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The use of special magic fireworks to convey information is almost already a well-known method on the Orlando continent.

Whether it is an enemy attack, or asking for help, or a fireworks with obvious notice to the present day, it is relatively common. The only difference is the alchemy process of making these magical fireworks.

Every magic firework elaborately made by an alchemist can hardly be copied by others. This not only involves a series of problems such as materials, but also involves the drawing and assembly of miniature magic arrays.

So just like the magical firework of golden wings that is blooming in the sky today, the significance it represents is almost unknown in the northeastern part of France. That is the legendary fireworks that can be used by those who have succeeded in inheriting the Silver Pegasus King.

Looking at those who had been ambushing carefully inside the ‘Brave’ tavern and occupied all the escape routes, Demock was more attentive again. Fifteen strong Tier 4 silvers and above, plus four Tier 3 Black Iron seniors, this lineup is spread out in a small tavern, almost worth two to three fives The role played by the top-level gold-level powerhouses.

In addition, the five Tier 4 soldiers from the guards of the Presbyterian Church of the Camoad family and the Olesia with the Tier 5 posture at the door are the keys to lure the opponent into the suit.

(The hate was supposed to be six fourth-orders to match Olesia, but now there is one less. It seems to be suspicious. But fortunately, they are just bait. When they really do, they do not need them.)

Looking at a silver magical firework rushing from the tavern, Demok knew that everything had officially started. Feeling the powerful grudge flowing slowly in the body, Demok suddenly took out a small vial of finger-sized bright blue medicaments. After hesitating again and again, he changed hands and put it away.


Ophelia, who was riding on Feiyun, was not flying high at this time. In terms of her eyesight, her face was still clearly identifiable on the ground about a hundred meters below.

It is a tradition to cast magical fireworks five miles away. Then entering the city at a height of 100 meters is also a tradition.

In fact, the distance of five miles will not take much time even if you ride a wildebeest on the land. As the king of silver pegasus, at the speed of Feiyun, if you do your best, you will even need less than one point to miss. Can pass. However, Ophelia was not in a hurry at this time. She just maintained a speed that was not slow or slow. She flew from the east into Moratis in an upright and generous manner.

Demok didn't know that as Ophelia passed the city gate above the air, she saw the mercenary standing idly behind the guard. At this time, Ophelia's face suddenly became cold, and at the same time, Feiyun, who had established a contractual relationship with her, almost felt the anger and sorrow of her master at the same time.

"Herod ~"

"It's okay, Feiyun. What should come is always coming. I just ... I just don't want to believe that it really developed to this point ..."

"Herod ~"

"Yeah. I'm going to get up. Next, I'm afraid to fight, but before that, we have to play a play. Feiyun."

"Herod ..."


Olesia's mood at this time can really only be described by the word "disorder". She knew the plan set by her father, and she knew what role she would play.

However, she had no other choice. Since her childhood, her father's majesty has imprinted a deep mark on her heart. As the daughter of the elder elder and the second daughter of the Carmod family, she has few choices. Even for love and the future, for Alessia, it is not affected by his own will.

Perhaps only the end of life can be controlled, Olesia sometimes thinks so.

Standing at the front entrance of the "Brave" tavern and looking at the little point nearer in the horizon, Olesia felt envious and admired for his cousin.

Envious of her freedom to gallop outside, admiring her courage to fight fate bravely.

As for jealousy and hatred, Olesia feels that she does not have this qualification. From childhood, no matter what, no matter what, she has much better than cousin Ophelia. But in the end, Olesia not only lost to Ophelia, who was not as strong as her, but also did not even opponents in marching formations, tactical exercises, etc.

Therefore, Olessia was not jealous that Ophelia eventually became the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion. On the contrary, she truly believes that this cousin, who is much older than herself, is the one who is truly suitable to serve as the commander of the Silver Pegasus Corps.

It's a pity that she and Ophelia could not be friends. Even when Olesia was a child, she had a good relationship with Ophelia, but because she was only the daughter of the elder, and Ophelia was the patriarch. Daughter, so later, everything changed ...

While Olesia was out of his mind, Ophelia riding the flying cloud had already fallen from the sky and fell straight in front of the gate of the "Brave" tavern, in front of the guards of the five elders of the Camoad family.

"Olesia, you are getting more and more beautiful, but I didn't expect that the person who came to pick me up will be you. Speaking of it, although we all live in Moxim, I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time.

As Ophelia gracefully jumped off Pegasus, her eyes immediately focused on Olesia's face. Ophelia was reluctant to believe that this good sister who was a child was the one who wanted her life today.

"Cousin, long time no see ..."

This cousin made Ophelia's determination just now weaken by a few points. Olesia did not call her name directly, nor did she call her the head of the legion coldly, so does it mean that in Olesia's heart, he still cares about the love of these relatives.

Unfortunately, the softness in Olesia's eyes lasted only a moment. After a frustrating inner struggle, she still chose her father.

"Please forgive the elders of the Legion, just now Olesia was rude. Here, on behalf of the Elders of the Carmod family, I welcome you to return from the ancient silver Pegasus trial. Please follow me upstairs, upstairs, I have prepared wine and food for you. "

How far is it from heaven to hell? Although there is no place like heaven on the mainland of Orlando, there is hell. So this sentence can be asked in another way: How far is it from hope to despair?

For this question, at least hundreds of answers will appear among a thousand people, but at this time Ophelia will tell you that the distance from hope to despair is only one sentence away.

Yes, when he heard that Olesia used the aristocratic etiquette to formulate the contents of the formula, Ophelia's heart seemed to be stabbed hard.

An inexplicable anger accompanied by the pain that almost convulsed the heart swept Ophelia's heart in an instant.

(Why, are n’t we relatives? Is it true that the blood relationship between us really ca n’t resist the temptation of power and desire, why?)

Feiyun, who instantly sensed Ophelia ’s consciousness, did n’t really know how to comfort his master. Although it is intelligent, it cannot understand the overly complicated feelings of human beings. In its view, the blood relationship between loved ones is the strongest bond in the world.

So Feiyun was silent, she could only move up a few steps and rubbed Ophelia's body with her big head. Feiyun didn't know if it would be useful, at least whenever Silver Pegasus lost a loved one, other companions would this way……

Maybe Feiyun's method really worked, no one knows. But Ophelia had already stood still. She was not angry or weeping, but she looked calmly at the gate of the tavern that was already open in front of her.

"Open the door a little bigger, and I will take my Silver Pegasus in,"

Only Olesia had some feelings. She did n’t know what the other party had guessed, but she tried her best to act as a little cousin, and finally fulfilled her duty of reminder for the last time.

(If you are as smart as you used to be, cousin, turn around and leave here immediately. There are only so many things I can do for you ...)

Listening to the indifference in Ophelia's calm words, Olesia's heart was so painful that she could hardly breathe. It's a pity that just like she couldn't forget the joy of having been with Ophelia's cousin, Olesia also couldn't keep her father's orders behind her.

"Master Legion, the King of Pegasus is also very tired along the way. Please let it take a rest. On the west side of the yard, we have prepared a comfortable place for the King of Pegasus,"

"Thank you for your kindness, Olesia, I have vowed when I signed a contract with the King of Pegasus, from now on, I will stay close to her. If you insist on letting her go to the sleeping stables, please elder Let ’s meet me in the stable. I ’ll meet them there. "


At the moment, Olesia didn't know how to take over, but just when she was overwhelmed with the skirt angle of her outer armor, a fourth-order silver intermediate knight behind her suddenly stepped forward and said after a little salute :

"Lords of the Legion, you have to worry about it. How could the elders let you go to the sleeping stables. Please bring the Pegasus King in. There is enough space on the third floor to allow His Royal Highness to rest there. Nothing. Please. "

After taking a deep look at this ordinary fourth-order knight, Ophelia sneered incessantly. In order to lure her into the urn, the claws of these presbyterian churches became more and more substitutes. When Olesia did not speak, he ignored Seduced by his own identity. Just a little bit, Ophelia can be completely sure that Olesia is by no means the leader of this operation, and that he is really responsible for assassinating himself. I am afraid that there are others.

(Does n’t the gang of immortal presbyterian members personally deal with me? If so, I ’m afraid I can only rely on Feiyun ’s strength to break out.)

Thinking of this, Ophelia's eyes were still in the corner of the eye, and suddenly saw a flash of anxiety in Olesia's eyes.

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