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Hearing this, Alathon could n’t help but tremble. He knew the cruelty of the Shadow Council, and that failed end ... Thinking of the scenes he had seen several times, Alathon saluted again, then pointed. Sean said directly:

"Master, Ophelia and the other strong men have been trapped in the lower part of the mine. Now that the tunnel is blown up, they have to work hard to get up. These are the friends and men of Ophelia. Just grab them and reform a little bit, presumably ... "

At the moment, Sean and others were either advancing, not retreating, and when this guy, named by Arathon as Kojade, glanced sideways at Charlotte with a smile, Sean and Charlotte and other talents could see clearly What the **** is under this hood!

"Damn it! Master Ben swears that he has never seen such a stupid person in his life! Uh ~ if this monster is still a human ..."

Let Lanster forget to be afraid to speak up, the appearance of this corpse witch Ke Jiade has been imagined. It has yellow-green skin, and has a long face, a crooked nose, yellow eyes, and protruding cheekbones. These are enough to choke, but if you add an extremely loose and sagging face, and the chanting With a big mouth with yellow teeth, how could it be a 'knocking'!

In fact, the more ugly people have a common problem, that is, others can't say that he is ugly in the face (it seems that it can't be said behind the back). And even if it is other creatures whose aesthetics are very different from humans, as long as they can understand human words, most people who say it is ugly will directly rush to you and desperately.

The corpse witch Kojade is basically this type. When he was young, he was always ridiculed because of his appearance. It was just that he hadn't practiced his hidden talents of undead magic at that time, but was known as an outstanding earth magician. Although his magical strength was not bad at the time, it was not so daunting.

But because of this problem of appearance, Ke Jiade not only missed the "Goddess" in his mind, but even after the adventure, not many people were willing to join him. Over time, Kojade's temperament began to become lonely, until a girl he secretly liked rebuked him for being ugly in his face, and directly thrown into the arms of a handsome and handsome noble swordsman, Kojade collapsed ...

With the earth magical strength that he had just reached the Tier 4 silver level, he was not at all an opponent of the handsome swordsman who almost stepped into the Tier 5 gold level. But at that time, he was completely blinded by his anger, and he resolutely chose to fight with the swordsman!

It is a pity that the result is really obvious. Ke Jiade, who was defeated in the duel field, was not directly killed by the opponent. The handsome swordsman even shattered his whole body and hung it on the column of the arena!

Speaking of which, this duel was a little sensation at the time, so Ko Jiade's miserable situation was completely seen by hundreds of people around him!

Ke Jiade really collapsed ...

After that day, Ke Jiade disappeared in that city, and people thought he was dead, or continued to stay here without a face. But twenty years later, a horrible plague broke out in the city! In just two days, most of the city ’s residents were dead, and it was not until then that Ke Jiade, who had become a necromancer, attacked the nearly paralyzed city with his elite servants.

Also at that time, Ke Jiade, whose talent was not enough to be transformed into a lich, desperately used countless corpses in this city to transform himself into an undead corpse for immortality and power! That is the corpse witch Kergard who has been seen by Lanster and Sean.

In fact, the undead corpse witch is far worse than the undead lich. This gap is not only in terms of strength, but also in talent and stunts.

After the successful transformation of the lich, the necromancer can differentiate his own soul and create his own soul box, which is regarded as a primary undead body. At this time, the body has become an external vehicle like a clothing armor for the lich. Although there is a strong body to some extent, it can improve some strength and combat power, but it is really necessary to modulate the body. Spend a lot of time.

And at this point, the undead corpse witch cannot do the same! They have no way to separate their souls. This body is their ultimate destination. Once the body is completely destroyed, the undead corpse will completely disappear. Therefore, in the view of the orthodox lich, the undead corpse witch is a group of failed semi-finished products or even consumables. Even if these undead corpse witch are not killed by external forces, they can live for thousands of years.

Most ambitious magicians lack time, and the Necromancer is no exception. So, after the original skeleton, although the strength is not high, it is the most used. Before the new powerful body is created, the lich will mostly maintain the shape of a bone shelf.

Because most liches were humans, elves, and other humanoid creatures during their lifetimes, few liches would choose to use the bones of Warcraft as their bodies, although some liches will also be strengthened with bones like Warcraft. His body, but overall, can still maintain a human form.

After all, I've been an adult for decades, and suddenly became like a Warcraft or a Demon. After walking on all fours, few people really get used to it ...

It is precisely because of various imperfections and irreversible factors that the corpse witch's psychology has long been completely distorted! If a part of the lich chose this path because he wanted to get eternal life, to study magic and chase the strongest person at the peak of power. Then the undead corpses and witches are almost all lunatics that have fun destroying life!

And lunatics definitely want to offend themselves and pull out their "reverse scales", they absolutely want to kill and then kill before they can get rid of their hatred!

"Ji Jie! Little fat man is really not that small! I wanted to keep you alive for a while, and now it seems that you are dying yourself, I will not complete you, wouldn't you waste your whole mind? Jie Jie! Come out! ! My lovely puppets! 桀桀! "

As the corpse witch Ke Jiade smiled and opened his arms and read a few short spells, the zombies who had stood still from the spot since they appeared suddenly went crazy and rushed towards their companions, but After just a few breaths, four groups of corpses piled up to reach the top of the cave appeared beside the corpse witch Ke Jiade!

After the zombies gathered at the beginning, they could still see the dense and creepy limbs, but as the corpse witch Ke Jiade flew four gray-black smoke, and then entered the corpse, which was crowded together The zombies have begun to decay and decay at a rate visible to the naked eye!

As a violent stench came out, the corpse witch Ke Jiade even showed an extremely enjoyable look after smelling it!

"Be careful! This smell is also poisonous!"

"That guy seems to be releasing the summoning magic, let's go and fight with it now! Or wait for it to complete the magic, I'm afraid we will be too late to resist again !?"

In fact, without Sean ’s saying, everyone knows how to do this, but only then they ca n’t even figure out the ‘bone-sacrifice portal’, how to fight this corpse witch who has already reached the sixth-level purple gold level! It doesn't need much, people throw a fifth-order group magic over, I'm afraid it's already a big movie down here?

"Shawn is right, I can feel the evil breath in those zombie heaps is growing rapidly, and I have to breathe a few more times just to be about to change!"

(But to put it this way, there is simply not enough time to do a few breaths! Even if the corpse witch Kojade does not block, we may not be able to destroy these corpses? What should I do ...)

In fact, at this moment Ke Jiade is ready to watch a good show. Among the necromancers, few are good at directly attacking magic, but few are not good at summoning magic. As for how to use corpses to make slaves, this is a required course for almost every necromancer.

As the flesh and carrion on the corpse disappeared at a rate visible to the naked eye, the remaining white bones could not stop collapsing, but after more than ten moments of effort, the original white bone pile, which was several meters high, was only more than two meters left. The bone pile trembling slowly, only listening to a burst of noise, four white bone monsters with sprawling bones, suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

"I rely on! What are these things! Can a bunch of zombies work together to make monsters of this intensity?"

Although Sean's strength is not strong, but because the experience is already very rich, this kind of eyesight is indeed excellent. In his view, these four gray bone puppets, almost all have the intensity of fifth-order Warcraft! Isn't it a death order?

As for Sean's question, the corpse witch Kodade just laughed proudly, and the four bone puppets, it was impossible to answer him in person. During the talk, the four horrible white bone puppets had rushed towards Sean and Charlotte, and just under the intense gaze of Lanster and Sean, Charlotte calmed down instantly and took out his carry Golden Magic Book, raising your hand is four third-order light magic [Bound of Holy Light] and put it out against the white bone puppet!

Although Charlotte's current strength is only the third-order black iron intermediate level, with her mental power and magic reserve, if you release the third-order light magic, you can only release at most nine, and then you will be exhausted or even fainted. But now with the help of this golden magic book in her hand, not only can she release a lot of third-order magic out of thin air, but even the fourth-order magic that can only be released once in the best state can be used several times. A few.

However, when the chain formed by the four elements of light was instantly formed, and then wrapped around the four white bone puppets, the four gruesome monsters violently danced with bone spurs struggling! However, in one breathing effort, the chain formed by the [Bound of Holy Light] outside the body is directly earned into several segments, and then the light disappears!

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