Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 663: Zhang Yang's Magic Martial Arts 2

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(This time it seems to have really kicked the iron plate. But even a Tier 4 water magician should n’t fight in this way. He did n’t release high-level magic or use a magic shield. What is the strength of this man? ,.)

Contrary to the fear in the hearts of the members of 'Black Flower' who had rushed to Zhang Yang's front, the leader of the 'Black Flower' who had been standing behind him calmly and calmly already hated Erlang.

If it wasn't for this little-bellied guy who had to find something for his own grudges, how can he meet such a mysterious magic swordsman now.

Yes. He has recognized Zhang Yang's hidden second layer of identity: the magic swordsman.

As the core member of the largest ‘Three Swords Alliance’ mercenary regiment in Moratis, as a fourth-tier silver intermediate swordsman, Made, not only has sufficient strength, but even the knowledge is not comparable to ordinary professionals. Originally, he thought that this uninvited guest was just a magician who was good at concealing the atmosphere, but it was just at that moment. When the man used the exquisite and powerful flying knife skills and the ice blade, Mader knew that this person was There are very few legendary magic sword warriors.

In fact, the magic sword warrior does not refer to a single professional. It actually refers to all professionals who combine magic and martial arts together. Regardless of whether this person has grudge, whether or not the weapon used by this person is a sword, as long as his combat skills are consistent with the combination of magic and martial arts, then they are real magic swordsmen.

On the contrary, even if some people can use magic and practice a certain level of grudge, but when they attack, magic and grudge cannot be organically combined, and they can only be used alone, then they can only be regarded as magic soldiers at most. Or a battle mage, not a magic swordsman.

The rank and strength of the magic swordsman may not be so powerful, because it is necessary to practice the relationship between magic and martial arts at the same time. The magic swordsman rarely has more than the fourth-order silver level. To put it plainly, the more difficult it is to increase the strength in the later stages. However, the combination of magic and martial arts is not as simple as one plus one. If the image is a metaphor, if the combat power of a magic warrior or battle mage is one plus one, then the real magic swordsman's combat power will have to be one after one plus one.

Made already understood at this time, although from the performance of the other party, this mysterious magic swordsman definitely did not reach the fourth-order silver level, but if he does not shoot, relying on these men alone is simply a dish for others. . Thinking of this, even if he doesn't want to be in his heart anymore, Mader still pulls out his cloak outside, pulls out the beloved fourth-order fire magic sword at the waist, and transports his grudge to summon a pale red formed by grudge [lock fog clothes] ], And then rushed forward with a loud shout.

"All pay attention to defense. Fence him."

At this time, because of the four ice shuttles that Zhang Yang threw with his hand, half of the remaining eight members of the "Black Flower" were charged only after a turn, and instead of moving sideways, they slowly retreated. . The remaining few thought that as long as they approached each other to attack, this guy could not use the terrible ice shuttle. So for a while, the members of the Black Flower who had been in an orderly manner had already appeared a bit of confusion, and at this time, the second wave of four ice shuttles released by Zhang Yang finally came into being.

"Everyone be careful."

"Look at his hand."

"Try your best to dodge, you can't block anymore."

"Protect the key. The ice shuttle has limited lethality, and he can't wear it in a position protected by armor."

Poof ~.

When several members of the 'Black Flower' who were close to Zhang Yang were carefully defending, Zhang Yang set his goal on Erlang. It turned out that at this time, Erlang also knew that he was in trouble, so he changed his posture to be a cat and a mouse, but used 100% of his strength to attack Franco and others.

This is good. Although Erg and George are strong shield soldiers, they have already consumed their grievances. As far as Franco is concerned, he is not an opponent of Elang. In front of him, Elang struck the big shield in the hands of the worst George with a slash filled with fighting spirit. The next blow will kill George. Two of the four ice shuttles that suddenly arrived will be Erlang shot through the arm holding the sword, and the other two missed the leather armor gap between Erlang's legs and shot deeply into his two thighs.

This change was completely unexpected by all Black Flower members, but at this time Franco's reaction was not slow. Just as Elang was splashing blood and fell to the ground, he rushed forward, striding forward on Elan, stroking Elan with two swords in his hand, putting Elan's other intact arm he wanted to struggle While nailed to the ground, another sword had pierced Elon's cloak and hung directly on his neck.

"Don't move. Otherwise I will kill him."

When suddenly hearing this sentence, the reactions of Zhang Yang and Made and others can be said to be completely different. In fact, Zhang Yang didn't expect that at this time, the guy who was supposed to be on the side of a good person would actually play hostage-taking. At this time, it was definitely not the first time to see Franco's appearance. With Zhang Yang's eyesight and knowledge, it is natural to easily judge that he is really a veteran in this regard.

(Sure enough, there is not much difference between mercenaries and robbers. They also sell their lives for money, only one is legal and the other is the goal of the previous one.)

Unlike Zhang Yang who secretly sighed, he was carrying a long sword step by step toward Zhang Yang's Made. After hearing Franco's cry, he only looked at him slightly, and then raised his mouth to reveal a bloodthirsty. Smiling, Yu said while turning back:

"Kill it, if you don't kill him, I will kill this idiot by hand later."

"Captain. Save me. I have many gold coins. I am willing to exchange all my property for my life."

At this time, Erlang really panicked. He knew exactly what this Mader who was the captain of Black Flower was. Compared with the strength of his fourth-order silver intermediate swordsman, Madele's reputation for tortured people secretly spread among the "Three Swords League". Even the fierce robber leaders, after falling into the hands of Made, no one can survive the ten leaks and bring out their hidden treasures and pans.

Now that Elang heard Fang Cai's words from Madele's mouth, this threat almost scared Elan more than the long sword on his neck.

But no matter how Ellen shouted, Mad did not look back at him again. At the same time, when Made stopped, he had already surrounded Zhang Yang with the remaining eight "Black Flowers" regiments.

"As a rare magic swordsman, you are very powerful."

After entering the fighting state, Made has completely controlled his emotions, no fear, no hesitation, only the next battle in his eyes and his heart, this is the mentality of the strong, at least it is a warrior who has really grown up in the killing. There should be a mentality.

Mader rarely praises people, and whenever he says so, when he defeats his opponent, his happy death is often the last wish of his opponent before he dies. It's just that Zhang Yang didn't know about it. Even if he knew it, he would only sneer, and then communicate with Mard to torture or torture skills.

"Thank you."

"Oh. Interesting."

The opponent's calmness is beyond Mard's expectations. He is very curious, even for a third-order black iron senior magic swordsman, when he is caught in a melee of a fourth-order silver intermediate swordsman and eight third-order blacks in close combat After being surrounded by iron-level combatants, it is impossible to be as indifferent as the person in front of him.

"The ignorant are fearless. Outsiders, you don't know what powerful power is behind" Black Flower ", but since you have already provoked" Black Flower ", then next, you still pray that you can die happily. Otherwise ... … "

Zhang Yang has always felt that the vast majority of bad guys have a fatal enough personality defect, that is, their words are too much.

From Zhang Yang's point of view, since it is already a life-and-death situation at this moment, it is the best choice to shoot directly and fight with a real sword. Such a nonsense like him not only made the other party fully prepared, but even the fighting intentions of the members of the Black Flower finally condensed due to the arrival of the leader were weakened to a certain extent.

Since ancient times, it has become a king and defeated the enemy, and history has always been written by the winners. This is surprisingly appropriate at this time. Now Zhang Yang has long realized that no matter in which world, in order to survive, it not only needs strength, but also a strong heart.

Therefore, when the words of Ma De were not finished, Zhang Yang, who was surrounded by a lot, actually took the lead in launching an attack.

At this time, he still did not use his true strength. Even in the disadvantage of being surrounded, Zhang Yang still chose to use the existing magic to combine his own ** combat power. In fact, Zhang Yang also wanted to see to what extent this demon swordsman's disguise could exert his combat power.

In the case of enemies all around, a third-order magic of the water system that Zhang Yanggang had recently mastered came in handy. I saw Zhang Yang didn't do much, as he instantly arranged the water elements that secretly gathered when Fang Maade spoke, through the power of the soul into a stable element structure. , Suddenly centered on Zhang Yang, broke out to the surroundings.

[Ice Ring Technique].

Because of the power of the soul, Zhang Yang doesn't need to spell out spells or magical names in order to save a few percent of the spiritual power like other magicians. So while Mad was still talking by himself, Zhang Yang was silently following the sudden eruption of the ice ring, abandoning the Mad in front of him, ignoring and turning straight to the left two black flowers The regiment's soldiers rushed.

"Be careful."

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately! (Meike)

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