Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 757: Nest Guardian

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"Gaffie, this guy may look like the Qira Zerg, but in fact it is just a skeleton puppet now! So its strength is not as strong as you inherit the memory, you should not be misled by the memory in the bloodline , Wasting power in vain! "

As Zhang Yang's words came, Garfield's soaring momentum suddenly stunned after hearing it, but when it saw that Zhang Yang could easily shoot arrows into this bone-bone bug without using any mysteries In the forefront of, he suddenly understood that he had made a big fuss.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Garfield. It must be known that in the **** memory that it has just awakened, the strength of these Qirajis is extremely powerful. Among them are not only high-order Zergs that can fully compete with legendary and even epic powers, but even in the deepest part of Garfield's bloodline memory, there is also a monster with dozens of eyes and countless tentacles that looks like a huge meat ball!

And the strength of this monster, how strong Garfield can't feel it. The only thing left in memory is the picture of the ancient gods on the Orlando continent working together to block it from the end of the crack in space!

Because Garfina belongs to the relationship between the Supreme Windcraft Warcraft Decepticons, its memory is very clear and deep. I want to be in the Orlando Continental Defense War that lasted for several years, whether it is the invader Qira Zerg or Orlando Almost all the creatures on the mainland are dead and wounded.

It is just that the number of Qira Zerg is far beyond people's estimates. When the war that affected the entire plane was carried to the end, almost all the creatures on the Orlando continent consumed half of it. And the Zakira Zerg is still endless ...

In fact, if it weren't for the cracks in the space that suddenly began to heal on their own, the end result must be that the Orlando plane was occupied by the Qira Zerg! That is, when the space crack is about to repair itself, the opposite of the space crack suddenly shows the previous powerful and terrifying monster!

Fortunately, several ancient gods were leading the creatures on the Orlando continent to clear the remaining Qirajis on the side of the space crack. Otherwise, according to the situation at that time, the monster on the opposite side even had the ability to forcibly support this. Space cracks between Dao planes!

However, in today's Orlando world, the ancient gods have long gone. Even today the strength level of the entire continent is much lower than it was at the beginning. And this may be the price that humans and orcs have to pay after rising in huge numbers.

It can be seen that if the Nakira Zerg reappears, the danger that the Orlando world will face is only much greater than the invasion of the Devil and Undead Realms ...

In fact, if this is not the case, with Garfield's legendary strength, it will not be so disorienting. However, after Zhang Yang reminded it, Garfield calmed down. Now that nothing has happened, this ward guard's scrutiny may only be the unlucky ghost that was occasionally sent over by the rift, but the specifics will have to wait for his soul to be captured before torture.

"Damn bug, even bluff! I will let you know now, and dare to tease the end of the Lord!"

After grinning a few times on the ground with his claws, Garfield's huge body leaped forward, and immediately blocked the way forward of the nest guard, Si Sicha.

Just before that, Zhang Yang's arrow not only awakened Garfield, but also completely angered this bone zerg! In fact, Qira Zerg is the ruler of several planes. Although Ji Sicha is only equivalent to the sixth-order strength of the lair guard, but in his territory, the number of Qila Zerg is millions!

Nowadays, it is not even necessary to kill the imprisoned soul on the Orlando mainland by such strong people as the lich. It seems to him that a guy who is not strong like Zhang Yang dares to attack it, which is really unbearable for the guards of the nest.

"I want to use your blood to paint the whole wall! Die! Squeak ~!"

The red flame in the eight eyes of the enraged Nest Guardian Si Si suddenly rose, and instantly shattered the zombie stringed on the mouthpiece, and then lifted the double ao directly to Zhang Yang.

"Bug, your opponent is your master! Don't mess up your goals, okay!"

When the guards of the nest pondered about three pairs of articulations, as if a chariot rushed over, Garfield rushed out from the side! At the same time, under the uncontrollable scratching of the tiger's claws, a large piece of broken bone powder was suddenly splashed on the carapace outside Li Sicha's body!

It is a pity that this skeleton puppet is, after all, a level 6 or higher undead creature. Even if the physical strength is temporarily not as high as it once was, but in terms of strength, it is not much worse than Garfield, who has suffered a great deal of injury at the moment! So when Garfield was about to take the opportunity to tear off one of his limbs, Ji Sicha turned around and slammed him out of the way.

"Squeak! Squeak ~ !!!"

You know that Garfield is also a legendary Warcraft. It looks like soft and elegant white fur. It has no ability to defend against physical attacks and magical elements. It is no worse than advanced magic armor! Although the [Magic Crystal Armor] cannot be condensed with its current magic power, its defense is not punctured by the quick one-corner horn above the guard of the lair.

Not only that, because the guard of the lair, the scout, was too hard, the sharp corner of the top of his head snapped off! This effect even made the Nest Guardian think about himself so unexpectedly that he was unable to hold the planer with six feet, as if humans were so angry that they jumped on their feet!

In the eyes of Garfield, this scene made him grin.

"Roar roar! The losing master treats you as an enemy, but it's just a waste wood that you don't want to use! Just like your crippled, boneless cat, I'm afraid I don't need my master Do it, just take a few more steps and it will fall apart, meow? Meow hahaha ... "

"Squeak ~ !!"

"Ah, do you think so? Meow? But it's a pity. Meow, who told you to tear up the" translation ", I don't understand the cry of insects! Meow, so you are still mad at me Alright! I have to let my master do it myself, but Ben Miao does n’t like to play with bones! "

It would be nice if both parties could not understand what the other was talking about, but this feeling of being able to listen but not being able to be ridiculed by the other side really made the nest guards stunned and almost mad!

Originally, the temper of the undead spirit was not good. Now, coupled with the resentment in the heart of Si Sicha, the red soul fire in his eyes suddenly burst out of the old high! It was just at this time that an arrow with an ice-blue grudge was dragging a faint shadow in the air, and then it was inserted into the uppermost eye socket on the left side of the nest guard. in!

"Squeak ~ !!"

If the arrow that was shot into the outer bone of Qianao just now was just a provocation, then this arrow shot by Zhang Yang using his grudge bracelet can actually be said to have really hurt the guards of the nest. Only because most of its soul fire is hidden in the hardest skull, plus Zhang Yang is limited by the quality of the magic core inlaid on the bracelet, the level of grudge that can be used is not very high, which makes it only suffer. Only minor injuries.

In fact, Zhang Yang's arrow caused more damage to the nest defender, Sicha, than even Jia Fei's chaos. After all, high-level bone puppets like Nest Guardian Si Sicha at this moment, the whole body can be used at any time under the support of undead magic to increase and restore the bones!

As for the damage received by Soul Fire, for the guardian of the lair, he can only recover slowly.

"Boss Wright, do a beautiful job! Roar, do you want to go over? Me? I'm not going to let you do it!"


At this moment, Zhang Yang has released a grudge for Millier's wound again, which is why Zhang Yang chose to stay on the side of the shaft to shoot an arrow instead of rushing up for close combat. In his view, Garfield can completely deal with this "bone bug" alone, but in order to help Garfield save magic, Zhang Yang chose to help and contain it from the side.

At this time, under the guardianship of Ophelia's left and right kills, Neil Jelina, Anna and others had climbed up the rope from the shaft. As Ryan and Differ joined in their new forces, the zombies on the side of the shaft were quickly cleared out of them, and they seemed to be connected with Sean and the soldiers of the Pegasus Legion.

Nest Guardian Si Si felt like he was about to explode at the moment, obviously he had a weak energy in his body, but he didn't know its correct usage! And when it tried to attach this force of death to the bone blade in front of it, although the strength of this bone blade was obviously increased almost twice! But because the material of the bone blade body is too bad, even after raising the strength twice, when poking the **** winged white tiger, at most it can only scrape a few strands of fluff, which is really not even a minor injury. !

But if someone had to be more real, it did n’t have any effect at all. When this strand of white hair was shaved off, Charlotte on the side could see that the tears were about to fall, and the most damage could only be Garfield's handsome white long hair looks a little ugly ...

I do n’t know if it ’s been for a long time or how, at this moment, Zhang Yang and Garfield actually chose to attack the front guard and the six limbs of the nest guard Di Sicha. It looks like it doesn't mean to destroy Ji Sicha at least, after Zhang Yang shot all the soul fire compound eyes on the left side of Ji Sicha one after another. Actually gave up the opportunity to hit it again and again!

Garfield is even more direct. Sometimes, he even risked being hit by the other party to chew on his six-limb joints, which suddenly disappeared from the deceptive power of the Decepticons, and almost became an instant. I'm holding a big white dog who doesn't let go of his bones ...

(This broken body is too fragile! The response is too slow! If I used to be unable to defeat both of them, I would not be so humiliated and humiliated by these two humble inferior creatures! For the great Qiraji Empire, What do they want to do to the great lair guard, Sicha ?!)

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