Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 642: Death of the desperate knight

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Although the defensive capability of physical attacks is open to question. But its real strength lies in its reflection on magic and grudge.

Therefore. When the hit released by the 'Desperate' Knight. The silver shield, which looks like a mirror, just flashed slightly. The magic light of red and green reflected back suddenly.

Generally speaking. Do not want to control the direction of reflection without the strength of sixth-order purple gold or more. It's just that the distance between the 'Desperate' knight and Zhang Yang is too close at the moment. And there is another layer in the middle to block the line of sight. This led to when the "desperate" knight was expecting to hear the screams of humanity in his hands. The representative light had hit its head and face without helmet protection. Update first

Be aware of the injuries of the 'Desperate' knight at the moment. Not much lighter than Zhang Yang. So with the rainbow light that it emits itself completely into its body. A severe pain that hurts the soul made the 'Desperate' knight twitch and twitch instantly.

Zhang Yang, who was thrown into the air at this moment, finally seized a chance. I saw that he resolutely picked up the power of the soul in his body. At the top of the head of the 'Desperate' knight, the seed of the world of Tandani in the space ring was released. .

When Zhang Yang discovered the seed of the world of Tandani at the beginning. He has already felt the infinite power contained in it. You know it was before the collapse of a huge plane world. The condensed core substance. Nothing else. Only the outer layer of the world of Tandani is so powerful. Let the eighth-order epic strongman also have no choice but the power of thunder and lightning. It is enough for others to drink a pot.

This. It is Zhang Yangqiang's violent consumption of the power of the soul. The reason for releasing the seeds of the world of Tandani from the ring of space.

this moment. The seed of the world of Tandani released from the ring of space in Zhang Yang's hands. Just appeared. It released the magnificent purple brilliance and hit the "desperate" knight below.

Almost the same as Zhang Yang's expectations. The moment when the seed of the world of Tandani touches the 'desperate' knight. A dazzling fuchsia lightning was released from the seed of Tandani world. The first update instantly entangled the 'Despair' knight. Not only that. With the unparalleled massive quality of the world of Tandani. But after a blink of an eye. As it fell unhindered. That mighty abyss knight was directly crushed into a sludge.

Not only that. When the fuchsia lightning on Tandani World Seeds touched the ground of the abyss duel field. A dazzling purple arc scorched the ground touched by the seeds of the world of Tandani in an instant. When the fuchsia thunderbolt completely disappeared, Zhang Yang fell to the ground in response. The seed of the world of Tandani restored the mysterious and beautiful crystal appearance of the past.

This sudden change has completely shocked Ophelia and Assam. Only Zhang Yang was tortured by the abyss knight. In an instant. He threw out a huge mysterious discharge crystal. It's just a matter of time. The abyssal knight who was so powerful that he could hardly resist was crushed to ashes by the crystal.

What the **** is this? .

Only compared to this. Zhang Yang's situation is what Ophelia really cares about. When Zhang Yang fell to the ground. Ophelia hurried away. She was really worried that Wright's flesh would be swallowed by mouthparts on the ground. However, when she rushed to Zhang Yang and carefully hugged his upper body. Ophelia suddenly found the strange eyes and mouthparts full of abyss under Wright. All the necrosis turned into a black residue.

Instantly looked around. The first update was at the moment when the huge purple crystal fell with a blue-violet arc. Under the power of the powerful and mysterious blue-violet thunderbolt. All the strange eyes and mouthparts around this abyss duel field. He lost his life at the same time.

Seeing those densely packed strange eyes and mouthparts now all turn gray again at a rate visible to the naked eye. Ophelia's gaze immediately froze at the sarcoma where the abyssal knight who had released the "sadness" breath. It's a pity that it is different from what she expected. Now that sarcoma has turned into a complete ice wall together with the cold-bound zombie.

But even the abyssal knight did not die under the influence of mysterious thunder. At least now there will be no threat to the three. Until it is confirmed that the surroundings are safe enough. Ophelia began to carefully examine Wright's injury.

At this time, Zhang Yang, who was originally injured due to overloaded internal organs. After being thrown hard by a 'desperate' knight. The body has been covered with traces of fangs of dozens of teeth. at the same time. Zhang Yang's eyes, ears, mouth and nose are among the five senses. Still bleeding blood.

Originally, Zhang Yang could keep his consciousness even if he was seriously injured. Just because the seed of the world of Tandani is released from the ring of space in an instant. It caused a huge shock to his already injured soul. because of this. Before falling to the ground. Zhang Yang has lost consciousness and passed out.

"Wright. Wright. Don't scare me. You wake up. Wright."

Feel the blood flowing out of Wright's body. Ophelia was afraid. She suddenly felt a little helpless. Watching this man in his arms dying for his own serious injury. She finally understood her intentions.

(I do n’t want you to die. I love you. Wright. Open your eyes ... look at me ...)

Because care is chaotic. Ophelia forgot to take out the medicine for Zhang Yang's injury. Until Assam circumvented the Terna Seeds with fear and cautiously. When they got close to Zhang Yang and the two of them. He then reminded aloud:

"Do n’t just stop crying, Ophelia. Do n’t you have any life-saving things like high-level pharmacy. Rest assured. More quicker chapters are here. I can feel that the Lord Lord is very injured, Very weak. But there is no danger to life. But if he can't heal the wound as soon as possible. Let him bleed so ... I'm afraid ... "

In fact, it is not necessary for Assam to finish. When Ophelia heard the word ‘pharmacy’. She reacted suddenly. After experiencing the events of Yotan City. Ophelia has another problem. That is to always carry a lot of therapeutic drugs on the body. And the best medicines like ‘Golden Hope’ are hard to come by. It was just an accident. But it's like ‘high-level healing potions’ and ‘full recovery potions’. Premium drugs that can be bought with money. A lot has been stored for a long time.

Now after Assam reminded so. Ophelia suddenly took a lot of bottles and jars from his space bracelet. At this time in order to let Zhang Yang Shao bleeding. Assam actually endured the tremendous desire in his heart. Utilize his ability to control blood as a vampire. All of Zhang Yang's blood out of the body is taken together. Then from the blood vessel at his wound. Slowly pour in ...

At this time, Ophelia could not care about the suspicion of men and women. She quickly tore apart the tattered clothes left on Zhang Yang. Then it was medicine and bandage. Zuzu and Assam were busy working for nearly five minutes. Only Zhang Yang's external wounds were generally treated. Until this time. Wright, who was almost naked, almost covered in bandages. Ofelia took a deep breath at the same time. His face was red.

"Hey ... adult beauty. Please come to more and faster chapters. Only when you deal with the wounds of the Lord Master. You don't see your blush after rubbing and touching. This is all done. You see how he blushed. You have to know that the main point of Lord Lord is not exposed. Is it because you have been fascinated by the strong muscles of Lord Lord ... Oops ... "

Xu is already feeling that the wounds on Zhang Yang's body have been treated. At this time, Assam, who was relieved, began to tease Ophelia unknowingly. This is good. Because Zhang Yang used more than ten bottles of high-level drugs. Ophelia had a lot of empty pharmacy bottles at hand.

Now I see Assam looking at his joke without knowing it. With the skill of Ophelia, a fifth-tier gold intermediate strongman. He picked up the biggest potion bottle beside him. Straight to Assam's face.

Although at this time she did not use all her strength. Of course, there are not many grudges to increase the power. But even so. Assam is also not good at parrying attacks with his face ...

So just after a loud muffled sound. Assam suddenly screamed while covering his handsome face.


Because of the forced use to save Assam before. Zhang Yang's soul had already been hit hard. It was just that the subsequent battles did not give him enough time to recover from the injury. This caused him to release the seed of Tandani in an instant. It was only when I was unconscious for ten leaks that I woke up and woke up.

At this time, Zhang Yang had put on a gray robe. Look at that style. It should be the stock in the Ophelia space bracelet. Looked at the warm bonfire burning not far away. Feeling the pain of the cone heart coming from all over the body. Zhang Yang knew that the injury he suffered this time was really serious enough. If there is not enough life force to absorb repair. Only by self-recovery. I really don't know how long it will take to recover.

At this time, Ophelia was trying to restore the grudge in his body. And Assam. Because the source of magic within him is sealed. And the entropy magic soul bead in the hand can only slowly recover the magic power by itself. He is doing nothing. He had to rub the bruise on his face silently ... Ophelia shot out in anger. Sure enough, it is not covered.

Seeing Zhang Yang finally opened his eyes slowly. Ophelia immediately fell directly beside him. Looked at the familiar deep eyes. And today's extremely pale but still calm face. Ophelia's tears can no longer be suppressed. Suddenly cracked down.

"Woo ... Wright ... You really scared me ... What if you were dead. For me ... But let you ... Oh ...


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