Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 603: Barriers ahead

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Seeing that he predicted success, Zhang Yang felt that these injuries were really worth it! At this time, he quickly fired an arrow, but this time, the last fifth-order wind elemental creature actually moved away from the core position of the element in the body, making Zhang Yang a broken magic arrow wasted. The first letter of this site's new domain name Coke Novel Network (k1xsw), the largest free romance Chinese website, come on.

But this is also an expected thing. If you see the three companions die instantly, and they don't know where to transfer the core of the element, then this last elemental wind creature is really stupid and not afraid of death.

However, the power of breaking the magic arrow is not only that. Although Zhang Yang's arrow did not hit the core of this wind elemental creature, it completely broke the shield outside it! At this time, Zhang Yang's entire body had been fitted like the wind elemental creature. When he was about to approach, he suddenly put away the elf bow, but took out the poisoned sword gun and cut the body of this wind elemental creature crazy!

Zhang Yang knew that the toxin was almost ineffective against wind elemental creatures, but there was no weapon lighter than this bladed gun in his space ring. At this moment, in order to pursue the fastest and most cutting times, he had to sacrifice the poisoned one. Sword blade gun.

However, at this time, the fierceness of elemental creatures manifested itself. It may be that it knew that it would die, and it no longer summoned [Hurricane Armor] defense, but released a fifth-order wind magic [Shock Blast] to Zhang Yang nearby!

After only hearing a loud bang, Zhang Yang's body was flew straight out of a distance of tens of meters, hitting the rock wall behind Ophelia! The impact was so strong that the moment Zhang Yang was hit by the [shock explosion], he felt only a strong sound wave hit him. In a flash, he had no time to defend and was unable to defend, and then the whole person was blasted out.

Fortunately, at this time, the last called fifth-order wind elemental creature also began to dissipate. Zhang Yang still hit its elemental core in the last moment! So far, the four fifth-order wind elemental creatures summoned by the sixth-order wind elemental creatures in the air were all wiped out by Zhang Yang in just over ten seconds!

(The host is really powerful! But his defense ability is really a big problem. If there is blessing and protection, he will not be so miserable ...) Assam whispering in his heart is too late to sigh, he suddenly noticed The magic of the sixth-order wind elemental creature in the sky has reached the final moment. This time, the magic it will release is definitely a sixth-order power. However, unlike the [summoning the wind element], this magic has a much shorter condensing time!

"Master! It is now! Interrupt it!"

At this time Zhang Yanggang fell from the rock wall, and the whole person still felt sore. However, this discomfort is really nothing compared to the feeling of being overloaded, so when Assam uttered, Zhang Yang instantly took out the elven bow and the broken magic arrow from the space ring, and pulled the bow to the six in the air. Step wind elemental creatures shoot!

At this time, the elemental wind creature was about to complete its magic, but at this moment, a strange arrow directly penetrated more than ten layers of shields outside it, and shot one of it at once eye!

Originally this damage was not a big problem for the wind elemental creatures, but it was at a critical moment when the magic was about to condense. The magic and elements in the body were suddenly disrupted by this broken magic arrow, which made Zhang Yang hit. The elemental creature of wind suddenly had a disorder in its body, and the magic that had been prepared for a long time suddenly failed ...

"Master! You did it! Nice job!"

Although the interrupted elemental wind creature roared with anger, he seemed to vent a spell and started to gather magic again. And Zhang Yang Assam, who had the first cooperation experience, luckily interrupted the three magics of this elemental wind creature one after another!

This finally made the sixth-order wind elemental creature angry, but it did not rush down as Zhang Yang expected, but did something that human magicians would never do!

Suddenly, a blue light flashed through the wind elemental creature, and then it did not condense magic power, and directly released a huge blue-green air mass that was extremely strong to the naked eye! This air mass is almost the size of a human head. Look at the extremely compressed inner rotation. Once hit by it, it will definitely explode violently!

"Master, be careful! This guy has actually used two instant sixth-order magic! Seeing this power is definitely [Air Cannon] enhanced by [Storm Heart]! This thing must not be hard-wired! But powerful magic that can suddenly collapse the general city wall !! "

Although I have understood the horror of this magic after hearing Assam's reminder, at the moment a few meters behind Zhang Yang's side is Ophelia in cultivation! If he did n’t want to stop the magic, he was afraid that Ophelia would be in danger!

(Well, let's fight!) Thinking of this, Zhang Yang rushed directly towards the [air cannon]! At the same time, he had put away the elven bow and took out the black iron double-edged axe! And just as Zhang Yang was about to be hit by the [air cannon], a strong silver-white electric light suddenly lit up on the big axe in his hand!


Suddenly, with Zhang Yang slashing on the [air cannon], the magic could not withstand the destruction of the power of thunder and lightning, and easily broke the outermost layer. However, [Air Cannon] is a multi-level advanced magic. Its true destructive power still depends on the extremely compressed wind element inside it!

Now that this magic is strengthened by the wind elemental creature with [Storm Heart], when Zhang Yang axe to destroy the balance of [Air Cannon], the magic suddenly broke out in front of Zhang Yang!


The power of this explosion is really huge. The wind element that burst out after being compressed is as powerful as the destructive power of fire magic. Even the power of this [air cannon] is much stronger than the general sixth-order fire magic! The scattered wind elements are as sharp as a knife, not only blasting a cloud of green and yellow mushrooms more than ten meters high on the sand, even the aftermath of the explosion caused the yellow sand within tens of meters to blow away all!

At this time, Assam, who was more than ten meters away, was only affected by the aftermath. He felt that he was unstable and stepped back and stepped back three steps. However, he was surprised to find that the aftermath of the explosion only affected three. In this direction, there was only a slight aftermath towards Ophelia, instead of the rushing sand waves! Is it? !

When the yellow sand gradually dissipated, not only Assam was curious, but even the wind elemental creatures in the air did not continue to cast spells, as if observing the results of his own blow.

At this time, Zhang Yang looked miserable. I saw that the black iron axe in his hand, known for its solidity and toughness, had been broken. Most of it was now the handle and the small half of the axe! The original broad axe and cutting edge are now missing!

But compared with the axe in hand, Zhang Yang's situation seems to be worse!

I saw him now with bone wounds all over his body, and the jacket and cape he was wearing, now only a few pieces of rags were left, and the criss-crossing wounds in front of him were now leaking blood! Because he blocked his head and face with his left arm and axe face, Zhang Yang's head and face didn't hurt much, but a large slap of a battle axe fragment is now deeply stuck in his left forearm!

However, it was such a miserable look that gave Assam a feeling that the **** warrior in front of him seemed to be a solid barrier, he could block any enemy and any attack! If you want to hurt the person he protects, you can only step on his body!

(Are you worth it for the host for this woman?) Assam didn't say it directly as usual, but just asked silently in his heart. Looking at the master who stood up again with the broken battle axe, Assam had raised feelings other than fear for him for the first time, that is respect!

The brave are worthy of respect everywhere, not to mention Zhang Yang, a determined and tough brave!

Shaking his head slightly and sighing again, Assam suddenly stepped up and stood in front of Ophelia, only to hear him suddenly shout:

"Come on! This Earl is not a vegetarian! If you want to hurt the owner who wants to protect, you have to pass me!"

(Damn slave contract! If the master dies, my soul will also be hit hard! I am still so young, although it may not die, but the power falls again is definitely an inevitable thing! No! Master you can get it Do not die if you hold on!) At this time, the wind elemental creatures in mid-air have consumed more than half of the magic power. If you continuously release low-level magic, it will naturally be boring, but it is only a sixth-order elementary wind elemental creature. It is not easy to continuously release the sixth-order magic, and just now it immediately launched two sixth-order magic in one breath, which almost consumed the magic power equivalent to six sixth-order magic in one go!

Rao is a bonus to this wind elemental creature's release of wind magic, otherwise its magic power will be bottomed out after that move! But even so, it floats in mid-air a little bit unstable, but the elemental creature has a violent temper. When it sees Zhang Yang standing up, his anger is more than any time in the past!

Seeing that the magic effect is good just now, this wind elemental creature is also fighting! I saw a piece of blue light again on it, and it looked like it was the same as Fang Cai!

"Damn elemental creatures! All of them are dead brains! Can't you change a pattern ?! It's even instantaneous [Storm Heart] plus [Air Cannon]! Are you showing enough magic !? I It's crazy !! "

Not to mention that Assam wanted to collapse, even Zhang Yang in front of him was speechless. It was only a fluke that he could survive the enhanced [air cannon]. Now that his body is seriously injured, and the big axe in his hand has been broken, he wants to resist the magic of only one time. Zhang Yangshi does not know how much he needs to pay. cost!

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