About a minute later, with Zhang Yang's right hand suddenly punching in Kobe's chest, this long-dead man suddenly opened his mouth and came alive! !

Looking at Kobe sitting on the ground, still breathing violently, the terrific Terna high priest Ojira has been surprised to close his mouth! !

"This, this, do you even breathe ?! But you are **!"

Hearing Ogila's question, Kobe turned up on one knee and fell to the ground flexibly, then replied respectfully:

"Yes! I am a high-defense defender **, what do the priests tell you? Huh? !!! This? !!!"

Halfway through the habit, the Terna, who used to be called Se **, was also stunned himself! You know, he just occupied a human body! He still remembers that he didn't realize that the occupation failed before long, but just when the consciousness was about to fall into chaos, a deep pain in the soul and ** made him succeed in miraculous occupation! Not only that, the situation of being unable to control ** because of the lack of the corresponding soul has not been discovered, what the **** is going on? !

"You are indeed the long-awaited lord of our Terna people! If I guess correctly, the reason why Se ** succeeds is that you give it to my lord !?"

Zhang Yang didn't expect that his random experiment was really successful. While lamenting the magic of fate, he was also very happy. If you can really break the danger of Terna ’s soul [occupying] the corpse, then this is undoubtedly good news for both parties!

"Well, let's get up. Just succeed, you will still be called **, but from now on, you will no longer be a member of the Terna, and you will be my soul guard. The first member of the team! Do you understand? "

"Yes! Lord!"

Sex ** is a warrior who volunteers to dedicate himself to the entire race. He has already made all the psychological preparations. Whether the Terna people are no longer important to him, as long as the host named Wright needs it, he will not frown even if he lets him give up the existence of his life and die completely! All this can be done because the tyranny of Terna has placed all hope on Zhang Yang. The seed of the Tandani world is the essence of the entire Tandani plane. It is not just a 'gene bank' or 'soul storage room', it is the highest crystallization of the Terna's magic in the Tandani world. , Its power will slowly manifest ...

As the first soul guard, Se ** is completely different from the ‘Guard of the Dead’ in the history of the Terna. At this time, he is neither an ordinary kind of undead spirit, but also missed the ordinary life. It is difficult to make a correct position for Zhang Yang's knowledge, but this high priest Ojira can answer Zhang Yang.

"Lust ** This state should be regarded as one of the half-dead. Although the body is reactivated, it is not an essential part! He has lost most of his feelings, even if the flesh and blood on the body are shredded. It will hurt and will not die, as long as the soul in the head is intact, even if only one skull remains, you can find a way to resurrect! "

"Yes, this is indeed a feature of some undead spirits. Other than that?"

"I am afraid that these soul guards can no longer eat like creatures in the future. For them, the power of death and the power of life are the most precious resources. These energies can be used for their recovery and advancement! Of course, if not, absorb Dark elements can also survive. The semi-dead can cast magic and grudge, but no matter what its original attributes are, it will be converted into death grudge and undead magic at this time. This is the general characteristics of semi-dead. "

(In this way, I accidentally created a branch of a powerful undead creature ...)

Without continuing to think about the ones that were not there, Zhang Yang instructed Ogila and Magcha to go back to the amethyst magic ring first, and then let the color ** find a way to recover his body, and then look for the dead body of the mercenary who had died before to obtain weapon supplies, etc. When all this is done, stay around the camp on alert.

After arranging everything here, Zhang Yang himself picked some useful herbs around and returned to the cave. At this time, most of the night had passed, and when there were four more leaks, a new day would begin. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Yang decided to take the time to restore his physical condition, otherwise, if there are any powerful enemies, he may not be able to cope with the current situation.

Zhang Yang has rarely dreamed since gaining the power of the soul, but just when he leaned against the shadow of the hole and prepared to rest for a while, Zhang Yang actually fell into a dream just when he closed his eyes!

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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