Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 682: Zhang Yang's layout

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After chatting with Olesia for a while, Zhang Yang greeted Ophelia and agreed to meet at the Oak Cup Pub in the evening, and left first.

Now the conspiracy of the Presbyterian Church has been broken, and with the strength of Ophelia's fifth-level gold intermediate level, it is already the strongest level of existence in Moratis. What's more, she is surrounded by the sixth-level intermediate strength of the Silver Pegasus King Feiyun guardian. If there is nothing unexpected, ensuring safety is not a problem.

In fact, the reason why Zhang Yang left was for Demok.

After being blasted out of the ‘Brave’ tavern and rammed into a nearby house, this powerful soldier disappeared. In the past, there was such a big noise in the brave tavern, how could the city guards stationed in the city not know, but because the few low-level mercenaries hired by Zhang Yang had escaped after leaking news, the city guards ’chief When I learned that the trouble in the tavern turned out to be a group of no less than twenty strong men of the fourth-order silver level, I suddenly dispelled the idea of ​​interference.

joke. The most powerful player in the City Guard is the fourth captain of the fourth brigade who has just reached the threshold of Tier 4 silver peak. Let him lead a group of second-tier elite soldiers to interfere with a group of fourth-rank strong men, it would be better to let him wipe his neck.

However, as a city guard, the sergeants of the 4th Brigade of Silver Pegasus couldn't sit back and watch, thinking left and right, they had to alert the entire block around the "Brave" tavern. Even if this does not stop the other party, it will at least protect civilians from harm.

Hall has worked in Moratis for so many years and has never encountered such a difficult thing. Even at this time he led his sergeant still tens of meters away from the "Brave" tavern, but with the strength of his fourth-order silver peak, he could already feel that the inside of the "Brave" tavern was better than a strong prestige. Pressure.

(Damn. What is the identity of this group of people, and dare to attack the heroes of the Silver Pegasus Legion. There have been rumors that this time it was the head of the Ophelia Legion who entered the ancient Silver Pegasus trial, and now listen to the city The guard report at the door did indeed see a female Silver Pegasus Knight. I hate that I have to care about the order in Moratis, otherwise I will go in and help Lord Ophelia.)

At that time, Hall was thinking that suddenly the side wall of the "Brave" tavern in front of him suddenly broke through the wall and flew out. It's a pity that the moment happened so quickly that Hall hadn't seen the appearance of the man, and it was convenient to smash it into the house next door.

Hall was very nervous when he saw it. As far as the effect of the tactical strike was concerned, without the strength of the sixth-order purple gold level or above, it was almost impossible to cause such an exaggerated effect. You should know that the main buildings in Moratis are all built with stone bricks made of the same material as the city walls. Although the outer wall of the "Brave" tavern is only as thick as a layer of stone bricks, even if the fifth-level gold-level combatants want to smash it with a blow, they have to use their grudge skills.

At that scene, Hall saw the score clearly. Only after the man was attacked, Yu Wei, could penetrate two walls. This power is really shocking.

If the sound of fighting in the tavern continued, Hall wouldn't dare to venture to investigate the life and death of the man flying out. However, when Hall carefully took celebrity hands and dived into the private house, there was a trace of human figure besides a big hole in the wall and gravel and a pool of blood.


In a long-term uninhabited house in the north of Moratis, Zhang Yang is healing Demock. If Ophelia saw this scene, she would be dumbfounded. In fact, Zhang Yang is not crazy. In front of him, the weapon master who had the sixth-level Zijin primary strength has now completely changed his identity.

After asking Zhang Yang what information Zhang Yang needed, Zhang Yang fulfilled his promise and gave him a happy heart. Today's Demok has a faint purple halo in his eyes, a sense of vicissitudes that seems to have gone through hundreds of thousands of years. It makes people know at a glance that he is no longer the former Demok.

However, Demok was indeed dead, and now lying on the table in front of Zhang Yang, has become the strongest member of the soul guard of Zhang Yang's men, the Terna strong Marsac.

In fact, when Zhang Yang finished his mission at the mercenary union last night and returned to the Oak Cup Tavern, he had already called in two soul guards who were on standby outside the city. At that time, Zhang Yang had instructed them to lurk into the house outside the Brave Tavern in advance. If conditions permit, he might get some unexpected gains.

It's just that even Zhang Yang, the creator, didn't expect it to be so lucky. Soul Guardian ** and Fili captured the dying Demok. This is a strong sixth-level Zijin level.

In accordance with Zhang Yang's consistent cruelty against the enemy, he not only got information about the conspiracy of the Presbyterian Church, but also asked about the "Blue Ice Fight Qi" practiced by Demok. This is good, after calling out three Terna priests to discuss, the Terna warrior Masaki, who had the sixth-level Zijin senior strength, appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

As a general of the former Royal Guards of Terna, Masac has been affirmed by the high priest Ojira both in strength and commanding ability. In fact, the more advanced the body, the more difficult it is to occupy the success. If Masac itself is much stronger than Demok, and he also got the "Ice Blue Fighting Spirit" practiced by Demok. Afraid that he will occupy the chance of success, it will not exceed 20% at all.

However, even with these conditions, Masac ’s success rate is only less than about 40%. Once it fails, Demok ’s body is destroyed and is small, and Masac ’s soul will also be destroyed together. However, this time luck seemed to be on the side of the Terna. Masac not only succeeded in occupying the new dead body of Demok in one fell swoop, but also quickly mastered the operation method of the "Ice Blue Fight Qi Jue".

As long as he is familiar with this body, it will not be a problem to restore the strength of the sixth-order Zijin primary level of Demok in his life.

This harvest really pleases everyone present, whether it is Zhang Yang or the Terna people, what is lacking right now is this available person with high-level strength. Today, with the power of Masac, you can hide your identity. With coloring ** and Fili handle things for Zhang Yang, and by the way, collect some human information that can be converted into soul guards.

Zhang Yang does not allow the Terna people to kill innocent humans to transform soul guards, but he is not opposed to using corpses such as wicked robbers, gangsters, and evil mercenaries to serve the Terna people. Therefore, Zhang Yang left two instructions to the Masac three before leaving:

First, hide your identity. Because of the inability to change your appearance, the Masac three must prepare some special masks to prevent identity problems.

Second, in the name of a mercenary or an adventurer, look for a suitable attack target. After capturing three targets, you can contact him, and then Zhang Yang will arrange meetings and conversions.

After solving this, Zhang Yang pulled up the hood behind his cloak and took the disguised staff to leave the house directly. This force composed of Terna is only just starting now, and is on a little bit right track. If you want to serve Zhang Yang and give full play to its power, it will take some time to develop.

It ’s just that Zhang Yang did n’t know that in order to find a strong enough body for the strong among the clan, in the following days, almost all the wanted targets in the tens of miles around Moratis were cleared, although people did not Knowing his true purpose, he still gave them the title of "Three Swords Heroes" ...


After dealing with these, it seems that the sky is still not noon. At this time, Zhang Yang ’s goal is still the mercenary union. He needs to send some arrangements and arrangements through the mercenary union ’s channel to Neil Jie in Moxim. Lina.

Although they destroyed the plan of the Presbyterian Church at this time, Zhang Yang believed that, in terms of the power accumulated in the Presbyterian Church for many years, Ophelia would never easily complete the "Glorious Tour" and eventually return to Moxim safely. So he needs support and a messenger who can be trusted.

Niel Jielina and the members of the current Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, although already stronger than the general medium-sized mercenary regiment in terms of overall strength, but want to participate in the troubles of Zhang Yang and Ophelia today, it is really not enough to watch . Fortunately, Zhang Yang didn't need them to fight directly, so there was nothing wrong with hiding and doing some preparations.

Moratis City is not far from Moxiximu, the headquarters of the Silver Pegasus Legion, so when Zhang Yang spread the news at a high price, Niel Jielina received a letter from Zhang Yang that night.

(Very good. Adults are really safe. But I did not expect that the situation has reached such a point that the elders of the Camod family are really bold and openly murdered Lord Ophelia. But if there is an adult, it should be able to cope with it. It seems I have to act quickly ...)

Thinking of this, Nier Jielina was busy immediately, not only to make the members of the Thunderbolt Light branch to perform tasks outside quickly, but also to avoid the eyes and ears of the Presbyterian Church and pass the news and arrangements to the Silver Pegasus Legion. Mei Li.

In fact, what Zhang Yang needs Neil Jielina to do is to protect her own safety and collect and transmit intelligence. The only person who can really help Ophelia is Meli. After all, only her, the guard of the head of the Silver Pegasus Legion, had the opportunity to contact the letter of Ophelia, so as to summon the silver Pegasus knights stationed in the surrounding cities to come to Moratis to protect the Pegasus King and Orpheus. Leah.

Zhang Yang believes that as long as enough silver Pegasus knights gather around Ophelia, then with these silver Pegasus to testify and protect, Ophelia can definitely return to Moxim safely.

As for the days before reaching this goal, Ophelia may encounter countless assassins for money.

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