Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 672: Meet Olesia

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Chapter 672

Volume 10 The Rebellion of the Seven Kings

Volume 10 The Rebellion of the Seven Kings


Category: Urban Romance

Author: Cobalt Blue ← →

"Anyone, why is there no one. ¥ fSanjiangge novel. ¥ fSanjiangge novel"

"This lady, isn't it human?"

Zhang Yang is really puzzled. How can he call out no one if he is such a large living person sitting here, if there is no one to entertain, it is justifiable, but looking at the silver armored woman looking left and right, it really does not seem like there is See what he looks like.

"I didn't find you again, could it be that you are the owner of this tavern."

Even when she was talking to Zhang Yang, the woman didn't turn around completely, plus her hood was covered with a long white cloak. From Zhang Yang's perspective, she could only see a fair chin.

"This is not the case, but I just want to tell you that the owner and waiter of this tavern have already gone back to rest. If you want to taste his ale, you are willing to share it. As for the barbecue, there is nothing you can do."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, the woman finally turned around. Although her face was still indistinct in her hood, Zhang Yang seemed to feel the strange color flashing in her eyes.

"You are waiting for someone."

"That's right, but it's a pity that the person who came should seem to have made an appointment. Rest assured, this cup is new."

Pointing to the empty glass across the table, Zhang Yang raised his head and dried the remaining half of the ale in his glass. As the bitter bitter sweet liquid came down, Zhang Yang exhaled deeply and touched He placed the heavy wine glass in his hand on the table.

"What are you doing."

"Don't you know that the wine glass made of oak is quite heavy, and when you drink the ale, it is the most energetic to knock like this, don't you come here to drink."

Zhang Yang ’s acting is really good. When he purely wants to deceive people, he can definitely make those who are inexperienced see no flaws. At this time, this powerful beauty is obviously inexperienced. A nonsense, a bit overwhelmed. In fact, she came for the death of Prow, but can she say that?

"... I, this is my first time, I did not expect this vulgar rules of drinking in this pub."

"Vulgar, not exactly. I force myself to do something that people seem to be noble every day. It's too tiring. Sometimes it's good to be arrogant like this. Ha, since you are also here to drink, I'm not interested in drinking alone. I do n’t know if it ’s an honor to have it. Please have a drink. ”

Speaking of that, Zhang Yang has smiled and turned her eyes to each other. If the woman is a noble, then she will not be able to refuse such kindness at will from an early age. Of course, if she really refused, Zhang Yang would not say more.

"... Thank you so much."

Maybe Zhang Yang really guessed it right, or maybe the woman really wanted to taste the taste of this ale. Anyway, after hesitating, she opened the wooden chair opposite Zhang Yang and sat down slowly.

In the dark and quiet midnight, the flames in the oil lamp in the house were not as bright as they were at night. This pub that could accommodate hundreds of people at the same time was drinking. At this time, only Zhang Yang and the mysterious woman opposite were in this atmosphere. , Enough to describe it strangely.

If it is replaced by a general noble lady, let alone get along with an unfamiliar male professional in this empty tavern. I am afraid that the night alone will be enough to make them frightened.

It's just that neither Zhang Yang nor the woman opposite who said nothing after sitting down was not an ordinary person. Until Zhang Yang filled all their oak glasses with ale in a small wine barrel, the woman said thank you. .

However, her next move made Zhang Yang feel very speechless. Under Zhang Yang ’s eyes, the woman actually pulled a slender metal needle from the armor on her wrist, and saw that she inserted the needle straight in front of her. In the wine glass, it took about three seconds before taking it out and glancing.

"... I said this lady, I kindly asked you to drink, you have done it a bit too much, don't you see that, I have been drinking the ale in this barrel."

Zhang Yang already understood at this time that this woman is definitely a rookie. Although the strength of the temper is very strong, but on the actual combat ... Zhang Yang even doubts whether this woman is going out for the first time.

But in any case, Zhang Yang also had to pretend to be a little angry. He had already noticed that there were five or six long breaths outside the doors and windows of the tavern. In terms of Zhang Yang ’s and his keen perception, even if there was no Seeing with my own eyes, I can roughly estimate the strength of these professionals outside the door, all of which are above the fourth-order silver level.

(It seems that these are the private army of the elders of the Camoad family, and this woman is afraid that her status should be unusual. Now that so many people are there, it is impossible to catch her for information. Think of something else,)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang sat straight and leaned directly on the chair behind him. The unpleasant expression on his face did not seem to be pretended.

"I kindly invite you to drink, even if you are on guard against being a bad person, I will not say anything when interviewing for poison, but there is no way to invite people to drink, but the other party does n’t even have a face on their face. , All wearing a hood, covering their faces to eat, "

Zhang Yang's words are still somewhat reasonable, but on the Orlando continent, between the nobles and the civilians, it is really not a person of the world. Like today, in a tavern, a noble lady sits with an adventurer Dining together is unique.

As for etiquette, are civilians eligible to discuss the issue of etiquette with the nobility? The nobility does not even need to maintain the etiquette with a group of civilians. Most of them are just arrogant.

However, the next move proved that Zhang Yang was right again. When the opposite woman heard Zhang Yang's words, hesitated for a while, and finally raised her hand to lift the pure white hood above her head. Yanzhong, with a somewhat familiar face, was directly displayed in front of Zhang Yang.

With Zhang Yang's strong resistance to beautiful women, she couldn't help but for a moment, the woman in front of her had not only a lovely and lovely face, golden curly hair, but also a pair of big eyes as beautiful as waves.

Although there is a hood cloak covered with pure white and embroidered with gorgeous patterns on the outside, but under the package of bright silver high-level magic armor, a concave and convex, completely unlike the **** body of the girl, is still reflected. Zhang Yang's eyes.

Zhang Yang can almost conclude that this exquisite magic armor with exquisite patterns carved on each piece of nail is definitely a tailor-made boutique for her, whether it is close to the waist but perfectly highlights the towering breastplate above, or is completely Tiancheng, with her beautifully curved skirt skirt, ensured enough defense while maximizing her beauty.

However, these are not the real reasons for Zhang Yang to be stupid. The reason why he is stunned is because the beauty is really similar to Ophelia's appearance.

(This girl could be Ophelia, the cousin, if it were her, would n’t she have only the strength of Tier 4 silver, how did she cross the threshold of Tier 5 gold? Forcibly stimulate the potential to increase ,,)

In fact, Zhang Yang thought of it so much, it only took a moment, so in the eyes of Olesia, he only recovered after a look, and this alone made Olesia ’s heart treat him. Impressed a lot.

"Before ... I'm sorry, for the first time, my name is Olesia."

Hearing the name, Zhang Yang immediately took a firm inference. This time the Presbyterian Church is definitely a big figure. He does not believe how powerful this beautiful woman can be. But now her appearance is not accidental and difficult. Not successful ...

"Uh, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, Miss. It's no wonder that you had to cover your face with a hood. It's a great honor to see you at the next Troy. Haha, it's a chance to meet, so it's worth a drink and a toast. "

During the talk, Zhang Yang had picked up a glass of wine. When his voice fell, this large glass of ale had already gobbled down halfway. Seeing this, Olesia couldn't help but smile. The people she touched on weekdays were either a hundred or one hundred. Shun is very awesome, or he always wants to take advantage of his face, but he is as calm and calm as this person, but very few.

Perhaps it was fooled by Zhang Yang's previous words, Olesia even learned each other, and raised his glass of his head and drank it in a rude way that he had never tried.

In fact, the ale brewed by Old Hans is really good. Although it is not as valuable as the private wines kept by the Camod family, it also has a unique refreshing refreshment. When the clear liquor with a strong malt fragrance is poured, it is poured with a galloping momentum At the entrance, a special kind of coolness spread throughout Olesia's body.

With Zhang Yang's ability, the other party's every move was naturally seen in his eyes, and because of this, he suddenly felt that the daughter of the elder opposite was actually just a very simple girl, who looked at character by alcohol, Zhang Yang had this confidence.

To this end, he deliberately slowed down the speed of his drinking. When the other party was about to finish drinking, he put down his glass and once again rested on this nailed table.

In the minds of many elders and men, Olesia has always been a perfect girl. Even if she competes or hunts, she will maintain the proper etiquette and style. Now that she goes out herself, she can finally put down some rules and disguise, so When Zhang Yang put down the cup and looked at her, Olesia even learned his way, and smashed the empty cup on the table with a loud sound.

(... so rude ... but ... it ’s really fun to drink like this,)

Thinking of this, at the moment Alessia's face suddenly showed a smile from the heart, coupled with the two red glows that appeared due to the ale, and she was already charming, and immediately exuded a strong Charm,

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