Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 714: Two options

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Relying on the wall of the first floor of the Golden Oak Leaf Chamber of Commerce, Anna suddenly felt that her heart was clenched by an invisible big hand, making her breathless and her head dizzy.

Although I had already made preparations in my heart, when I saw my sweetheart intimate with others, Anna realized that she was still inevitable after all. And the tears are somehow desperately wanting to gush, how can you stop it ...

Not to mention that Anna alone felt the sadness in the stairwell silently. At this time, Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina had been dressed quickly and neatly. Looking at Neil Jielina's somewhat unnatural coy look, Zhang Yang showed a gentle smile, which almost made Nierjielin dazed.

(It turns out that he smiles so beautifully ...)

Seeing Niel Jielin staring blankly at her, Zhang Yang suddenly took her hand and put it into her arms with a little effort!

"Wait for the things here to end and avenge your father, let's go wandering on the mainland for adventure! The world is so big, I want to see it!"

Feeling the sense of security in her arms, Niel Jielina was drunk at this time. She did not expect that Zhang Yang even thought about her hatred, but such a tough person has this delicate thought. Why? Can you stop Neil Jielina from moving?

Not to mention the adventure of going to the mainland on the mainland at this moment, that is to go to the Devil Realm, or anywhere, as long as Zhang Yang is accompanied, Neil Jielina will follow without hesitation!

"Master, wherever you go, I will go wherever I go!"

"Well ... then let's leave here to meet everyone first, and now these guys might not say anything behind their backs."


When Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina went downstairs, they saw Anna who was hiding alone in the stairwell. At this moment, it seemed that Zhang Yang and Erren would suddenly come to an end, and the face of Anna with pear flower and rain had a very surprised expression on her face.

In fact, both Zhang Yang and Neil Jielinina have a clear-sighted mentality, knowing why Anna is sad, but there are some things that are unreasonable, at least Zhang Yang thinks so. But the problem is that he doesn't know how to speak. He is very decisive in the battle, but he seems too hesitant to deal with emotional problems.

Fortunately, Neil Jelina was already psychologically prepared for this. For Anna, she was not disgusted. The most important thing is that Neil Jielina is a native of the Orlando mainland. Both her ideology and her views on things are not different from Zhang Yang. At least in terms of feelings and marriage, she should be open Much more.

So at this moment when the scene was a bit awkward, Niel Jielina suddenly walked down the stairs quickly, took Anna's hand, and then smiled and said:

"Sister Anna, just now I said to the grown-up, if it were n’t for your method, he would n’t get better soon! I did n’t expect to see you, but you are too tired to watch the night? Okay, so, lord, he's going to discuss things with Lord Ophelia, and I can't help if I go, why not accompany you for a rest! "


"It's okay, since the adult has been completely recovered, you don't need to consider the safety issue! I also struggled all night. It's very tiring ~ Just take a rest with you! Just do it! Adult, go busy, There is something called Lily that will call us well! "

For Niall Jielina who suddenly showed extraordinary enthusiasm, Zhang Yang and Anna could only stare blankly at the speechlessness. Zhang Yang did n’t sigh until Nier Jielina pulled Anna and disappeared at the corner of the stairs With a sigh of relief, he shook his head helplessly and left.


Because of a busy night, when Zhang Yang went to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce to find Ophelia, she was studying the large map on the table with her energy. Since Ophelia had previously issued orders against the soldiers of the Pegasus Legion, Zhang Yang could enter directly without notification.

So when Zhang Yang walked into the luxurious conference hall where Ophelia was located, Ophelia was completely unaware! At the moment, she seemed a little distracted. Although her eyes had been staring at the map in front of her, her eyes seemed to have no focal length. It feels as if you have lost your soul in that way.

At this point, until Yang Yang deliberately stepped on some footsteps, she suddenly turned around in shock. But after seeing the person as Zhang Yang, he was relieved. However, with Zhang Yang's eyesight, he could see a gloom in Ophelia's eyes, is it because of the relationship between Neil Jielina? Zhang Yang did not know, but this question could not be asked at all, so he could only pretend not to know.

"Has you been busy all night, Feiya? It seems that after that attack, there seemed to be no attackers to die."

Zhang Yang's tone was as calm as ever, and this familiar look virtually made Ophelia calm down.

"There are sporadic adventurers who want to take luck, but the strength is relatively low. It is impossible for Feiyun to be vigilant in the sky and want to sneak in with their strength of less than Tier 4 silver level."

(Is Feiyun staying in the sky just to monitor the attacker ’s movement? But then I clearly saw Feiyun ’s eyes looking at me all the time? It is said that the contract Warcraft and the master can be shared with each other through the é method Vision, so to speak ...)

"Just like that, how about other people who are affected by the pharmacy of" Forbidden Fruit "?"

"Half of them have been awakened, but it is a pity that they are tortured by the effect of the potion, and most people have expressed headaches ... The basic combat power can only play about five points and one, and if you want to recover, at least You have to rest for two days. "

"Well, what is your decision? Stay in the city of Molimche and wait for the soldiers to recover before leaving?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, what do you mean Wright?"

Speaking of this, Ophelia couldn't help but yawned gracefully on her side, and then she might feel that she was a bit serious enough to move her hand subconsciously on her thin lips! This is good, at this time Ophelia's inadvertent action makes her look full of female charm! The nobleman's charming look reveals that Neil Jelina can't have it anyway.

Generally speaking, as an aristocrat, you will not make such a casual move in front of strangers. Only in front of your family or someone close to you, the aristocracy will show you some minor problems and some rude actions. Ofelia is undoubtedly a recognized and almost perfect aristocrat, so from this point, you can see how Zhang Yang's position is in her mind.

For this familiar behavior, Zhang Yang has already seen much. So he just smiled lightly, and then walked to the map on the long table. After a few glances, he said:

"In my opinion, since the enemy can put such a big scene in the city, it means that the chamber of commerce in the city definitely colludes with them. From the map, it is too bad to see the topography and defense of the city of Molimche. Coupled with its large area, it is extremely convenient for the enemy to want a surprise attack. "

"So ..."

"There are two ways, one of which is naturally to temporarily recruit and mix the city ’s soldiers and mercenaries together and send them to the city wall, while you, stay here and completely transform it into a temporary fortress. Then here Hold on for three days, and wait until the poisoned soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion resume their journey. "

Hearing this, Ophelia clearly felt that the other party did not approve of this first method, so she just nodded lightly, and then asked seriously:

"What about the second method?"

"It's simple. Leave the poisoned warriors in the barracks in the city of Molimche, and then the remaining people move forward in light!"

Hearing this, Ophelia frowned slightly, and asked with some doubt:

"But in this case, the number of patrol teams will suddenly decrease a lot, if there is not even a thousand people when they finally arrive in Moxim City ..."

People need face and skin, although Ophelia does not value these things too much, but as the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion, if the team accompanying him after the Glory Tour does not even reach a thousand people, would n’t it be informed People laugh big teeth? It should be known that no less than one thousand warriors who follow him after the glory tour in history.

Of course, there was no rebellion of the elders in the Camod family in previous years, but people do not know this! If Ophelia only took one or two hundred people back, then after the news came out, the impact on her reputation and prestige was not so simple.

However, Zhang Yang had already considered this question, so when Ophelia asked, he directly answered:

"Actually, it ’s very simple to solve this problem. Look at our next target on the map, which should be the smallest of the six acropolises. But I mean, let ’s go over it and go directly to the fifth guard. city!"

Hearing this, Ophelia also turned her head around and glanced at the position of Zhang Yang ’s finger, she muttered:

"Are you going directly to 'Water City Louis' after crossing Camiche? But even then, the question of the number of people ..."

"Before I came, I got a little interesting news."

"Interesting news?"

"Yeah, my men told me that the notice on Black Street is updated every day, and there are the names of all the soldiers around you, for example, we are also included. However, only those who follow you are counted as The mission target, the people who stayed in Moratis because of injuries, are no longer the targets of Black Street! "

"This is good news, but isn't this the enemy's trick to distract us?"

"In fact, this time they were lifting their own stones and hitting their feet. If we go around here and here, and then let these poisoned and injured soldiers take care of their wounds, they will go to the last stop of the six acropolis. ——Kindler's words in the mining area ... "

"Ah! I see! It turns out you wanted this ..."

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