Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 614: Song of Mermaid 3

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This scene is a bit too weird at this time. If it is attacked by spiritual magic or curses and falls into a nightmare, Ofelia and Assam will definitely not be this expression! Thinking of the dreams he had before, and then reminiscent of the mysterious notes that seemed to be humming not far from his ears, Zhang Yang suddenly understood that the three people were inadvertently affected by the song of Siren!

It's just that unlike the [Painful Nightmare] Zhang Yang once experienced, the Song of Siren is not magic, but a mysterious power that can trigger the best memories in my heart! A strong-willed person may have many ways to restrain fear, but how many people can resist the best memories in their hearts? !

(A great song of Siren! I thought I could resist it after I had the power of the soul, but I did n’t expect to follow their way! No! The power of the soul should have played a role, otherwise I would never You will find something different! With the bone water temperature around you today, if you sleep without a few leaks, I'm afraid I won't wake up anymore! The sea elves like Siren don't look like a good thing! ) Thinking of Zhang Yangna's dare to delay here, he hurriedly grabbed Ophelia's shoulder and shook it slightly.

"Ophelia! Wake up! Ophelia! Wake up! Don't sleep!"

However, after shaking for a while, Zhang Yang found that there was no effect. Even if he climbed the floating platform to pick up Ophelia, she still fell asleep deeply with a sweet and happy smile! In desperation, Zhang Yang had to carefully put down Ophelia, and then he slammed down Assam holding the log "Sichun" ...

"Assam! Wake me up! Assam! If you don't wake up, I will try various methods! Assam! Wake up! What's wrong with you! What a dream!

Zhang Yang is not as gentle on Assam as he is on Ophelia. It is light to mention shaking up and down, and fanning back and forth for a dozen mouths has no effect. Oh, it ’s not all because of Assa. Mu's handsome face looks swollen ...

Zhang Yang, who could n’t think of it, suddenly thought of fear therapy, and he knew that Assam ’s quality was so strong that he resisted tossing, so Zhang Yang pressed his neck directly into a bucket of icy water in the lower part of the water, and passed it. A dozen moments, when he raised his hand to pick up Assam, Zhang Yang instantly gave up his intention to wake them up.

It turned out that at this time Assam's expression was already a classic. The face that had been swollen by Zhang Yang Yitong's big mouth was still showing a "drunk" smile! In addition, I just pressed the water to make a good irrigation. This is good. In that original grinning smile, now I can only grin in my mouth, just like a clear stream like a stream. After being tossed into this shape, he still couldn't wake up, Zhang Yang also admired in his heart!

(It seems that this can be started from the source of the song, so tossing can't wake him up, maybe only the siren who is still singing can try to shut up!) Thinking of this, Zhang Yang had no choice but to help Assam put it on the floating platform together, but in this case, because of the limited size and bearing of the floating platform, Zhang Yang himself had to get into the ice water. Fortunately, although Zhang Yang is still in a state of overload and weakness, his physical quality is still much better than that of ordinary fifth-level gold-level professionals!

In this way, Zhang Yang pushed the floating platform in the water and swam in the direction of the song, but after a leak, Zhang Yang still did not find the source of the song. Because the fog is too heavy to see through and there is no suitable reference object, Zhang Yang even wondered if he was pushing the floating platform in a small circle of water at this time.

In fact, in Zhang Yang's space ring like a "treasure bag", there really are magnetic poles similar to a "compass". It's a pity that when he brought it out, there was no response at all. Thinking about it, Zhang Yang is not tangled, as long as he is awake, so there will be no accident for a few days in the water, there is no way around now, and slowly swimming to the end of the weak time is also a good choice!


After twenty-three missed hours, although Zhang Yang ’s physical load has not yet recovered to its peak state, it will no longer affect his strength. Judging from his recovery rate of nearly 20% every hour now, there are at most three When a leak occurs, he will recover completely.

However, this is not the key to the problem. The urgent task now is that Zhang Yang hasn't found a clue after swimming in one direction for so long! He even admires the siren that has been able to sing for so long now. When he sings for more than 20 consecutive leaks, I am afraid that any bard can't do it?

(What should I do? Can I only get to the place where the siren is in my sleep? It is strange! Could it be that ... my sense of direction has been affected by this, and it is wrong to swim in one direction ?! Then try Try it!) Just think about it, Zhang Yang closes his eyes at the moment

He raised his ears with his eyes and swam completely with his hearing. However, the miracle really appeared like this! However, when a leak occurred, Zhang Yang, who was swimming on the floating platform, suddenly bumped into something! As far as his physical qualities are concerned, this collision will not hurt at all. He just doesn't know whether he should be happy or a bitter smile, even he can be right ...

Slowly swimming to the front against the floating platform, what appeared in front of Zhang Yang was a large iceberg floating on the water! At this point Zhang Yang dived into the water and looked at it. The underwater part of the iceberg could not even see his head! At this time, Zhang Yang reached out and felt its quality. After a few clicks, he suddenly estimated that this iceberg is also lighter than water and can float here. Its size may not be less than a few hundred meters.

Anyway, listening to the beautiful singing from the iceberg, Zhang Yang had to go up and see. And he didn't worry about throwing Ophelia and Assam here, so he had to drag them together to climb the iceberg. But at this moment, he suddenly saw a vague figure from the hard ice under his feet!

This is a middle-aged man wearing a robe and smiling. Looking at that costume, it is quite different from the French Empire. Because Zhang Yang had never been to Pompeii, the magic kingdom, he could not recognize that this person's dress was simply the costume of the high-level war mage there.

(It seems that it should be frozen like this? Professionals who can come here, I am afraid that the worst strength must be close to the sixth order, so it seems that this iceberg ...) After looking around, Zhang Yang did not find the second frozen body. After trying the hardness of the ice here is almost equal to the rock, Zhang Yang decided not to destroy his long sleep.

To Zhang Yang's surprise, the upper part of the iceberg can be said to be very flat. Not only that, but the more the person walks towards the middle, the mist around him is getting weaker and weaker! But after walking more than a hundred steps, Zhang Yang's sight can tell that he is about fifty meters or so, and because of this, he can see the huge cage in the center of the crystal that seems to be completely made of hard ice at a glance!

(Is that siren? From the back, it really resembles a mermaid! Should this be a woman? I do n’t know if she can speak Orlando Continental ...) Carrying Ophelia carefully, Carrying Assam's belt on his left, Zhang Yang slowly and slowly leaned in the direction of the transparent cage. I didn't see clearly because of the cage. Now as the distance shortens, Zhang Yang finally sees the back of this sea elf siren.

This siren sitting sideways in the cage is similar to the mermaid in Zhang Yang's cognition. Her upper body is a slender humanoid. From the waist down, it is a two or three meter long fishtail with pale green scales. Looking up, her long hair, which had the same color as the fish tail and had been dragged to the ground, completely blocked most of her body. Until Zhang Yang walked about three meters outside the cage and could already feel the chill from the cage, the siren finally stopped singing in his mouth and turned out a series of beautiful syllables.

"This ... I'm so sorry, I can only speak Orlando's lingua franca and part of the devil's language, can you understand it?"


"Orlando ... After a lapse of 20 years, has anyone from the Orlando continent finally arrived here?"

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's patience was enough, and after waiting for more than ten moments, a slightly jerky misty voice finally came from that direction.

"I don't care why you sing that siren's song here, now I just ask you, how can my two companions wake up?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, the siren suddenly laughed lightly. She seemed to hear something ridiculous. She shook her head with pale green hair and asked rhetorically:

"You also know that I am Siren. In your legend, am I not such a monster that confuses people with sound? I am curious, which one of you and your friends is the tester? ? "

Speaking of which, the siren sitting in the cage finally turned his head slightly, revealing a very beautiful side face, those big eyes with pale green pupils, and full of enthusiasm. This is not the most important thing. After she turned her head, she could suddenly see from Zhang Yang's angle that this woman with a gorgeous side face was completely naked! If her hair were dense and long, I'm afraid it's gone now!

"It has nothing to do with you! You just need to tell me how to wake them up, and I promise I won't embarrass you!"

"Oh, are you afraid of me?"

"Not afraid, just ..."

"I didn't expect that there are people like you who are conservative among the humans on land, hehe ~ it's really unexpected!"

Speaking of this, this siren seemed very happy, but she slowly turned around and turned around! It is almost the same as Zhang Yang's previous guess. Her whole body is almost **, but her important position on her chest is still covered by two pink-white shells. Although it still seems to reveal the vast majority of smooth skin, Zhang Yang still secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing shame, it shows that this race still has civilization, and if there is civilization, you can communicate.

It's just that he is not good at dealing with beautiful women, let alone such a beautiful interracial woman!

[This book comes from, read the original content for the first time! ]

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