Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 753: Garfield's power

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But he said that at this moment Ke Jiade was completely overwhelmed. Under the continuous magical attack of Garfield, the [Bone Shield], [Bone Armor], and even the [Bone Wall] in front of it almost could n’t be repeated. Broken. If it were not for the two death knights in front of it to help resist, I'm afraid that Ke Jiade had already been cut into pieces by the blue-green wind blade.

But at this time, the corpse witch Ke Jiade heard the words that Alathon said before leaving! It has no doubt that Alathon can pass through the white bone sacrifice portal safely, after all, there is that ring, and Alathon is almost equivalent to temporarily having most of the capabilities of the Necromancer.

But the reason why the portal can be used is that it can be operated only by the sacrifice of a large number of corpses. Every time, one time and one time, it takes a lot of energy and corpses. The key to the problem is that the departure of Alazon, the energy required for the teleportation originally reserved for himself by the corpse witch Ke Jiade has been exhausted in advance!

If Ke Jiade wants to use the portal again, he must re-open the portal's "power gathering" mode to restore that gray vortex to its previous strong suction. It's just that this kind of function can't be done with a simple mental power. It must be done by the corpse witch Kojade himself, and Kojade is now reluctant to resist the magical attacks released by Garfield. !

(Damn boy! Do n’t let me see you again, otherwise I ’m going to peel you into blood puppets! Ahhh! I ’m so mad !!)

It is a pity that no matter how angry Ke Jiade is, he is unable to change the status quo at present, so the situation has been stalemate on the premise that both sides have scruples.

"Damn big cat! You're a seventh-order legendary Warcraft, and it's really sad to be willing to sell your life for humans!"

Since both sides have scruples for a while and no one can do anything, beating the mouth has become a good choice. Unfortunately, Ke Jiade, the corpse witch, did not know that its choice was really wrong! After all, it was wrong from the beginning!

‘Even if the big cat is a seventh-order legendary Warcraft, it can already speak human language, but after all it is not human! There is a big gap between being able to speak and quarreling and scolding! I wo n’t be able to stand here with you, but if your big cat is irritated by my words, and then loses his mind and rushes over ... ’

The corpse witch Kojade thinks so, but the problem is that Garfield is extremely smart, and when Medici is fine, he often mixes with Lanster, so that Garfield also mixes with Lanster. Very familiar! And whoever has a relationship with Lanster, which one can not be influenced by him?


"Oh, meow ~! I just like to sell my life to humans? How are you jealous of meow? Jealous of meow? Or hate meow? It's a pity that meow, your green-skinned sausage is no longer a human meow, so meow, I can only go back and play with the eggs ~ "

"What! You deserve ..."

"Oh yeah, meow! I'm afraid your whole body is already dry like this, meow? In this case, the dachshund meow, I am very curious! Meow, do you already have no eggs to play with meow?"

"... you scum in Warcraft! I'm going to kill you! Death Knight, shock me!"

Speaking of this corpse witch Ke Jiade is also sad, he originally thought but angered the opposite Warcraft with words, who knows that in the end was completely irritated by the three words of a Warcraft! So, Ke Jiade, a corpse witch under anger, spent a lot of magic power and instantly released a step-by-step enhanced magic in the sixth-order undead magic [Death Condensation]. Then he raised his hand to countless zombies around him. [Summon Skeletal Puppet], who was promoted to level VI magic level, was released by him!

In fact, even if [Calling Skeletal Puppet] is instant magic, but it is impossible to condense the sixth-order strength of Skeletal Puppet with these zombies as materials, but because the corpse witch Kojad spares no expense, he will The power of death within the body of a group of throwing away, which meets the basic requirements of the sixth order emergence.

However, he didn't calm down a little until the moment when Corpse Witch took out the mass of death force from his chest and threw it away, but since he had already used his old man, he wouldn't think of running away anymore. Something like that. If you can't go all out to win, even if you escape, you will lose the capital to continue to progress!

If you can kill this obviously weak Legendary Warcraft, even if you ca n’t capture Ophelia, the value of this Warcraft itself will be higher than the force of death it has paid before. Ten times!

Garfield really doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. In addition to the usual playfulness, it is also the first time that the "mouth gun" Kung Fu has been given to him by Lanster! But who would have thought that the effect this time was not so good, and it would be a skill to let a dead corpse witch get mad with it.

(It's just a few words that damage it. As for suddenly going crazy and desperately trying to meow me? At least in terms of its performance, don't you want to attract me to me?)

Just thinking of this, there was a gratifying laughter from behind Garfield, but even if it was laughter, there was still a thick and frivolous taste.

"Wow hahaha ~! You are really good this time! You can say what I said just now, and I did n’t waste my careful teaching and cultivation of" Master Egg Render "! Wow hahaha ... uh ! What are you doing Charlotte! Oops, do n’t slap ... "

Originally, Lanster shouted in the first half of the sentence, but half of it instantly faded and turned into a cry of begging for mercy. This is to make the extremely tight Silver Pegasus soldiers around, endure I ca n’t help but feel like I want to shake my head ...

Seeing the two tall death knights dragging a black air and rushing towards him, Garfield knew that he could no longer save energy, even if he spent more layers of seals, it was better than being killed. ? ! Garfield can't underestimate that these two strengths are only the sixth-level purple gold primary death knights. The power of death contained in their white bone armor is really dangerous for any creature with blood and flesh!

If Garfield was attacked by these two death knights with a heavy sword that also contained the power of death, in its current state, it is estimated that even if these two death knights can be killed in the end, will they not be far from death? So when the two death knights drove the skeleton horse under him, Garfield's green tiger eyes shone sharply.

Suddenly, with the wings behind it swiftly unfolding, after the magic in the body surged out, two wind elements of the same height of three or four meters suddenly appeared in front of it!

"Ji Jie! Even summon two 6th-order elemental creatures at one time. Your dead big cat is indeed a 7th-order legendary Warcraft!"

"Now I'm afraid of meow? Obediently surrendering, maybe my lord is in a good mood and you can't even say meow!"

"Ji Jie! Let me take a meow? Let me take a horse ?! Jie Jie! No, as long as I can get rid of you, I can hope to break through to Tier 6 Zijin Senior! By then, the days of impacting Tier 7 legends will still Will it be far? Jie Jie! So you still die and give me the essence of flesh and blood to me! Jie Jie Jie Jie ~! "

Hearing a ridiculous expression on Garfield's tiger face, where is the seventh order legendary level so easy to impact? If you can absorb some blood and flesh essence to rush up, then are n’t the vampires in the undead spirit more talented than these corpses, would you want to become the overlord in the undead?

(Want to advance to the seventh-order legend meow? Then at least you have to complete the qualitative change of the soul from the scattered spiritual power to the solid soul power! Meow! And this is much more difficult than simple power promotion! How much! The sixth-level peak of Warcraft and human beings are stuck at this point. They ca n’t break through the whole life? As for the guy with insufficient strength but with soul power, in my long life, I have only seen two of them. Is just abnormal ...)

The reason why Garfield still has the leisure to think about some of them is not. The two death knights who rushed to the front have been entangled by the two sixth-order wind elements it summoned. At this time, the determined corpse witch Kodak actually hid behind the white bone sacrifice portal and desperately released various magical protections for him, and if Garfield wanted to attack it hidden in that position, unless he rushed In the past, otherwise it was only possible to collapse the bone portal first.

The transfer station in this mining area can be lively, not to mention that those zombies are still rushing to the defensive circle formed by the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion. In front of the defensive circle, a huge winged white tiger was rushing towards the opposite corpse witch Kodide who was hiding behind the portal made of white bones.

In the middle of the corpse witch and the winged white tiger, two death knights and two wind elemental lord level creatures are entangled and are indistinguishable. The death knight's traits of restraining flesh and blood creatures are not fully exerted. Not to mention, because these two wind elemental creatures have no entity, even if they are cut by the death sword in the hands of the death knight, they will only consume some elemental energy. If you want to make a difference, you may have to hit it for a while.

At this time, the sixth-order [summon bone puppet] magic previously released by the corpse witch Kojid has gradually taken shape. On the left side of the white bone sacrifice portal, the original dense zombies have been absorbed and gathered in one place! At this time, not only did a horror wall composed entirely of heads on the outside, but also on the inside, obvious bone friction sounds began to be heard.

"Jian Jie! Don't be too pretentious, when my bone puppet baby hatches, it's the time when you, the dead big cat! Gives! Jie Jie! By then, my Lord Ke Jiade, will definitely leave you fur As a commemoration! Wow quack ~! "

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