Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 660: Ice Talent

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Zhang Yang is not short of money now, at least at this stage he has no special need for gold coins.

The reason why I helped Franco and others was because I didn't want to watch the human being killed so indifferently. He knew what the ogres were, he should save the people, and he also said the warning. In the end, these people would have nothing to do with Zhang Yang. That was their own choice.

But only for peace of mind.

Although Franco and his colleagues were greedy for money, they also knew that even if they had money, they had to have a life to spend. Therefore, after cutting off the heads of two ogres three times and five times, the remaining 17 mercenaries were collected. Suddenly the buttocks generally run towards the direction of Moratis City. And this direction, coincidentally, is exactly the same as the path that Zhang Yang took when he left ...


After the first battle, Zhang Yang had already realized his shortcomings. If you don't want to be a "cracked cannon" magician enough to make the enemy laugh, then Zhang Yang only needs more practice. It is for this reason that all the low-level Warcraft he encountered along the way were miserable.

In accordance with the principles of exercising magic control and quasi-head, Zhang Yang will attack with various ice bombs and ice blades formed by the first-order [ice bomb] no matter what warcraft it encounters. Although this is only a first-order magic, Zhang Yang still used it to attack power close to second-order magic, excluding the cost.

As long as it is not encountering a fourth-order warcraft, these first-third-order warcraft are hard-skinned and even slightly magic resistant, but under the continuous attack of a large number of first-order magic, as long as they are hit by the head, eyes, or abdomen In addition, these low-level Warcrafts have no other choice but to kill!

Rush up and attack Zhang Yang? With the reaction speed of his high-level combatants, the low-level Warcraft can't even touch his body corner! Not to mention running away, Zhang Yang moves almost faster in the jungle than on the flat ground! At this time don't say that you want to get rid of him, just to distance yourself is a kind of delusion! Not only that, most of Warcraft ’s defense focus is on the head, face and front body, leaving Zhang Yang with a relatively soft buttocks and abdomen. It is natural to imagine the end ...

Of course, since the inside of Warcraft Forest can be called a paradise for Warcraft, that kind of nature is endless, so occasionally Zhang Yang will encounter some defensive Warcraft, such as Ironback Bear and Rock Turtle. At this time, Zhang Yang was not only in a hurry, but was very happy to chase it! It is still the first-order magic [ice bombing], and the frequency is not so fast.

Although this iron-backed bear that Zhang Yang met was a defensive earth-based Warcraft, it was also a second-level senior, and was about to enter a third-level carnivorous World of Warcraft! Not to mention Zhang Yang taking the initiative to attack it, he was usually hit by it. Such reckless big guys will directly attack people.

It's just that although the Ironback Bear has a height of more than two meters and nearly three meters, but it also has two meters in the horizontal direction and weighs more than two thousand Pakri. The running speed really has the urge to shake his head and sigh. So when Zhang Yang faced it, he didn't even have to run hard, as long as he walked around it in a hurry ...

Iron complete chapter Baidu (read! (Zero)! Zero)

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