Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 656: Moonlit night and morning light

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Because of this advanced process. Zhang Yang is absorbing the power of death in the zombie, which makes the energy balance in the body unbalanced. So it has some characteristics of undead spirit at the same time. Also absorbed a lot of ice power. So Zhang Yang's body today. Before these ice powers dissipated. There have been some changes to the resistance of the elements.

The most obvious is that his resistance to light and fire attack magic is now reduced by about 20%. The resistance to water has increased by 30%.

Not only that. Because of the power of these ices in the body. In each attack, Zhang Yang can be accompanied by a bit of coldness derived from the force of the ice. Although these chills are not so strong in a single shot. But as long as it accumulates to a certain degree. It is still possible to reach an ice wound. The function of slowing down the speed of the enemy.

Other than that. Because of the force of ice. Only in terms of the affinity and control of the water element. Zhang Yang is now no less than a pure water magician. Even because it has the power of the soul. Under his current conditions, if he can repair water magic. Then as long as the source of magic power is formed in the body. Then Zhang Yang can instantly become a water magician whose strength is higher than the current one.

It's a pity that he made Ere's body. It is impossible to form the source of magic power. This allows him to use low-level water magic from one to three levels. But water magic above level four. Already need to coordinate the magic inside and outside the body to release. Because it cannot form the source of magic power. So these middle and high-level magic Zhang Yang simply cannot be used. More and faster chapters are here.

There was no grudge in him. Want to be like Sean. The path of the magic swordsman is also unworkable. So Mowu Shuangxiu this matter. For Zhang Yang, it has not been realized. It is okay to simply pretend to be a water magician below level four. But this seems to be useless.

However, at this time Zhang Yang thought of a way to get his wish. Although this method seems to burn money.

In fact, when Zhang Yang first saw this metal bracelet with six regular grooves. Has been attracted by its function. By installing magic nuclei or crystals of different systems. You can let go of grudges of different ranks up to level 5 strength. Since then, according to their own affinity and control over the attributes of these grudge elements. The first time a girl updates Zhang Yang, she can manipulate this grudge to varying degrees.

According to the previous introduction. Although this bracelet can only be used by talents with a strong soul. But this is what Zhang Yang has. Even the grudge inspired by this bracelet cannot be used to strengthen the body. Can only be attached to weapons to attack. But in terms of Zhang Yang's control and affinity for the water element today. You can definitely use it to release a small grudge shield to assist defense.

So and so. As long as Zhang Yang is willing to spend a lot of cut standard size magic nuclei or crystals to stimulate the grudge. Zhang Yang can still use it to enrich his combat skills and tactics. If you want to hide your identity at the same time. It will be much simpler.

Not to mention the huge cost of these magic cores. The reason why Zhang Yang wanted to hide his identity. A large part of the reason is that you want to turn yourself from light to dark. From Ophelia's trial to go back to Moxim. His helper will quickly enter the sight of others.

Those of the Presbyterians in the past may not have taken the head of Wright, a small medium mercenary regiment, in their eyes. However, it can assist Ophelia to pass the ancient silver Pegasus trial that has not been passed for decades. Even the gang of presbyterians are stupid. I also think that this Wright must have played a vital role in it.

Zhang Yang is not afraid that the people of the Carmod family will target themselves. Even if you really send someone to assassinate yourself. With the power he has now. If you dare to come below the sixth-level Zijin level. More and faster chapters are here. That is simply looking for death. But Zhang Yang is no longer alone. Behind him. There is also a thunderbolt mercenary group that has just developed a trace. There are also a large number of friends in Moxim.

Take Shawn their level of strength. If in a hurry, Zhang Yang is involved in an attack or assassination. The opponent only needs to dispatch a few fifth-level gold-level strongmen. Then bring a vote of the Tier 4 silver level. With the strength of Sean, Jason, Charlotte and others, I was afraid that they would either be captured or killed in the end.

Zhang Yang had to admit. Niel Jielina's progress and growth rate this year has exceeded his expectations. But even if she has talent again. Or no matter how hard. It's just an eighteen or nine year old. A girl under twenty. Unless she can have such a miraculous encounter with Zhang Yang. And survived many hardships in life and death. Otherwise in a short time. Neil Jelina could not protect herself.

(It would be nice if the elders did n’t know their details. But this possibility is too small ...)

In fact, with the strength of the Camod family. Zhang Yang ’s identity and strength should have been found. After all, the details of the Lightning Mercenary Corps are too clear. He had previously killed Michelangelo, the sixth-ranked Zijin Junior, the mercenary guild branch president with the title of "Sword of Balance" in Bross City. Also can't hide people

So Zhang Yang was prepared to make a bold attempt. If he faked the illusion that 'Wright' was already dead in the trial. Then enter the city in another capacity. In this case. Not only can you slightly confuse the sight of the gang of the Presbyterian Church. Let them erroneously estimate the strength of Ophelia. Zhang Yang turned into the secret. You can exert more power.

Whether in a new capacity to help Ophelia. Or someone who secretly protects the Lightning Mercenary Corps. Zhang Yang turned into the dark. No matter how you look at it, it's much better than going back with Ophelia in good faith. After all, while he was a powerful fighter. Also a good assassin and shooter ...


night. It will soon pass. At this time this quiet valley hidden in the forest of Warcraft. The dawn of a new day is already approaching. . wenxuemm

The gradually whitening sky gradually replaced the deep night. With the worms and beast roars outside the valley gradually quiet. Those who always like to play in the various colors of Warcraft in the night. Finally returned to his lair one after another. And some lower-level Warcraft. After a crisis-ridden night at this time. I also found a safe place somewhere to rest.

With the shadow of the trees behind the trees, a swell of white fish slowly appeared on the horizon. Two bright and dark moons in the sky. It also gradually began to become more and more light. Eventually disappeared in the western sky ...

Zhang Yang did not know what power made this beautiful little valley a rare safe place in the Forest of Warcraft. He thought for a night. It was sitting slightly rigid on the swing that he personally repaired last night. He glanced sideways to Ophelia, who was sleeping on his shoulder, sleeping so sweetly. The girl updated Zhang Yang for the first time and could only sigh deeply in her heart.

Although he is a little emotionally slow. But it is not a fool. Ophelia who told him many things last night. Although he didn't say that directly. But whether it was the manners or the beautiful memories hidden in her heart. All clearly show her attitude towards Zhang Yang.

However ... Zhang Yang really doesn't know how to deal with these things. To say that there was no shadow of Ophelia in his heart. Zhang Yang didn't even believe this. But if you let him accept Ophelia. What should that obsessed Neil Jielina do?

(I did n’t expect myself to be called a ‘machine’. Now I will be inexplicably favored by so many beautiful women. Wenxuemm But what should I do now. Are you really ready.

My family knows their own affairs. Although Zhang Yang has stepped out of the constraints of his past life and the past. But his heart. I feel a little tired. Perhaps it is because Zhang Yang's soul has experienced a long period of training. Today he. Especially cherish everything you have now. Although he never said any promise. But always use his own actions to express his care and love.

Zhang Yang didn't want to hurt anyone who was sincere to him. But he. It's not a person who loves enough to divide a heart into many parts. Zhang Yang who didn't find the answer overnight. Can only quietly watch the sky brighten little by little. Until the first ray of sunshine in the east crossed the misty lake. Instantly spilled on the head and face of Zhang Yang and Ophelia. Fu Fei slept on the side of Zhang Yang all night and Ophelia finally woke up.

At this time Zhang Yang could obviously feel the Ophelia waking up beside him. The hand holding his sleeve suddenly tightened and then released very quickly. Zhang Yang did not understand what this action represented. But he could feel it. After this night. Ophelia has accumulated more than ten years of emotion in his heart. Finally vented completely.

from now on. As long as Ophelia continues to work hard. Under the double influence of losing the burden and Feiyun's contract with her. Ophelia's strength will definitely show a short-term rapid growth in the mainland. If her luck is good enough. It may not take a few years. Ophelia will be able to sing along. Early into the sixth-grade purple gold position.

But at this time ...

"It's embarrassing ... Wright. Let you sit with me for a whole night without saying anything. It's my pillow."

"... Nothing. The scenery here is beautiful."

"Yeah. Even if it's not enough for a few days and nights. Especially the quiet night here and the vibrant sunrise in front of me. Every time I see it, I feel the world is so beautiful."


Zhang Yang suddenly felt that Ophelia's tone of speech was somewhat different from the previous one. She used to be. It always feels like a tight string. Always in a state of tension and depression. And now. She is in the sun. The whole person seems to exude a vigor and vitality.

And when this breath is combined with her own noble and bold temperament. Ophelia stood up against the sunrise. It seemed to be covered with gold by the sun. It looks like that. Even Zhang Yang's always calm and watery gaze caused a ripple.

"Things in the past can't be changed. I will put all the goodness and pain in my heart. From today. I want to be stronger. Thank you. Wright. Thank you for helping me get the power to control my destiny."

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