Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 650: The news of the wind

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c_t; Since Neil Jelina discovered the anomaly of the Soul Gem five days ago, she and Anna have been at ease. During this period, not only did they ask Meli to go to Guta to check the news every day, even after they learned that everything was still the same, they still seemed a little unwilling.

The shape of Neil Jielina that day was still a bit scared to think of it. Normally, her third-level black iron junior warrior could not perceive Zhang Yang ’s state through a common soul gem, but she was really done! Neil Jielina was very scared, she was terrified! She knows how powerful her adult is, but because of this, she understands how terrifying it can cause Lord Wright to seriously injure a dying enemy!

The calmness and calmness of Neil Jielina in Pingli seemed to have disappeared at this moment, even if she ate and slept, she seemed a little unwilling. In contrast, Anna ’s shape is slightly better. Although she knows that Wright is in distress, she has not been able to feel anything. Even if Neil Jielina put this soul gem pendant on her palm or mouth, she still has nothing. effect.

Anna, who has gradually learned the story between Neil Jelena and Zhang Yang from the members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, has long understood the feeling of Neil Jelina for her husband, so now she does not doubt Neil Jelly. What Na said was sad to Anna at the moment, but hated that she couldn't feel the soul gem ...

If a few days ago, Niel Jielina, even if she is in a bad state, will not affect other people. However, the news of the sudden death of the old emperor Aldridge-Franks has put this flange, known as the knight empire, on the verge of chaos!

Because the old emperor has not yet determined the successor of the throne, this made his seven sons instantly filled with a strong smell of gunpowder! Generally speaking, if the old emperor did not leave the death of the deceased or sick, then Adam-Franks, the grand prince, is the first choice for the heir.

However, the matter is not so simple. On the one hand, all the princes are ambitious to obtain the throne reads of the French Empire. On the other hand, it is also a crucial aspect, that is, when the old emperor Aldridge suddenly died, Adam, the grand prince, was in the royal palace of Franks!

To know that in order to exercise the abilities of princes, every prince who has reached the age of 20 will be sealed by the old emperor to a city thousands of miles away from the capital, Franks, for training. The prince's Feng said the furthest away from the capital is the Blue River City, which is located in the Mork Province in the southeast of the French Empire, only two hundred miles away from the front line of the **** battle.

In fact, Blue River City is located at an important meeting point along the Flange River, from north to south, or from south to north is a must pass. If managed well, it will not only become an important military fortress in southern France, but also a prosperous commercial city!

It's just that although Adam bears the aura of the first heir to the French Empire, he doesn't have the political skills and commercial ability of his father. Not only that, even his own professional strength, under the pile of countless high-level pharmacy, has just crossed the threshold of the fifth-level gold intermediate level.

Because of the reason, Adam always worried that the **** battle on the southern Draenor line would burn to his territory, so he usually stayed in the Blue Lake City or ran around in the French territory and even rarely returned. The capital, Franks, is said to be afraid of being reprimanded by his father.

But now when the old emperor died, the 37-year-old grand prince Adam even appeared in the capital Franks! Right now, apart from his youngest brother, Alexander, the seventh prince who also follows the royal scholar to learn knowledge, only he is an adult prince present!

People inevitably wonder if Adam was in a hurry? In a long time before the old emperor was appointed as heir, the pressure on Adam was almost greater than that of the fourth prince, Adonis, who was most popular with the old emperor! Was he trying to be stronger in order to prevent the old emperor from passing the throne to others? ! After all, he is the first heir to the throne!

But on the other hand, people are also wondering. In this rumor, the most wasteful prince really has the courage to do such big things as killing his father?

But the old emperor was indeed dead. Although it was abrupt, it became a reality. () Because of the heaviest suspicion on the prince Adam, the rest of the princes, as well as the vast majority of nobles in the empire, do not recognize Adam ’s right to inherit! This has led to all princes having the possibility of inheriting the throne, and those real power aristocrats who have a close relationship with individual princes, if they are lucky, are likely to get huge because they support the new emperor. right!

In fact, the three nations of mankind have never really achieved peace, and they have to wage **** reads with the orc empire of Campas all year round ;. Nowadays, the stable Siberia in the extreme northern snow country is occupied by undead spirits. It can be said that the French empire, which is in the gap between the north and the south, has reached an extremely dangerous edge!

However, human self is something darker and more terrible than the night. At this time, the princes and most nobles of the French Empire are fighting for the throne! A thread called chaos and fear has spread quietly throughout the entire French Empire!

The movement from the high level of the empire has now begun to show effects in various cities in the French territory. The most obvious is that the lords of the cities will never go back to such false assistance. The only clever thing is to blindly recruit soldiers to hoard various materials, and secretly contact the princes they support to do for a certain day. Prepare.

The more straightforward, or stupid, not only blatantly support a certain prince, but also show that the horses and horses will be listed as potential enemies of lords of different factions! Cities in many provinces have been blocked because of this. The reaction of this confusion among professionals is not so strong, but putting it on ordinary people is enough to make them panic-stricken.


The mercenaries were originally a group of desperate followers of the war, but with the contours of the three major empires of mankind formed more than 2,000 years ago, the mercenaries gradually became more and more like the former adventurers, not only They seldom participate in wars between countries, and even wars within the imperial system, they mostly act as defenders.

What more to say, as long as the chaotic elephants are together, the mercenary's son will heal immediately! Whether it is assisting the defense of the town or the various **** and reconnaissance missions that have suddenly increased, the mercenaries are instantly busy, that is, at such a critical time, the temporary helm of the Thunderbolt mercenary regiment: Neil Jielina, but Unwilling to deal with the mercenary group, the whole mile is either waiting in the tavern outside the back door of the Silver Pegasus regiment, or shutting itself in the room and wondering what to do.

This situation made members of the upper and lower levels of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps feel a little at a loss.

"That ... I said Charlotte, aren't you particularly good at the relationship with Deputy Head of Neil Jelena ?! If you don't, you should persuade her! Even if you worry about Wright boss, you have to give What should you do? Now the liaison in the mercenary union has talked to us three times. Not only that, even the biggest owner of the Pegasus City, Moximuli, the Silver Pegasus Legion. An invitation to station is sent to us! However, it is not always a problem for us to drag on like this. It does n’t matter if these of our friends are there, the soldiers below can hold back! "

Lanster is now a celebrity in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps. Although he was finally rescued by Jason when he was fighting, after all, he used his ability to overcome a silver Pegasus by himself. Legionnaire. Although Lanster ’s methods are somewhat of an understatement, victory is victory in the face of mercenaries who pay attention to effectiveness and avoiding superficial effort. As for the means ... it is only a trivial aspect.

Since then, the name of 'Eggbreaker' Lanster has spread among the members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, plus his fellow to please the female warrior everywhere, although most of them ended up being beaten, but also count Among all the members, there was a familiar face. Therefore, when this great chaos was approaching, he, an unstoppable fellow, was agitated by some members who joined later to inquire about the news.

For Lanster ’s question, Charlotte and Sean are actually more anxious than him, but although they have a good feeling with Wright, the time to join the Thunderbolt mercenary group is still short, even if it has actually become The backbone of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, the usual small task has long been their team, but for the general direction of the entire mercenary regiment, even if it is more and more mature Shawn, it ca n’t be Denier. Jie Lina makes a decision.

"Langster, don't put it on fire, don't you see that Charlotte is bothering now? If she talks so that this can be done early, in fact, just five days ago Neil Jieli When Miss Na gave an order to let all of us stay in the temporary station to rest, she had already seen it ... "

"Then! Why don't I know this?"

"You ?! I'm so sorry to say! You have nothing to do in these few days. Lily was chased by others and ran to the yard. You can keep your life down and burn incense, how can you control others!"

"This one……"

"I don't know who is calling you as a microphone. Our Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps is not a very strict organization. If we have any questions, we will just ask Miss Neil Jelina and ask through you. Or else. Tell me who came to you! "

"Yes, I know I can't hide you, but Old Shaw, am I the kind of person who betrayed my friends !? I can say even if I'm killed!"

"Well ... then you still pray that you won't be really killed, don't say you didn't tell you, I have seen Miss Lily after you. She saw you with a short bow."

"Ah? Ah! What! Why didn't you say that early! To die! To die! To die!"


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