Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 698: The glory tour begins

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In fact, Angela's efforts have not been in vain. Every [natural healing] magic she released can almost restore Zhang Yang's physical load by about 10%. Therefore, counting the part of Zhang Yang who recovered from the rest before rest, when Angela collapsed after consuming the last bit of magic, Zhang Yang's physical load was finally reluctantly restored to within the standard line!

Although the current physical load is still at a very high level of about 97%, it is not convenient to use the skills of Thunderbolt, but because the overall load has returned to the normal range, the kind of non-stop tormenting him The sequelae of numbness and pain have completely disappeared.

In terms of Zhang Yang's recovery ability at this stage, it only takes about five leaks, and his physical load can recover to the peak level. That means that his fighting power has been completely restored. As for those who want to recover these small wounds, just use [Lightning Resuscitation] can basically do it in one day.

Gently straighten Angela, who was tired from sleeping, and cover her with a quilt. At this time Zhang Yang and other talents left the room on the second floor of the "Brave" tavern lightly and came to the spacious first floor lobby to discuss the next move.

"Although it was nice to meet you, but you shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous."

Zhang Yang is both happy and worried at the moment. He is happy that his friends can come regardless of the danger, but he is also worried about the safety of these friends. You know that although Sean, Charlotte and others have improved in strength, even if the strength is the fourth-level silver junior, it seems that Jason, who has entered the fourth-level silver intermediate threshold, is now very dangerous.

After all, the enemies they are about to face are not only large in number and powerful, but even more sophisticated. In this case, I am afraid that only after reaching the fifth level of the gold level, it can be slightly guaranteed.

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Sean suddenly smiled. I saw that he had taken a glass of ale from the waiter, and then looked around the people present, before speaking to Zhang Yang:

"Come to his boss, everyone knows what you mean. Don't want us to take risks, right? But don't forget, as mercenaries and adventurers, we will experience all kinds of dangers sooner or later! If all day long Fearful, just watching you in danger, then we have to find a place to grow the land, why should we venture out? "

"But your strength ..."

Hearing Zhang Yang mentioned the issue of strength, Sean was even more energetic.

"I knew you weren't worried that our strengths were too bad. In fact, even if we were fighting alone, I, Lance and Lily, could all beat the enemy step by step! And when we all get together At that time, we can even defeat the same number of Tier 4 silver-level quasi-powerhouses! Even if we encounter ordinary Tier 5 powerhouses, as long as we are not caught by surprise by a raid, we will not easily fail even if we fight! "

Listening to Sean's talk about this, Zhang Yang knew that he was saying that everything else was useless, not to mention that they had already come. Even if they went back, they might be ambushed on the road and might even be caught. Treat it as a hostage or something. If this is the case, it is upside down.

Besides, Zhang Yang is indeed lacking reliable manpower around him. Needless to say, several fourth-order players such as Jason and Ryan are themselves strong combatants, and there are two magicians, Anna and Medici. It will be much more diverse.

What's more, although Sean and Lance are not much stronger, they have a lot of ghost ideas and so on. Whether they are setting traps and defenses or preparing for various raids, they are all good hands.

More importantly, the arrival of Charlotte and Angela, Charlotte can treat the injury for all the team alone. After all, the existence of holy water is very close to the efficacy of the primary treatment agent. As for Angela, as long as she is there, Zhang Yang will be able to let go of the heavy-duty [Lei Ji Burst] and reduce many scrutiny, which to some extent can already be regarded as improving his recovery ability. For this alone, the existence of Angela is more important than most people.

To understand these points, Zhang Yang left them very happily, which caused Sean, Charlotte and others to raise their cheers with great excitement. For a time, the people in the bravery tavern focused their attention here. Trust, bravery, and unity are the most important bonds between peers and the cornerstone of the team's success!


At noon, headed by Ophelia riding the flying cloud, the group finally lined up neatly and set off from the brave tavern. Behind Ophelia at this moment, the two silver Pegasus knights, Alazon and Bagwa, were guarding her in the middle of the front.

One hundred soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion were already arranged in four rows. They carried flags and spears, followed a neat pace, and followed the three knights in front. As for Zhang Yang, Neil Jielina, Sean and others, the identity of the foreign mercenary regiment is now at the end of the team.

The glorious patrol of the Silver Pegasus Legion is a great event in the French Empire and even the human kingdom. Therefore, when this group of people marched on the main street in Moratis, the streets were already around Standing full of countless civilians.

A bunch of fresh petals were sprinkled by groups of girls from the second floor on both sides of the street, and then turned into fluttering ‘color butterflies’ in the process of floating. Even if the battle in the Oak Cup tavern was known to the residents of the city last night, the simple people are still willing to believe that the passer of the ancient silver Pegasus trial and the legendary legionnaire are the protection of people ’s peace and contentment God!

As long as the Silver Pegasus Knight is present, the orcs in the south cannot break through the blood defense line, and they will not be in danger of life and property. As for the rumors of disagreement between the Kamud Family Presbyterian Church and the Legion Chief, what does it have to do with them?

There are thousands of people in the alley. This word may be a good interpretation of the state of Moratis at this moment. The crowd is full of people. This is the true portrayal of Ophelia and others.

Even Ophelia, who is the head of the Silver Pegasus Legion, was also welcomed and loved on this scale for the first time. She was a little excited by her cultivation and temperament, not to mention the brave and determined soldiers behind her who also wanted to prove themselves and embrace their dreams to protect the people.

As for Zhang Yang and others who walked at the end, in addition to Zhang Yang walking in the crowd and Neil Jielina beside him, he could calmly calm down, but even the always calm Jason did n’t feel upright. Chest ...

Sean was walking beside Charlotte at this time. He who wanted to prove himself had only imagined this kind of scene in his dream. However, he knew that today's protagonist is not himself, but the sun-dazzling female general in the front! But even so, Sean is still very excited, he believes that through his own efforts, this situation will one day happen to himself ...

In contrast, the remaining members also showed a certain degree of excitement. It is definitely something that is worth recalling when you get old when you can participate in this glory tour. Therefore, the accompanying people almost took out their best. Anna ’s mysterious elegance, Lily ’s youthful liveliness, Ryan ’s solidity and reliability, and Medici ’s artistry ...

Among them, only Lanster is different. He is already in the limelight. He is already unable to bear the excitement in his heart. He is waving whistlingly and whistlingly around him. From time to time, he also sends a kiss to the girls on the second floor. , Enough to call it an evil form.

However, the public's attention is obviously not on Zhang Yang and others. The brilliance at this moment belongs to only one person, and that is today's protagonist-Ophelia Camoad.


Unexpectedly, Ophelia and his party did not leave the city directly after circling a half circle in Moratis, but stopped when they passed the mercenary union in the city! This made everyone watching the scene almost confusing. They didn't understand the ruling parade team that had just been attacked by a large group of mercenaries and adventurers last night. Why did they stop here? Could it be ... Does she want to take revenge on the mercenary union? !

In fact, Ophelia and the two Silver Pegasus Knights went in quickly and came out faster. There was only a few minutes before and after, and in the process, I did not feel the slightest fighting or magical fluctuations in the hall of the mercenary union. Not only that, even the expected quarrels and fighting sounds did not sound, this It's a bit weird!

Ophelia's move really suffocated the audience's appetite, so when Ophelia led the patrol team away from the mercenary union and went straight to the gate, the courageous professionals in the crowd suddenly swarmed. Flooded into the door of the mercenary union.

However, it was only at this time that people were surprised to find that several waiters in the mercenary union were hanging a huge mission poster in the middle of the hall. They looked at it closely. The content above suddenly made everyone look at each other, and their hearts were hot!

Task content: Follow and **** the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion Ophelia to complete the glory tour, and finally arrive at the Silver Pegasus Legion in Moxim City. Completors will get different amounts of gold coins according to their own strength, joining time, and number of enemy kills. This task is not limited to the level and number of participants, but the risk is extremely high, enter carefully!

The commission for professionals below Tier 2 is 10 gold coins per day.

The second-tier professional commission is 20 gold coins per day, and killing the enemy is not counted.

The commission for Tier 3 professionals is 50 gold coins per day.

The commission for Tier 4 professionals is 200 gold coins per day.

The commission for Tier 5 professionals is 500 gold coins per day.

The commission for Tier 6 professionals is 1,000 gold coins per day.

The commission for a Tier 7 legendary professional is 10,000 gold coins per day.

Another note: All professionals who participated in the **** mission in the previous three days can choose to stay in the Silver Pegasus Legion and become a full member of the Silver Pegasus Legion after arriving in Moxim.

Posted by: The current head of the Silver Pegasus Regiment, Ofelia Camoud.

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