Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 605: Wait for the wind

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The wind elemental creatures trapped in it suddenly became extremely irritable. Elemental creatures are not afraid of death, but they have a natural aversion and fear of being caught!

Generally speaking, the trapped elemental creatures are extremely tragic. [A lot of beautiful novels]. Update quickly. They have lost their freedom, but they still can't die. In the face of the captivity of decades, centuries or even thousands of years, elemental creatures would rather die! And blew up became their last choice.

Don't look at the scope of the effect is only five meters square, but when in this, no one can perceive the elements of the outside world! There is only a single dark element here, which is definitely one of the worst environments for wind elemental creatures!

Here, its strength will be reduced again, and the original magic power will be exhausted. At this time, the power is suppressed and even dropped to the sixth order, but to the level equivalent to the fifth order! At this moment, Ophelia took out a mysterious collar embedded with six crystals of various colors from her space bracelet. As she sipped, the circle was suddenly thrown to the preparation. Wind elemental creatures rushing out


With the elemental creature's inherent ability to perceive danger, Ophelia felt it as soon as he took out this elemental collar! I saw it turned suddenly, a pair of blaze-like blue ‘color’ eyes suddenly doubled! Su Rian, a sixth-order wind elemental creature, has not seen the alchemy equipment such as the element collar, but based on the feeling, it understands that once bound by this thing, it will definitely fall into endless captivity!

Suddenly I saw that the whole body of this wind elemental creature began to expand rapidly! An extremely dangerous breath suddenly spread from its body to the surroundings!

"Oh! My goodness! Blood God is on it, it's about to explode!"

Assam was still imagining how many gold coins he could be worth after grabbing this sixth-order wind elemental creature, but now seeing that the wind elemental creature in front of him is starting to swell and is about to explode, Assam suddenly wakes up! Elemental creatures are not really stupid, their irritable ‘sex’ style will never show such emotions as compromise or fate!

And once this sixth-order Zijin elementary elemental creature explodes in his maintenance, Zhang Yang and Ophelia have some hope of escape, but his Assam is definitely dead! At the moment when Assam hesitated about to withdraw, Zhang Yang's voice suddenly came over!

"Stay for me! Don't leave! Break!"

With the last word-breaking exit, the wind elemental creature, which has expanded by a third, suddenly shouted and shrunk back to its original size as if leaking! And Assam shook his body after hearing Zhang Yang's voice, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​withdrawing. If at this critical moment he violated the will of the owner, he was afraid that he would miss this opportunity. You must know that Assam ’s master will ‘eat’ people!

(However, after all, how did Master Wright interrupt that elemental creature's self-detonation?) In fact, Zhang Yang only made a successful attempt! At that time, he was behind the wind elemental creature, because the damage and threat caused by Zhang Yang was less than that of Ophelia and Assam, so this simple wind elemental creature even ignored him a little!

And just when it started to explode, Zhang Yang put away the warhammer in his hand, and took out the last two broken magic arrows to hold in his hand and could not poke into the body of the wind elemental creature! This is good. At the speed of Zhang Yang, this unlucky elemental wind creature has been poked by him no less than fifteen or six times in just a moment!

Speaking of self-detonation of elemental creatures, it is to actively detonate the magic power and elemental power in the body, and this kind of self-detonation also requires a little operation process, that is, the process of compression and ‘mixing’. (Advertising) It ’s okay to be poked by Zhang Yang. The elements in this wind elemental creature were suddenly affected by the broken magic arrow and lost control. Because of this, Zhang Yang cracked down and actually interrupted his self-detonation behavior.


It was too late for this elemental wind creature to rush out or explode again. After the elemental collar thrown by Ophelia touched its body, this powerful sixth-order elemental wind creature stopped in an instant, and then it was very incomparable. In the painful hiss, his entire body was sucked into the element collar!

And in the pendant position at the bottom of this element collar, there is indeed an emerald green 'color' element core full of children's fists! This sixth-order wind elemental creature was actually caught by Zhang Yang and others!

"Success, success?"

"This, this actually succeeded ?!"

Ophelia and Assam just walked around the death line just now. They just saw that the wind elemental creature started to explode, and the words "end" were left in their hearts. Now, not only did the result turn out to be a big reversal, the self-exploitation was interrupted, the two men's lives were saved, and this difficult elemental wind creature was captured, which really made them a bit overwhelmed!

Looking at the dumb ‘chicken’, Zhang Yang felt helplessly picking up the elemental collar that fell on the sand. Feeling the power of the vigorous wind element, Zhang Yang finally breathed out and slowly sat on the ground ...

In fact, Zhang Yang's injury was not light at the moment. If it wasn't for the bracing, I'm afraid he would have suffered a lot of pain and lost half of his fighting power. Now that the battle was over, he immediately dispersed and sat down. At this time, there were bloodstains gradually oozing out of the large and small wounds on his body.

"Wright! Don't move, let me wrap your wounds!"

During the speech, Ophelia almost indiscriminately took out a bunch of ‘medicine’ agents and bandages and knelt down beside him, and Assam next to him was also terrified.

"Master! I didn't expect you to interrupt the self-detonation of elemental creatures! This is really awesome. If we come a few more times, wouldn't it be profitable to catch elemental creatures with this method?"

Hearing that Assam was still thinking about catching elemental creatures again, Zhang Yang suddenly smiled and shook his head. This time it was a luck to interrupt that elemental creature's self-explosion. Zhang Yangzhen was not sure that it would be so smooth next time. If the attempt fails, I am afraid to pay the price to fully withstand the power of self-detonation!

At such a short distance, being bombed by an elemental polymer in a self-detonation situation is almost equivalent to being hit by close-up magic higher than it at close range, and it feels really good.


In fact, Zhang Yang and Ophelia totally ignored Assam's words at the same time. When they saw them ignore him, Assam had to walk to the side and bored himself to rest and feel depressed ...

"Ophelia, it's just some trauma, let me do it myself."

Zhang Yang felt a little uncomfortable when she saw that she was kneeling softly in front of herself and was carefully painting the wound on her body with ‘medicine’ water.

"You've been hurt like this, do you want to continue to be brave? Now you are my patient, and cooperate with me to take the" medicine "!"

"This injury is not as serious as it seems ..."

Zhang Yang said that he was about to get up and stand up, but then Ophelia suddenly sat on his ‘leg’, and the whole person rode up! Being so pressed by her, Zhang Yang could not stand up suddenly!

"If you are injured, you must look like a wounded person! Don't" chaos ", or if I accidentally touch your wound, don't blame me!"


In fact, Zhang Yang is also a little ‘Mongolian’ at the moment, Ophelia in front of him is a little ... ‘tempting’ and ‘confusing’! From his perspective, Ophelia ’s beautiful figure can be seen at a glance. The plump and slender pairs of ‘legs’, the slender waist in the grip, the ‘stiff’ front of the ‘chest’ ...

(This ... this is too tempting to confuse me ?! Is this going to test my concentration?) Although there are still several layers of clothing, the softness and elasticity from the "legs" The touch of 'sex' still makes Zhang Yang dare not move anymore, and can only let Ophelia ride on his body and apply 'medicine' to his upper body wound.

At this time Ophelia's face was focused, as if he didn't realize that there was anything wrong with this state. Zhang Yang could make her look expressionless, but if she sees the sly envious expression on the handsome face of Assam in the rear, I'm afraid it won't be so calm?

"Ophelia ..."

Suddenly Zhang Yang whispered.

"what happened?"

"Okay, the wounds on my body have almost been treated. Let me do it on my" leg "..."

Hearing here, Ophelia remembered that he was pressing Wright so much, wouldn't the wound on his 'leg' hurt?


"Why don't you say that early ~!"

At this point, Zhang Yangzheng leaned down and looked down at him as if he was wrapped in a dumpling like a dumpling. When he heard this, Ophelia happened to stand up and lean forward, and their cheeks were inadvertently. Met together! Although the two people's "lips" were not completely in contact, they also passed inadvertently ...

"Hmm ~!"

"This one……"

Zhang Yang and Ophelia are both strong and strong. The reason why they just met was that the two people had relaxed their vigilance. At this moment, they were divided at the touch, so that both of them were a bit veiled. At that moment The touch between them seems to be over-powered, so they are both there at once, I do n’t know what to say!

At this time, the atmosphere is a bit ambiguous, but it is a pity that there is a 'bulb' that destroys the atmosphere next to them!

"Oh! How intimate you are to make me so single! I just want to be a beautiful man quietly, but I can't stand your kindness!"


(Assam, you guy ...) "Okay, now that the wind elemental creatures have been eliminated, then bother you to find the magic" door "!"

"Hey ?! Let me be this beautiful man ?! Master ... I ..."

"Do you remember that I am your master? Go find the magic" gate "! It should be under this yellow sand."

"This, this, okay ... Master, how do I find it ?! Do I have to dig it down by hand ?! You are really willing to make me this beautiful man ..."

"Yes! Go!"

"Master! You are ** 'naked' revenge ~!"

[,! ]

... q

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