Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 693: Winning machine

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One inch long and one inch strong, one inch short and one inch insurance. Zhang Yang does not know whether this sentence exists on the mainland of Orlando, but for the current situation, it is indeed more appropriate.

In terms of the sword-blade gun in Zhang Yang's hands, both the lethality and the attack range in the battle are much stronger than the two daggers in the hands of the assassin. But for ordinary soldiers, if the assassin is close, the long weapons in their hands will almost be restrained by the other party.

After all, the assassins are not only good at fighting with daggers, but also to the use of toxins and potions, they are also enough to be praised. Many high-level thieves professionals will have one or several alchemist friends. From their hands, thieves can get a lot of powerful poisons specifically for body protection or magic shield.

Under the influence of these poisons, even the [Arrogant Armor] outside the Tier 5 combatants may be penetrated by a single blow, so from the perspective of lethality, the combatants and thieves who use long weapons are There are pros and cons, if the strength of the grudge is the same, then it is almost a competition skill.

The assassin who attacked Zhang Yang has always been very confident in his fighting skills, so whenever he faced the warrior, he always underestimated the opponent unconsciously. This may be a common problem for many assassins. After all, in their view, whether it is to use weapons to smear weapons or refine their skills, they are all for killing and victory. This is better than those warriors who only focus on cultivation and fighting. We have changed a lot.

It's a pity that the assassin met a different person today. Zhang Yang is right to be a fighter, but he is much better than this assassin in both skill and experience. The blade in his hand was turned into an off-white sword blade gun due to the venomous poison of the bone demon scorpion. Its toxicity was no worse than the poison applied to the other pair of daggers.

Therefore, when Zhang Yang stabbed out, the original assassin suddenly smelled a pungent smell from the opponent's weapon. Suddenly, the assassin felt sick in his chest. Just a little inhalation of a little odor, there was such a big reaction, which surprised the assassin who was always associated with toxins.

He did n’t dare to joke about his own life. Although the opponent did n’t have any grudge on his weapon, he could feel it from the low wind breaking sound. What a powerful force was contained in this seemingly not too fast shot. . Coupled with this unknown type of toxin, he dared not care about it anyway.

I have to say that the assassin's flexibility is much better than that of ordinary soldiers. When Zhang Yang stabbed, he could barely change his original movement, and instead crossed his hands with two daggers and parried directly from the side of the bladed gun past. Generally speaking, this method can easily remove about 70% of the opponent's strength, and the remaining part will not be a problem for the assassin with low strength.

This is the effect of the techniques that thieves are proud of.

However, Zhang Yang's strength was completely beyond the expectation of the other party. Just at the moment when the fifth-tier gold intermediate assassin held Zhang Yangjian's bladed gun with a dagger full of grudge in his hand, a heavy and incomparable force suddenly came from his hands. All of a sudden the assassin felt a tremor in his wrist and was almost unable to hold the weapon in his hand.

At the same time, after the toxins on the bladed gun contacted with the poison on the dagger, a burst of gray smoke was actually produced. When the green smoke inadvertently passed through the lock gown that was contaminated outside the assassin's body, the characteristic robe actually smoked and corroded at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, the assassin was shocked at the same time, who dare to continue the offensive, while turning over and retreating, he pulled off his robe and dropped it on the ground.

At this time, Zhang Yang did not continue to attack the assassin, but instead a sword gun in his hand directly broke into the front of the other two assassins and Feiyun. At this time Zhang Yang had already attracted the attention of the other party, and this was exactly what Zhang Yang wanted.

As Zhang Yang's sword-blade gun fully unfolded, the stabs were cut, and the attacks of the three assassins immediately took over. Although he faced the attack of six daggers with a sword-blade gun, it was already extremely difficult. It was simply forced to defend against weak attacks. But Zhang Yang also won extremely rare casting time for Feiyun.

After only a few moments, Feiyun can release the most powerful sixth-order magic. At that time, these assassins with less than sixth-order purple gold level could not bear it. The attacker was afraid that the end would be miserable.

Seeing this, the three assassins were furious. The three high-level assassins were blocked by a soldier who did not use grudge, which was a shame for them. So the three of them burst out of a strong violent volatility almost simultaneously, and the dagger in their hands was more than ten centimeters long, with a very condensed blade of arrogance.

[Multiple bursts] [Dance of the Blade] [Crosscut]

Adhering to the needs of concealment and assassination, when the assassin uses grudge skills in combat, he never screams the name of the skill for the momentum like a soldier. Therefore, when Zhang Yang saw a warning sign in his mind with a sword-bladed gun, the three assassins used their proud fighting skills in silence.

In an instant, countless roads were either red or green, and flooded Zhang Yang's front almost at once. As a series of dense weapon clashes came out, when the three assassins stopped after a while, they were surprised to find that although the other party was not injured, he even barely resisted most of the attacks of Fang Cai.

Although Zhang Yang's body and arms instantly showed more than a dozen different blood spots, Feiyun behind him was unscathed and completely undisturbed.

(Does n’t this person hurt?) Although he was only injured by the grudge blade when he attacked, and was not hurt by the poison on the dagger, but he was opened like a dozen blood holes, but it was still like a normal person. This person is really ...)

Thinking of this, the three assassins suddenly felt a little weaker in their heart. If Zhang Yang was behind him, Feiyun gathered magic and the magic that was about to be released threatened them too much. The three assassins were afraid to give up and attack Orpheus directly. Leah.

Therefore, even if they want to kill themselves, the three assassins must continue to attack Zhang Yang. Otherwise, if Feiyun successfully released the high-level magic that he knew with his ass, they would have no chance.

However, the magic gathered around Feiyun was already visible to the naked eye, and when the three assassins were still blocked by Zhang Yang Quanli, the floor above Zhang Yang's head was suddenly broken. Accompanied by the dust of the shattered wood, a two-handed sword with black smoke actually cut off directly at Feiyun.

This sudden change is really unexpected. Looking at the man's black armor, it is clearly the leader of the "Three Swords League" mercenary regiment who has just retreated.

It should be said that the most worthy target on the first floor of the pub at this time was Ophelia. However, because of the obstruction of the floor, the quarmella secretly entering the building from the window can only blur Ophelia. Ya roughly position, but when he hesitated whether to take the stairs to raid or break down the floor sprint, Feiyun's wave of high-level magic suddenly caught Quagmira's attention.

As the leader of the mercenary corps with a global consciousness, Quagmira knew that if Feiyun let this magic out, today's attack would fail almost instantly. Therefore, weighing the pros and cons, he immediately found the location of Feiyun, and directly smashed the floor to the Feiyun in the cast.

"Be careful. Feiyun."

This time Ophelia's heart really hung up and down and then hung up again. The battle between Zhang Yang and Feiyun directly determined the success or failure of this battle. Don't look at Zhang Yang's just one enemy and three hardships to catch the fighting skills released by the three assassins, but even if the pain on his body can be tolerated, the bleeding wound is consuming Zhang Yang's bit by bit. Fighting power and vitality.

Now that Feiyun could cast a spell immediately, but suddenly fell into crisis again, Ophelia finally couldn't help shouting. If Feiyun continues to cast spells, the sword of Quagmira will definitely hit it, and even kill it. However, if Feiyun dodges or defends, then this high-level magic that it is about to complete, I am afraid that it will die halfway.

As a matter of fact, Ophelia, as an outsider, could not understand what Zhang Yang could find, so at this time, the three assassins suddenly discovered that the person in front of him had a strong electric light. At the same time, a chilling, upright sense of crisis suddenly caught the hearts of the three assassins.

At this moment, the three assassins seemed to see the bladed gun in the man's hand suddenly turned into a band of light. After the three of them turned around, they went straight to the black armor attacker in the air. Quagmira stabbed.

puff. when. .

Quagmila never thought that it would be such an ending after he cut off his sword with a steady hand.

Just when the edge of his two-handed sword was less than ten centimeters away from Feiyun's head, a gray-white bladed gun that suddenly stretched out suddenly caught him. With the strength of Quagmira, this striking blow is no less powerful than the ordinary fifth-tier gold senior combatants, but even then, it is now firmly held by the opponent and can no longer enter. Cents.

It's not over yet. Just when Quagmira tried to turn over and fall down, the other party stabbed from the bottom with a shiny white electric light. Fortunately, the strength of Kwagmila is not bad. When he hit a thousand times, he managed to lay a sword in his hand and blocked it with a spine. In a flash, with a strong voice, the Kwagmila in the air was actually Zhang Yangyi. He hit the hole when he came down and returned to the second floor of the tavern.

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