Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 633: Scarlet Magic Gate

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At the moment, Ophelia was a little lucky. Because before that. She and Wright have suggested ways to deal with the cold-binding zombies. Because this thing is completely unwise. Only by virtue of a longing for the soul of the living and moving. So I want to deal with it. Not particularly troublesome.

But when Ophelia stared at Wright nervously. Suddenly, she discovered that Wright did not follow the countermeasures she had negotiated with her in advance. This discovery made Ophelia immediately nervous. The cold-bound zombies are powerful undead enough to match the sixth-order Zijin level strong. If there is a slight difference. I'm afraid that there will be three more cold-binding zombies in this ice channel that will only exterminate souls.

However, it was at the time of Sergeant Ophelia. As a party, Zhang Yang was very calm. Update for the first time if this cold zombie has a soul or spiritual intelligence may be dangerous. But if there is only variability remaining **. It was too simple for Zhang Yang to deal with.

Know it in his hands. But there is a powerful soul of dozens of millions of Terna people of a whole race.

Therefore. Just when the cold-handed zombie rushed to Zhang Yang less than two meters. I saw Zhang Yang suddenly raised his left hand. From an obscure ring. There was an illusory soul with a lavender glow. Suddenly, I saw the soul dig into the body of the cold-binding zombie. Because there is no soul in the body of the cold zombies. In a short time, he was successfully occupied by the soul of the Terna.

It's a pity that the nature of the cold-bound zombie has been completely changed by the extremely cold land. The first time to update even the soul strength of Terna. It will also be absorbed by assimilation in just one day. This is almost equivalent to directly dying a Terna soul. So the soul of Terna was chosen. There has already been the consciousness of going to death. For the future of race. He died generously. Anyway. .

At this time in the eyes of Ophelia and Assam. I saw that the cold-binding zombie seemed to be drunk with a wave of Zhang Yang. Not only was the quasi-head lost completely, it fell directly to Zhang Yang's side. And then, as if he had fallen into a half body, he almost twitched on the ground and nearly leaked.

At this time, both Ophelia and Assam have seen it. The reason for this is inseparable from Wright's actions. The first time to update carefully want to go. It seemed that there was a hazy purple light flashing by. Is it. .

The stunned Ophelia were thinking of a possibility in their minds. At that time, the cold-binding zombie had stopped twitching and shaking. Instead, it stood up rigidly. It's just that the cold-hitting zombies at this time have clearly seen that they are different. Not only did they stand beside Zhang Yang magically. Even the deep blue eyebrows. There was also a touch of anger.

"Wright ... this ..."

"Don't ask anything. I won't hide you from what you can say. But some things haven't reached the time to say. But you can rest assured. Now the cold zombies have become a big help for our customs clearance. Now we Just follow it. The first update is to follow this only passage. Just go straight to the magic gate. "


Strongly suppress the doubt in my heart. Ophelia and Assam had to silently follow behind Zhang Yang and the cold-binding zombie. It's strange. Surrounded by steel icy edges, the cold zombie waved his hands. They all recoiled. Where that cold-bound zombie passed. The original gruesome ice channel suddenly became a road.

Because of this cold-bound zombie opened the road. The trio reached the end of the passage in less than 20 minutes.

At this time in an ice crystal hall that was obviously decorated. A blood-red magic door was particularly dazzling. On that magic door. Not only does it have a color difference from the previous black and white magic doors. More and faster chapters are here. Even the size is almost twice as large as before. At this moment, Zhang Yang and three people were just standing in front of the Scarlet Magic Gate. It can already feel an inexplicable crisis.

Unconsciously. Zhang Yang and Ophelia have overcome all obstacles and dangers. Came to the last level of this mysterious ancient Pegasus trial. Just open this blood-red magic door. They will face the final challenge.

only. Now the three are in a state of exhaustion and weakness. Not only did Zhang Yang's body load linger on and off the warning line. Even Ophelia's grudge and Assam's enchantment in the enchanted magic soul beads are only a few. Face the final challenge in this state. What is the difference between that and death. .

"Master, Lord. I can feel that there is an extremely terrible danger behind this door. If we enter the door in this state ... let's say a frustrating sentence. I'm afraid it's a lot of evil."

At this moment Assam has re-confirmed the remaining magic power in the entropy demon bead. In terms of total volume. Now the remaining magic power is only about 20%. It is said that there is food at home and don't panic. For the vampire Assam. The same is true for magic. If the enchantment is full of magical power. He dare to take care of any opponent. But now this magic remains ...

Listen to Assam's words. Zhang Yang nodded secretly. His sense of acuity is still above Assam. So when he came to this Scarlet Door of Magic. There is already an ominous hunch in my heart. It felt like this magic door opened. He will die instantly.

"It's still that sentence. Success and failure. You have to try to know. You have all come here. Don't try it. How can you be reconciled. Besides, let's say that we can also be called strong. As long as the opponent behind the door is not a legendary level. We have n’t tried our strength. "

Speak here. Zhang Yang's eyes turned to the cold-bound zombie next to him. For the contribution of Terna. Naturally, he knew. As long as you can successfully pass this trial. Zhang Yang will inevitably have to contribute more to them. But at this time. This cold zombie is the biggest guarantee for the three.

"Don't forget that we still have this cold-bonding zombie. Even the enemies behind the door really have legendary strength. With it there. We also have the capital to let go and fight hard."

Heard here. Ophelia suddenly felt her eyes wet. This is simply her trial. Now Wright wants to work hard for her. What is all this for. Is she really worth it? .

"Wright ..."

this moment. After talking to my mouth. Ophelia didn't know what to say. In what capacity should she thank him for his help. Is the former boss. Is a simple friend. Or maybe ...

However, Zhang Yang did not let her say the latter. For this first female boss who came to Orlando to have some inexplicable feeling. Zhang Yang also couldn't tell whether he had feelings. He has gradually accepted Neil Jielina. In terms of his dedication to love. There is no idea of ​​stepping on two boats at all. Not to mention that the harem beauty is three thousand.

Love. Always selfish. Love. There have only been so many. If you really fall in love with two people at the same time. Then every part is divided. Only half of all. At least Zhang Yang thinks so.

It took Zhang Yang countless years to gradually reopen his heart. It's already not easy to hold one person. Now if it really involves too much. Instead, he will be in a dilemma.

"Open the door. Feiya. Let me see the end of the trial. What horrible things are waiting for us."


For Zhang Yang's approach. Now Ophelia doesn't feel it boils down to being confused about the way forward. If you can defeat the gatekeeper behind the door, naturally everything is good. It will not be too late to show the heartbeat by then. And if it fails. Naturally everything is empty after death. It doesn't make sense to say more.

It is precisely because of this recognition. Ophelia just took a deep look at Wright in front of him. Then the blood scab on the palm wound was lifted. A hand pressed on the scarlet magic door.

"Follow the eternal promise of the ages. Adhere to the blood lineage passed down from the ancients. Let's start. It belongs to the trial of the successor of Silver Pegasus ...

As Ophelia pressed her hand on the Scarlet Door. At that moment she seemed to be lost. He even recited such a prayer aloud unconsciously. As Ophelia's voice gradually became louder. A little ripple suddenly appeared on the Scarlet Magic Gate. Then it turned into a **** vortex between fingers.

Until then. Ophelia, who raised his hand stiffly, suddenly shook back.

"I ... what I said just now."

For this. Zhang Yang already understood something in his heart. Look at this state. It was not until here that it really came to the place where the ancient Silver Pegasus Trial was located. . The previous ones. It should be a challenge that all creatures entering this ancient trial site will encounter. Until here. In front of this scary magic door. Guided by the power of the blood of the tester. Only then will the door of true trial be opened.

"Nothing. You just followed the ancient bloodline heritage. Said the spell that opened the magic door. Let's go. I can't wait to see it. Behind this terrifying blood magic door. What is waiting for us Now. "

With the firm voice of Zhang Yang. Ofelia and Assam suddenly looked at each other with a helpless smile. Then, with the tall and tough figure in front, stepped into the **** vortex together ...

This ancient place of trial. It is not just a blood vessel. This is almost the same as Zhang Yang's speculation. Since the age of the ancient gods. This trial land was secretly passed down among several powerful races on the Orlando continent. Whether it is several families in the human empire. The ones in the elven continent are noble. Or the shadowy superior. Even if it is a breakthrough. The orcs that occupy the wilderness of southern Orlando. And those mysterious dwarfs that have almost disappeared in people's eyes, etc ...

As long as the altar and teleportation can be preserved. The ancient trials will continue to open for it. And the real purpose of this mysterious trial ...


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