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As a silver Pegasus knight who came to Ophelia at first, although Alathon is not so outstanding, his status in Ophelia's team is not low.

If not, Ophelia would not leave him to manage the remaining Silver Pegasus soldiers when he left the home team. If he had not shown obvious hostility to Sean and others many times recently, even Zhang Yang might not have discovered his problem.

But since Alazon has been stared at by Zhang Yang, it is not so easy for him to try to figure out something. So, when Alathon threw the gray-green bizarre crystal on the ground, he was secretly followed by Sean by Zhang Yang's previous orders, and immediately shouted!

Sean's voice was really abrupt, so that the Alaron who had originally felt that no one was paying attention to him was taken aback. But now that he has decided to tear his face to do it, Alazon naturally does not need to continue to disguise it, and there is no need to fear that Sean is not as powerful as his own magic swordsman.

"Humph! You lowly mercenaries, have made you crazy for so long. If that Wright's strength was too terrifying, I would have sent you to see the undead!"

Hearing that Alazon had admitted without suspicion, Sean hadn't answered, but Lanster couldn't help it, so he directly cursed:

"Well, you eat the flared three and twenty-five guys inside and out! Sister Ophelia trusts you so much, but you stab in the back! Uncle Ben is still thinking about why we can meet the attacker's position almost everywhere , Now it's quite understandable, I am afraid that you, the rotten boy, have been told! "

It is said that Lanster's broken mouth is really a bit more spicy. This one-sounding curse-like curse is said, and there is no need to change breath! And Alashon, who was scolded as a dog with **** head, was almost able to compare with the bottom of the pot at the moment. Unfortunately, although he was strong, he was not bad at conspiracy. Eight bundles are no match for a Lanster.

"Damn it ~! You ..."

"You what you! Uncle Ben is you betrayer, can the rotten boy call it ?!"


"I am what I am, if I were you, if you did these things, even if your conscience was eaten by the dog, you would also be ashamed and unbearably suicidal, but there is still a face to live in the world!"


(Good thing! Leinster ...)

Do n’t say that the opposite Alathon was almost killed by Lanster in one pass. Even Sean, Charlotte, and Medici, who were standing next to Lanster, were also shot by Lanster. 'Give it up! Although the strength of emotions is not good, but it is indeed a master of the ‘legendary’ class in the scolding of sluts! If you run into a narrow-minded and bad-tempered person, you might be really mad at Lanster!

At the moment, Alathon felt that his forehead was jumping straight, and his whole sword was surging. The long sword in his hand was already aimed at Lanster. However, with the conversation just now, the soldiers around the Silver Pegasus Legion were listening verbatim. By this time, even in battle, these loyal fighters understood what Arathon was all about.

So, when Alathon showed that he wanted to attack Lance and Sean, the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion who had begun to guard against him, all aimed their weapons at the Alathon standing on the edge. !

At this time, because everyone no longer protects Alathon, a large group of zombies outside the circle will rush towards Alathon, and after seeing this, Alathon gritted his teeth and stared at Lanster fiercely, then from the belt A large lead-gray ring was quickly found on the inside, and he put it on his hand without hesitation.

It's strange to say that when Alathon put on this ring, the large group of zombies that had already rushed behind him seemed not to see him at all! Not only did he naturally bypass the one-meter range around him, but he continued to rush towards everyone!

(Can this ring protect the wearer from being attacked by undead?)

Perhaps it is the psychological effect of the conspiracy and the role conversion. At the moment, although Alathon is still wearing the armor of the Silver Pegasus Legion, his handsome and handsome face is now full of obscurity, a layer of gray breath that I do n’t know when. , Already pervading Alathon's body, it made him look gloomy all at once.

"Oh, you group of untouchables, even if you have the benefit of speaking for a while?" Bone of the Bone "has been planted, as long as you wait a little more, you will never laugh if you want to laugh! Hahahaha ! All tremble under the feet of death! "

Just when Alathon laughed and talked about it here, Sean and other talents remembered the thing that was just broken by Alathon. Why hasn't he reacted yet? That Alathon is so arrogant at the moment, it stands to reason that this thing is definitely not something that is beneficial to physical and mental health? But why haven't you seen any response so far?

(Let ’s wait another minute? What the **** is that?)

In fact, when everyone saw that Alathon would not be attacked by zombies, he started to attack him, but Alathon ’s strength seems to be the highest among the people who are currently staying at the transit station. In addition, the large group of zombies around him vaguely guarded him in the center, so that the attack was almost impossible for everyone to hurt him.

And just as Sean and others chased Alazon and could n’t stop attacking, not far behind him, when Alazon broke the strange crystal, the ground suddenly sprayed a large gray smoke! At the same time, a huge base with a bone-like fossil texture grew out of the ground like a plant!

At this time, the gray smoke on the base had formed a gray vortex, and at the same time, a strong suction suddenly came out of the vortex!

This is good, around this gray vortex, whether it is a large number of zombies or a few unlucky Silver Pegasus Legionnaires around, have been sucked into the sky! What's even more weird is that the suction released by this vortex seems to be only effective for **** and flesh-like creatures, so that while zombies can't be inhaled, the mining **** carts and the like not far away are not Moved!

Of course, if it was naturally taken in by humans, at least Sean saw that a Silver Pegasus soldier while he was keeping a minecart was actually sucked in by the company!

It's just that this gray vortex seems to be extremely picky eater. When inhaling the Silver Pegasus Legionnaire, he instantly spit out the 'innocent' minecart from the other side. At this time, Sean and others were shocked to see that all the creatures sucked into this gray vortex seemed to directly become the nourishment of this thing!

On this pedestal about five meters square, the gray vortex is less than three meters. But it was such a thing. At this time, after inhaling more than two or three hundred zombies and more than a dozen Silver Pegasus soldiers who were too close to this side and could not break free of the vortex suction, the size was still missing. increase.

However, as more and more zombies were inhaled, a structure composed of bones began to ‘grow’ above the base! Under the gaze of Sean, Charlotte, and even Alathon, who have almost looked silly, these growing bones and skulls and skulls have gradually outlined a door prototype made of bones!

"Gosh! Is this the sixth-order undead magic [call the door to death]?"

Sean ’s chin is almost dislocated at the moment because his mouth is too open. He likes to study magic, but he has seen many introductions about this sixth-order undead magic [Calling the Door of Death] from the book, but it is a hundred words. It's better to see, but Sean's mood at the moment is-it is better to miss each other!

"How ... possible !? Deceptive ?! If it is really the sixth-order magic, how could the anti-bones of Arathon be used! Even if it is a scroll, it cannot be driven by a warrior !! "

Lanster is the most powerful speaker in using scrolls, but even if he has seen many magic scrolls and other treasures because of his family relationship, he can make the sixth-order magic used directly by the warriors without magic power. Props? This is really against the sky!

"Is it a deceptive illusion?"

"Is the problem in that crystal right? Sean, be careful, I have a bad feeling ..."

Charlotte is extremely sensitive to the negative energy of death energy because of the light pastor. Because of this, when the gray vortex appeared, her whole body began to shudder unconsciously. It's just that Charlotte is now a well-known qualified professional, so even if she is afraid, she still reluctantly blesses Sean ahead [Holy Shield].

After being shrouded by Charlotte ’s [Holy Shield], he has been able to isolate most of the horror pressure emitted by the vortex in the distance. At this time, Sean is obviously calmer than before, but unfortunately this thing has exceeded The range of abilities he can deal with, after all, his total strength is equivalent to the third-order black iron junior!

(What should I do! If it is really the sixth-order undead magic, a lot of high-order undead creatures can be summoned in legend! Just because of the strength of our people, even a fifth-order gold-level undead can't get it, In case there is a big guy with order 6 or above, it is really dead!)

Thinking of this, Sean has made up his mind to destroy it before this [Calling the Door to Death] is actually completed! It's just that the gray vortex now looks completely like a stranger. With his power, there is no way to do it!

(You have to experiment with success or failure! You ca n’t just sit back and die ?!)

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