Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 728: Fireworks night

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The night of Camiche, a small city on a mountain bag, was already bright and beautiful. But the kind of harmonious beauty in nature is always better than the instant sparkle brought by magic fireworks.

Some people may say that the cold moonlight and the quiet starry sky are the most beautiful sceneries, but do n’t forget that the turnip cabbage has its own love. At least at the moment, Neil Jielina thinks that the magical fireworks in the sky are so beautiful. And being able to watch this magical firework with your beloved is even more sweet and happy.

The one mentioned by Zhang Yangkou can better see where the magical fireworks are, it turned out to be an arrow tower roof on the corner of the small city of Camiche.

Apart from the tallest building in the city of Camiche, the Temple of Chuxia, the tallest are the four arrow towers built on the four corners of the city wall. At this time, Niel Jielina snuggled gently in Zhang Yang's arms. On the empty sky in front of her eyes, bunches of magical fireworks fought one after another.

In the past, this scene would only appear in the dream of Neil Jelina. She felt that her lord Wright could fall in love with herself enough for her to laugh, and like this romantic thing that every girl had dreamed of in her heart. , Neil Jelena didn't dare to hope to achieve it before.

But now, her sincere efforts have paid off. If the degree of romance is expressed as a score, Neil Jie Lina feels that the current situation is absolutely full!

Under an open and clear starry sky, two full moons hang low, as if in front of and behind you. The magic fireworks in front of you are the best embellishment. They are like blooming flowers, like twinkling meteors. Although they are short, they are suffocatingly beautiful.

However, these are secondary to Neil Jelina, and the arm around her shoulder seems to be her whole day! The satisfaction and security from the heart fascinated Neil Jielina. A touch of masculinity touched her body and mind with the zero distance contact of the body.

At the moment, Niel Jielina's feelings can be quoted by Zhang Yang once said: everything is ready, but only the Dongfeng. It's just what is "Dongfeng" belonging to Neil Jielina? Will you really come tonight?

"Adult ... Zero is really happy tonight ..."

Although there was a deep expectation in his heart, Neil Jielina did not show it at all. She understands the truth of contentment for Changle. If she is too expectant or demanding, will she be lost? Everything goes.

"Indeed, such a relaxing time, I haven't felt it for a long time. It's not easy for people to live, it's good to be happy. Zero ..."

"What's wrong, sir?"

Hearing Zhang Yang calling himself but no more, Neil Jielina lifted her exquisite slightly, and with her water-like eyes, looked at Zhang Yang beside her. At this moment in her eyes, this adult who always hides his emotions under a calm face is so romantic and handsome!

At this time, because of the perspective, Niel Jielina, who looked up at him at this moment, was particularly attractive! The white and delicate face was as delicate as milk; the pale pink lips that opened slightly seemed to be soaked with petals of morning dew, and looked fresh and sweet. Coupled with the already blurred eyes, everything seems to be expecting and suggesting ...

Even if Zhang Yang is really emotional, but under such circumstances, there has been no more straightforward announcement than this?

So, Zhang Yang let go of his control over his body and mind. At this moment, he has to obey his own heart!

Lining the two moons behind him, Zhang Yang finally kissed Neil Jielin's lips under the shadow of the magical firework in front of him!

At this moment, the body of the two people was slightly shocked. The cold, fiery, delicate and rough came from the lips, so that these two emotional "rookie" suddenly fell into their own ...

It's a pity that the position of the two is originally the roof, and it is not suitable to be too intimate on all sides. As far as Zhang Yang's perception and vision are concerned, the wind and grass in the city can hardly escape his surveillance!

Therefore, when a group of people in black suddenly appeared from the city wall, the private house, or even the horse barn of the hotel, and quickly moved forward into the city, Zhang Yang knew that he was finally working hard, and it was impossible to want more leisure.


At this moment, Niel Jielina has fallen into Zhang Yang's arms under this kiss. Although she and Zhang Yang have had several kisses in the past, each time they are in random contact with her without preparation. Or, it was a quick kiss like electro-optical flint, which made her Neil Jielina simply unable to react, let alone a deep taste.

Now it's okay, this kiss is almost perfect in terms of environment, atmosphere, and mentality, which is almost the first time Nier Jielina clearly feels the happiness and throbbing brought by love.

But just when the affection was so strong, Zhang Yang straightened up and left her lips. This left Niel Jielin, who was already emotional, confused, and felt very bitter in her heart.

(Is n’t this grown-up of his own ... just like to hold someone else, it makes people feel like it ’s cat scratching, is he comfortable? It feels like the previous one in the pool! The cliff is almost ...)

Zhang Yang at this moment naturally does not know how tangled Nier Jielina is in his heart, but he is not blind, and naturally he can see that Niel Jielina's tenderness is like the tenderness that Shui Renjun tastes. However, at this time, because the two were at the commanding heights, the assassins had targeted them, and now several black shadows had come to the foot of the wall, and they were about to sneak into the porter inside the wall.

In fact, Zhang Yang still remembers that when he watched movies in his previous life, the heroes in the shootouts were tough. While kissing, he can shoot continuously and continuously, the enemy beauty must be hard with both hands. However, Zhang Yang couldn't do it, and he didn't say how he took care of kissing when he opened the bow. After standing in the height and being noticed by others, he couldn't do it under the eyes of everyone.

So even though I felt a little bit reluctant in my heart, Zhang Yang still gently touched Niel Jielina's cheek, and then smiled and said:

"We woke up to zero, but we have guests. If it is not good to entertain, wouldn't it seem that there is no hospitality?"

After saying this, Zhang Yang had already taken out the sniper bow "Dark Night Kiss" and two bags of armored arrows in his hand, and Niel Jielina also reflected this when she saw it here, but she just went out today, only in the skirt There are only two short swords hidden on the outside of the inner thigh, which is acceptable for self-defense and assassination, but it is not easy to fight hard with people.

"How is it, zero? Did you see those in black?"

"Well, I saw an adult."

"Be careful yourself, don't leave me."

"Okay, sir."

At this time, Niel Jielina likes to stand behind Zhang Yang, although she still wears a long dress, but when she took out her short sword and held it in her hand, a faint murderousness was released. Just kidding, the intimacy opportunities that were finally found were disturbed by these black assassins.

So much so that Neil Jielina was already in a rage in her heart at this moment, and wished to tear these black assassins one by one to relieve their hatred! So, there was already obvious anger on her pretty face. I was afraid that the assassins who would be met by her would really be out of luck.

In fact, these assassins are not members of the assassin's union. They originally belonged to an assassin's group. They were forced to go underground only because they could not be compared with the assassin's union regardless of size or strength.

In fact, the helpless assassin organization has had to participate in some mercenary tasks to increase income, and the reward of the Black Street for them, the temptation is too big. With the help of the one million gold coins, their organization can develop rapidly in a short time.

So when the lame assassin passed the news of the arrival of Ophelia and others back in the evening, the assassin group immediately took action, but in just two missing hours, they actually mastered all the members of the patrol team Appearance and orientation!

So, they even prepared a lot of magical fireworks in order to achieve their goals, but no one could guess who the magical firework releaser was. When the magical firework rose and attracted the attention of most people, the assassins received a signal and poured out directly, intending to strike meritoriously.

It is a pity that Ophelia has been attacked many times along the way. Not only are he familiar with the tactics of the attackers, but even the prevention work is done without leaks. Ophelia had specifically advised the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion that they should not leave this 'Chuxia Temple' without a third-order strength and even if they have a third-order black iron level or higher strength, they must go out together and cannot be alone. action.

This makes the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Army not without resistance when the assassins start. As long as the opponent's strength is less than the fifth-level gold level, it is not that simple to kill the Silver Pegasus Legionary soldiers who are good at cooperative offense and defense.


At this time, shadows were active in the city of Camiche, and they concealed themselves through houses and shadows. They carefully dived into the square where the "Church of the First Xia" located in the city.

However, when an assassin with about three levels of black iron intermediate strength, quietly approached a silver Pegasus soldier in the square, and when he found out the dull dagger in his hand to prepare for an attack, a shot from top to bottom Jin Jian shot him through the back of his spine before he could react! Then he took his body and nailed it to the slate under his feet!

Until then, from the direction of the corner tower of the outer city wall, there was a low bow string trembling, looking for the sound, it is not Zhang Yang who can there be? !

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