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Hearing this, Zhang Yang suddenly realized that he had practiced arrogance for a while before, and understood how time-consuming it is to practice arrogance. It was only that he later accidentally achieved the body of Ere, but the promotion of "Ervoice" did not require the cultivation of fighting spirit. From this point of view, he has embarked on a completely different path of cultivation compared with the professionals on the mainland.

"What you said is indeed very reasonable, but in my opinion, today's professional strength is a little single, others ignore it for a while, if you can use bows and arrows proficiently, combined with the use of some grudges, presumably adaptability and combat power will be obtained Significantly improved. When faced with this kind of situation, I will be much more comfortable. "

In fact, what Zhang Yang said is indeed very reasonable. After all, he himself is the most remarkable example. Although Neil Jelina did n’t know how his strength against the sky came from, it is undeniable that no matter whether it ’s the horror of the power when using weapons in melee combat or how it responds, or when using a sniper bow from a distance It is as powerful as the hand of death, and even the ability to use a flying knife or flying axe at a medium distance is hard for ordinary people to look at.

Therefore, for Zhang Yang's point of view, Niel Jielina absolutely accepted with humility.

"Speaking of it, sir, what weapon are you best at?"

Niel Jielina's question came suddenly, which made Zhang Yang stunned for a while. In the past two years, the consumption of weapons in his hands has been extremely alarming. Although many magic weapons have been used, many types have been used, from swords, swords, axes, hammers to longbows, sniper bows, and giant swords.

But speaking of it ...

"It should still be a sword weapon. After all, sword weapons change the most and are used proficiently. Unfortunately, I haven't encountered a good sword that succeeds, so I can only use what I catch first. . "

(Is it a good sword? You have to pay attention to it later.)

"Okay, here are the dead bodies looking at the landscape. Let's go back to the temple first. Maybe in the mouths of the captives, can you ask the secrets of these men in black?"

After Zhang Yang and the two returned, the captives simply confessed. In fact, the reason is very simple, but it is just a poison used to control people. The leader of the killer group will force the participants to drink a poison that reduces pain. Every time the end of the month, the leader will allocate some to the members. Antidote. It's just that the antidote doesn't completely remove the poison's effect, it just controls it from getting violent.

Not only that, this poison has been used for a long time, and it will make people want to stop. The secret of these killers will continue to fight regardless of the injury.

"But this poison will eventually kill you?"

"How is it, since we have chosen to be a killer, so sooner or later we will both die. As long as we can live happily before death, it's okay to die sooner."

"But don't you have a family? In this world, is there nothing to worry about?"

As a member of the interrogator, Charlotte's original mission was to prevent the captives from dying when they were sentenced. But how did they know that they didn't even need to be sentenced after hearing the death of the leader, basically they must answer all questions. This is completely unexpected.

When Charlotte couldn't help but ask the question in his heart, the man smiled coldly, then said lowly:

"Family? If we still have family, who would choose to be a killer? At first, it was because the family was killed by the little nobility in the town, so I joined the killer organization to get revenge! Now I am absolutely alive this month, what else? Does it matter? "

I heard that Charlotte sympathized with this man's experience, but at the same time it was sad for their depravity! If only for the revenge of her family, she can understand that feeling. But after the revenge? What did he continue to do!

"But do you know that if you kill someone, you will probably make a family fall apart, and you will follow your footsteps? Don't you care?"

In the end, Charlotte was quite excited. She grew up in the Sanctuary of Light and never experienced maternal love and affection. Although the Sanctuary can give her a little warmth like home, but no matter what Can't compare the feelings of their parents and home!

Charlotte didn't know what happened to her parents, but she understood that unless it was time for life and death to leave, the parents would have to leave their children. And this is probably caused by these killers! So Charlotte really hates these killers who don't care!

However, the character of these killers has been distorted by hatred and killing. After hearing Charlotte's words, several of them turned out to be unresponsive. The indifference and emptyness in that look was shocking!

"Worry? Why should we care about the life and death of others? Who cares about us in this world ?! Since we have nothing, then let everyone feel our feelings! People, always die!"

Hearing this, everyone felt that there was no need to continue to interrogate anymore. The people of this killer group were all crazy! It's really a pity to die!

However, Ophelia, who had been listening from beginning to end but was silent, was in a bad mood. This is the territory under the Camoad family! Without those evil nobles, wouldn't this series of tragedies happen? For almost two decades, the distribution of children within the family and the appointment and removal of nobles in various cities have been controlled by the elders!

Now that this is dug down in detail, the roots are still in the Presbyterian Church!

(Even for the people under control, the Presbyterian Church must be disbanded!)

Once again determined in his heart, Ophelia waved and let the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion take the assassins down. Even if their life is pitiful, but their hands are stained with too much blood from innocent people, they are already guilty of unforgivable sins, let them die for their wrongful atonement.


After dealing with these things, it was almost midnight. After this meal and drink, they were attacked and fought again, and everyone was really tired. Therefore, after deliberation in the "Church of the First Xia", the gate of the temple was temporarily closed for one night, so that everyone could rest in peace.

But at this moment, Zhang Yang could not sleep for a long time, and his words just made him feel deeply. Although the inner surface of the human kingdom is calm, it has actually flowed undercurrent. Too many nobles have lost the excellent qualities of their ancestors, and now all that remains is a group of greedy and selfish parasites.

Coupled with the popularity of slavery in the southern part of the French Empire, even if there is no invasion of demons and undead, this fragile calm will not last long?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang couldn't help but think of the simple people in the Slavic Kingdom on the extreme northern snowfield. Although their living conditions are difficult and simple, they do not have so much trouble. The village head there, the elders, and others are all worthy of respect for protecting the village and protecting everyone.

Compared with the peers of the nobles in the French Empire, it is really better. But it was such a simple country that was completely occupied by the undead! And this news, Zhang Yang heard from the conversation of some people when he was eating at night.

(I do n’t know what happened to Kai Neng, Emma, ​​or that stupid Zayo? Is Uncle Iger and the villagers okay? Should n’t they have been given by those undead spirits ...)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang, who was sitting in the attic window on the top floor of the temple, lifted his head and poured a sip of rum. With the sweet and spicy taste flowing into his abdomen like a fire, he exhaled a deep breath of alcohol Thoughts have drifted into the distance ...


Snow North Wolfland in the extreme north.

Since the undead spirits appeared from the northeast of Slav as if the tide water, most of the snowy Slavs, which were originally cold and lively, suddenly became a silent place of death. However, all creatures with blood and flesh are killed by the army of undead spirits, and then all kinds of undead creatures are made through necromantic conversion.

The Slavs who originally lived on this snow-covered land have now reduced their total by more than half! The original population of nearly 2 million now has only about 900,000. Most of these survivors have gathered in the snowy mountains in the west of Slav and in the big cities near the French Empire in the south.

Take the Snow Wolf City where Iger and the villagers are at this time as an example. This was originally a defensive fortress to prevent the invasion of the French Empire, but after the invasion of the undead, the border between the two countries prepared for each other was surprisingly harmonious. .

Not only did the French Empire never intend to march into Slavs after that, but even the much-needed food and weapons on the side of Snow Wolf City, the French Empire will also be shipped in large quantities at low prices. All this is said to have not been ordered by the emperor.

"Want to let us lead the love of those French people? Bah! They are just using us as human shields! If we are destroyed, they can still be good for the French Empire? So, I just look down on the gang Fangren with a conspiracy scheme! "

A strong Slavic man had just moved the grain transported from the French side at this moment, and he was shirtless in this snowy day but he was heating up! And at this stall that rests intermittently, he just sits on a grain bag of at least a hundred buckles in a sack. On the topic of chatting at the door of the granary at this time, expressing his own opinions.

It ’s just that when he complained loudly, Father Iger, who was counting in the grain depot,

"Boy, what's this anger? You have a grudge against the French?"

Hearing some stubbornness, the strong man was more energetic, and he just wiped the sweat on his face and grinned and replied:

"No! I just think that Lanna's soft eggs are not pleasing to the eye! One by one, I don't have any strength, just because I am fighting with **** and bullying us with my heart!"

"But what we eat now is brought by other people. If the French don't help, we would have starved to death!"


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