Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 718: Kill Rebel

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Camod family's unique fighting skills [Silver Pegasus Shield] not everyone can learn, so far no one knows what prerequisites are needed to learn it, and because of this, this powerful fighting ability It is rarely known to the outside world.

And anyone who can learn this [Silver Pegasus Shield], whether in the history of the Camod family or in the glorious battle history of the Silver Pegasus Legion, is a well-known existence, so, in the eyes of the insider , This [Silver Pegasus Shield] with defensive counterattack ability is almost a pass to become a strong man, or to become a big man in the future.

(Is n’t the Elder Council saying that her qualifications are mediocre? Under such excellent conditions, she was almost thirty years old and failed to reach the fifth-tier gold level. But now it seems that Ophelia is already a fifth-tier gold intermediate. The strong one, and she can still learn [Silver Pegasus Shield] this grudge skill ... Could it be that ... our choice is wrong?)

At this moment, there was a trace of hesitation in the head of the betrayer, and it was this trace of hesitation that made him miss the best opportunity to attack!

Judging by the desperate nature of these four people willing to drink potions with extreme side effects, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are brave men. Therefore, if there is no hesitation of the leader, they will definitely rely on the [Lock Mist Clothing] and a body of armor to resist the four [Strengthening Wind Blades], and then attack Ophelia with all their strength.

But he was hesitant, but it made the [Meteor Sting], which was originally very capable of breaking armor, a little slower! The original two notes [Meteor Sting] the fifth-order magic shield that could be broken steadily, but it could not be broken in one machine, so the [Cracked Ground] that followed immediately broke the [Hurricane Shield released by Feiyun] ], But when he came to [Fighting Armor] outside of Ophelia, he had no power.

The counterattack from Ophelia ’s legendary light sword ‘Flying Wing’ was not affordable by any of the four of them. So when the guy with the epee released [Cracked Ground] wanted to turn over and jump back to the silver Pegasus body behind him, a sharp sword tip penetrated all the outside of his body without even knowing it. Protection, pierce him directly from the back heart!

Suddenly, the man was stunned for a moment, and then a spur of blood spurted out. Instead, he transported his last spare power back to cut it back. The other hand, but the sword edge that stretched out his hand to grab the chest!

(Unfortunately a warrior ...)

Seeing this, Ophelia sighed secretly, but he did not stop. Pulling out the flying wings with great care, the strength that the warrior just lifted under the shock disappeared instantly, and the finger that had just held the flying wing sword edge had all been cut off ...

In fact, what these four betrayer only drank was the well-known "fighting potion". This thing can only be used by combatants with grudge. After drinking it, it can be made within a minute. The user gets nearly twice as much fighting power!

However, although this effect is strong, it has great limitations and side effects! After the time when ‘Wild Battle Potion’ goes into effect, the user will experience severe pain in the body due to side effects and lose all their grievances in one day! Even after going through this day, it will permanently lose some of the grudges that are finally cultivated! This alone can be said to outweigh the gains.

Moreover, the effect of this potion on the high-level combatants will be weakened step by step. Needless to say, after the fifth-level gold level, the effect is only half, and the side effects are no less. Coupled with the scarcity of the materials of the "Wild Battle Potion", even the alchemists will be powerless in refining, so although they are famous, they are rare.

At this time, the four traitors had already died one of four, and the remaining three looked at [Hurricane Armor] reappearing outside Ophelia, and knew that they had missed the only chance to subdue her. In fact, they wanted to subdue Ofelia is definitely more difficult than they thought in their four imaginations, but the problem is that none of the information they have obtained before shows how well Orfilia is, it is just speculation.

"Damn! Retreat!"

There is no time to complain about the false information. After the three remaining rebel riders failed in one blow, they turned around without any hesitation to control the silver Pegasus and fled! It's a pity that the rest of the patrol team has already reacted, and various attacks are coming!

The fighting power of the Silver Pegasus Knight is really strong. This is not only manifested in the four desperately fourth-order Silver Intermediate Silver Pegasus Knights, but can even threaten the fifth-level Golden Intermediate and have the sixth-order mount Ophelia. It is very clever to deal with the counterattack of a large group of low-level fighters.

On the one hand, they controlled the Silver Pegasus under their seats and could not release the two magics of [Cyclone Shield] and [Intermediate Wind Elemental Resistance] for themselves. On the other hand, they relied on their extra thick protective grudges outside the lock Wuyi], almost ignoring it is a thoughtful escape.

The combination of these makes them even rely on the resistance of the other element, and they have resisted the [Enhanced Wind Blade Technique] released by Feiyun and the sporadic arrows shot by them!

It's just that this attack came down, their speed went up instead of falling, and in a blink of an eye, they had already flew tens of meters towards the water! So it seems that because of the terrain, other than Ophelia, who is also the Silver Pegasus Knight, others can't pursue!

But is this really the case? !

When the flying cloud under Ophelia jumped up and was about to catch up. From the patrol team behind her, suddenly three attacks clearly not belonging to the Silver Pegasus Legion!

Looking closely, the first flew out was a spiral barrage composed of dozens of large purple spheres of thumb, and then a dazzling red light radiated out, and a red flame tail arrow was tight in the air. It is not bad afterwards. Behind them, a tinged gun shining in earthy yellow and a flying knife with a blue awn inside went straight to the same target.

So, all three of these rebel riders were attacked, but the power of these attacks was slightly worse. Although the three rebel rides were hit, they were all injured, but except for the one The flame arrows that exploded suddenly knocked the target down and the other two were still determined to continue to flee!

Until this time, Ophelia and Feiyun finally let down their hearts. With Feiyun's beautiful big eyes flashing green, a giant wind blade more than two meters long actually passed through hundreds of hundreds in a blink of an eye. The distance of meters directly cuts the rebel ride on the left directly into two sections!

It's just that, the strongest leader of the rebellious ride is looking at the fleeing, to see that the speed is only afraid that in addition to Feiyun, the other Silver Pegasus Knight is the last.

However, Ophelia seemed to be in the chest, and did not go forward to catch up, which made the four silver Pegasus knights around her anxious! But just before they wanted to speak, the rebel ride that flew nearly 150 meters away fell from the silver pegasus under him without warning!

It wasn't until this time that a bowstring that was not huge, but shocking and straightening to the chest, passed from behind the team!

Buzz ~! !

(What sound is this! Could it be that the bow string slams ?! But even a sniper bow shouldn't be such a sound!)

In fact, Zhang Yang himself was also a little surprised in his heart. The power of this "night kiss" was beyond his imagination. Only after he wanted to test the maximum power of this bow, he used almost 80% of the strength in the normal state. .

But the results afterwards are truly extraordinary! Not only did he hear the sound after the arrow came out, in terms of Zhang Yang and his sensitive perception, he barely saw a faint shadow at night! Although there is also the point that the sniper arrow itself is black, but the speed and strength, even changing the target to Zhang Yang himself, feels quite threatening!

(Really a good bow! If I did n’t feel wrong, this force has n’t reached its endurance limit yet! So, what if you use it when you use [Thunderbolt Enhancement]? If you use 'Black' again "Arrow '? Want to come that the power is a deadly threat to the sixth-order Zijin level strong?)


She didn't mention Zhang Yang as if everything was normal, and immediately put away the 'Dark Night Kiss' and then stood alone by the stone bridge thinking about something silently. At this time, three of the four rebel rides were killed directly. The remaining rebel ride that was blown down by Lily with [Burst Arrow] has also been captured by the Silver Pegasus Knight under Ophelia.

It wasn't until then that some riots gradually appeared on the head of the floating city of Louis, but when listening to the sound, there was some disagreement among the City Guard soldiers.


"In this way, the rights of Louis City have been completely overridden by those four rebel riders?"

Standing in this slightly narrow square in Louis City, Ophelia's face was a bit ugly. She did not expect that the city that had been under the control of the Silver Pegasus Legion should have become such a dead place now!

Take a look at the residents of Louis City who are looking at themselves! In addition to fear and a little curiosity, deep resentment is hidden! From this point alone, it's bad, but you can guess what good things were done here before the four rebel rides! Faced with the inquiry of Ophelia, a squadron leader stationed in the Silver Pegasus Legion had to sternly reply:

"It was about a year ago, when the four of them were stationed in Louis City, they brought an order, as far as I know, it seemed to let the original master of the city go to Moxim to report things, but only since then. There is no news ... "

Hearing this, Ophelia can already guess what happened next. Would you like to come to the city owner who was either under house arrest or killed?

"So since then, has there not been a city owner here?"

"Yes, lord, from a year ago, the four of them in Louis City had the final say. During this period, they not only lived arrogantly and arrogantly, but also treated the opponents with blood and terror, just because the power of the four Silver Pegasus Knights is not us We can contend, so we also have to be fooled with the snake committee ... "

(Presbyterian Church ... You are shaking the foundations of the Camoad family and the Silver Pegasus Legion! What the **** are you doing ?!)

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