Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 684: Decision of the Presbyterian Church

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Immediately after Cameron said this, a burst of strangely pacing rhythm came from outside the door.

"The elder elder talked like that, it was a bit out of the ordinary."

Hearing this, Cameron inside the house and other elders of the Camoad family were startled. Although the place where they talked was not a secret room, there were also more than ten masters guarding the outside of the door. Now some people are approaching the door silently, and under the eyes of the elders of the sixth-order purple gold level and above. Hidden breath, how can this strength not surprise them.

Fortunately, Cameron is a man of strength and insight after all, he understands the gap between himself and the legendary strong. It is no exaggeration to say that if a legendary strongman wants to sneak attack and kill him, his sixth-level Zijin Intermediate strength is definitely a nine-death life.

At the moment, there is only one legendary strongman known in the Silver Pegasus Legion, so the identity of the coming person suddenly comes out. With the wealth and savings of the French Empire, it is quite normal to equip the princes with some powerful magic guides, so after the initial moment of surprise, Cameron suddenly said as if surprised:

"His Highness the Three Princes., You will not be notified in advance if you are here, so that I can wait to be greeted."

At the same time, as Cameron's voice just fell, the luxurious door facing the place had been opened gently. A handsome young man with blond hair suddenly accompanied by a shadowy old man behind him, toward the house. Coming.

Behind them, a tier 5 gold intermediate strength soldier and more than a dozen tier 4 silver rank soldiers have already laid down to the ground. Seeing this, the five elders in the house who were originally frightened suddenly suddenly Stood up.

At this moment, this person is not someone else, it is really the third prince of the French empire, but unlike most elders in the house who have a nervous or frightened expression, the face of the three princes Aden hangs from beginning to end With a faint smile, it looks as if he is not an uninvited guest, but the owner here.

Aden had long expected that the shameless elders of the Camoad family would be like this, so just before the other five elders spoke, he first made a gesture of restlessness, and then said lightly:

"The elders are assured that the guards at the door are just fainted, and there is no danger to life. Aden was just a curiosity, and helped the elders to test the defensive ability of the guards. Although it was a bit pretentious, it must be based on the elders' minds Naturally won't mind. "

Listening to him at this moment, the five elder Barry Camod who wanted to be angry could only sit back again with a grunt. In fact, for the unscrupulous princes of the three princes Aden, how could the elders of the Camord family here not mind, and not to mention how they used to be above their eyes, but Aden threatened this by force with the legendary strongman behind him One item is enough to make them resentful.

However, after all, Aden was His Royal Highness the Three Princes of the French Empire, and now he has a cooperative relationship with their Presbyterian Church. In addition, the cause of this incident was that the Presbyterian Party failed to fulfill its previous promises, so that the commander of the army, Ophelia, ordered Married to the three princes, so now Aden got angry and came to the door, and Cameron and others could only beat their teeth and swallow blood.

"... So, the old man would also like to thank His Royal Highness the third prince for his kindness. I just don't know what other advice His Highness has,"

"Ah ... It seems that Aden's visit is a bit pretentious. If anything is offended, Aden apologizes to the elders here ~"

Speaking of which, Adenguo did not pay a slight gesture of salute, but in his identity, Cameron and others are no longer arrogant to regenerate their anger and dare not sit there and suffer. So for a time, all the elders of the Carmod family in the house could only get up and return the gift.

"Where did the Highness Prince Three say? I wanted to invite His Highness to come and discuss together. Now His Highness is not only coming here, but also helping me to wait for a big favor. It is really grateful."

Hearing this, even though Aden looks superb on the surface, he is extremely disdainful of the hypocrisy of the elder Cameron. So he canceled his original plan to talk more, but said straightforwardly:

"I have known the actions of the elders before, and I am very satisfied with your positive attitude. But what I want to say is, do n’t underestimate your opponents, you can pass the ancient trials, and you can never do it by luck. Thing. If you ca n’t succeed before the other party enters Moxim, then I ’ll ask Mr. Yarrag. Look forward to your next performance ... "

Putting down this sentence, Aden gave a little gift here, and then lifted the golden cloak behind him and turned and walked out of the door. Only the elders of the Carmod family who were angry but dare not speak.

It wasn't until a few omissions that when Cameron secretly probed and confirmed that the three princes Aden had indeed left, he sat down with a straight face. After a long silence, Cameron finally said in a low voice:

"Arrogant and arrogant, maybe he is not the best choice for the future as the master of the **** ..."

Hearing this, the elders sitting around Cameron were startled. Now the rest of the forces inside the empire secretly know that the Camod family is very close to the three princes, if they regret it now ...

Thinking of this, Ferrari, the fourth elder with the best relationship with Cameron, finally couldn't help but remind:

"The situation right now, if we want ... I'm afraid it's too late,"

"No, not only is it too late, but it is a good opportunity. As long as the position has not been clearly in whose hands, then our choice is not too late. In fact, we have a lot of chips in our hands, in fact some Information now seems more important than strength. "

"Oh. Understood. Brother wise. Then let's say, do we still have to deal with Ophelia,"

"Of course. No matter who you choose in the end, the Silver Pegasus Legion is the heaviest bargaining chip in our body, and if you want to hold this chip tightly, then an obedient legion chief is very necessary. At first ... forget, who I did n’t expect that with her strength, she could pass the ancient silver Pegasus trial. At this time, if she is not too stupid, she should have deployed the Moratis City Guard as a guard, so that our staff ca n’t Boldly entered the war. "

"So what shall we do, or just declare that Ophelia betrayed the Silver Pegasus Legion. Then we ..."

"Stupid. Who would choose to betray after passing the Ancient Silver Pegasus Trial and after gaining the identity of the Silver Pegasus King. By saying this, you are telling everyone that our elders will murder Silver Pegasus The head of the legion is the same as seizing power. "

"But brother, if not, how should we do it,"

"In fact, it's very simple. Our people don't move first. There is a person who can serve us well."

"Does Brother mean ..."

"Yes. Mercenaries and adventurers, they can do anything for the gold coins. And the gold coins, we have this thing. Contact the Assassin Guild, the dark mercenaries, and release the message as the high prince Adam, as long as they can kill Orpheus. Leah and her affiliation can get a great wealth. I believe that at this critical time, just a fire can make the situation chaotic. The more chaotic, the more power we have in our hands The more valuable. "


With the elder Cameron's plan, the hearts of several batches of presbyterian churches were busy. However, Cameron did not know exactly how effective his actions would be. When the chaos exceeded everyone's imagination and developed to an uncontrollable point, it was too late to think about regret ...

Ophelia did not know that her head had become a symbol of wealth in the eyes of countless assassins and bandits overnight. At this time, she just tried to gather all the forces that could be gathered according to the original plan.

Fortunately, Ophelia has a very high popularity in the hearts of the soldiers and officers at the bottom of the Silver Pegasus Regiment, so when Hall put half of the brigade, that is, the five squadrons, the silver Pegasus originally belonged to the Moratis Guard When Legionnaires handed over to her, even without Ophelia ’s order, these people spontaneously elected the 20 strongest men to become her personal guards, along with Ophelia before dark Came to the Oak Cup Tavern.

When Ophelia led the crowd into the Oak Cup Tavern, she was stunned. Originally, she thought that Wright just chose a place as a foothold, but after entering the door, when she saw that there was no one other than Assam dressed as a noble waiter, Ophelia suddenly thought of a possibility ... …

"Welcome to you, esteemed adult beauty ... uh ... and Feiyun Master ..."

As Assam dressed as a noble waiter bowed to salute, a noble greeting came to Assam's mouth, and the second half of the sentence suddenly changed. After hearing this extremely familiar title, without waiting for the newly-raised guards beside him to be angry, Ophelia said in a surprise:

"Assam, why are you here ..., that adult,"

"Ah ~ beautiful lady ~ You know, I was born to be a miserable laborer. I originally found a good place to sleep around the beauties. How can I know that the adult in your mouth has taken me from the gentle town Come out as a coolie ... "

"Okay, Assam, come here first to complain. After all, the only man he can use with confidence is you, this is also the trust that the adult has for you, ... Where is he now,"

"... Although it sounds so reasonable, how do I feel like I'm fooled, and the adult's men ... erm ... The adult is upstairs, you go up to him. "

"Hey, Assam, did you have anything to say, what did he do,"

"Ah, it's nothing, nothing, go up quickly, these are behind you,"

"They are fighters in my legion. For the time being as my personal guard, please arrange it for me first. You have worked hard for Assam ..."

"Uh ~ this is my honor,"

(Almost talking about leaking, I hope the beauty does not notice it ...)

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