Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 759: Absorb the power of death

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When Millai's delicate and smooth look was not like the moment when the man's hand touched Zhang Yang's palm, before the millai's reaction, a ray of death force full of gray and cold breath passed from Zhang Yang's hand!

And when this trace of death force poured into Miley's body quietly and gradually integrated into the source of magic in him, Miley obviously felt that his magic began to swell in an instant! The speed of progress can even be comparable to the speed of the early days of magic!

So much so that it is only a minute or two missed, Millais was originally only a first-level intermediate level of more strength, even directly rose to the top of the first-level! Then, as Millai shuddered, after the fierce expansion of the source of magic, Millai actually advanced to the second-level bronze primary!

The speed of this increase is really appalling.

(No wonder so many spellcasters will become necromancers. Compared with the normal and boring and slow magic practice, the promotion speed of undead magic is really much faster. But the power of death is not easy. The high-level necromancer is a corpse witch or lich with less than the seventh-level legend. If there is no special relationship, I am afraid it is difficult to take it out and help the lower-level men to advance?)

In fact, without the suppression and protection of Zhang Yang's soul, with the strength level of Millais today, he can't absorb this power of death! If you accidentally touch or forcefully absorb it, it is likely to be destroyed by this force of death, and Millai's body will be passively transformed into some form of undead spirit!

After all, the power of death is a higher energy that is closer to the nature of negative energy than the dark element in the known energy.

So, while Ophelia and others were busy treating the wounded soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion, Zhang Yang and Millai were surprisingly quiet. It's just that if a particularly sensitive and delicate person approaches and observes, he will find that an inexplicable pressure on Zhang Yang is daunting!

So that I originally wanted to get together with the Medici who was with Garfield in front, and somehow felt a sudden palpitations, and then retreated to Zhang Yang's side three meters away in order to barely bear it, but the sweat flowed uncontrollably. .

(How could this be? The feeling of standing on the edge of mountains and cliffs, the feeling of trembling from the bottom of my heart ... What the **** is going on !?)

It's a pity that Medici's questions are doomed to be temporarily unavailable because Zhang Yang is busy at the moment.

Zhang Yang originally thought that this method of instilling with the power of death could greatly improve the strength of Millais in a short time. At least in his perception, the endless power of death in Garfield's body was not unusual. The fifth-level gold-level professional has less energy!

If all this power can be transferred and poured into Millais body, maybe Zhang Yang will be able to have a more reliable combat power in an instant!

However, all this is nothing more than Zhang Yang's own good idea. When Millai's strength was forcibly promoted to the second-order bronze peak by him, Millai's face was also covered with sweat beads at the moment!

Although Millai still wanted to grind his teeth at this time, Zhang Yang knew that he had reached the limit. If he continued to do so, it would be self-defeating and self-defeating.

(I thought how much it could be absorbed, even if it could n’t even reach Chengdu, it could not be absorbed. It seems that even if it is undead magic, it is limited to forcibly promote it, should it not exceed a large order? Lei Neng can be directly upgraded from the first-level intermediate to the second-level bronze peak. I am afraid it is because of his lower strength but better physical fitness?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang stopped the output of the power of death instantly, and at this time, Millais was sitting on the ground and was breathing violently. At this time, because the force of death in the body was taken away by Zhang Yang and was very comfortable, Garfield opened a pair of green cat eyes and said to Zhang Yang with dissatisfaction:

"Meow? Why did you stop meow?"

"Millet's body can't bear more power of death."

"Why is this meow! If it **** so little, wouldn't this meow ..."

"Relax, Garfield, this is not a problem at all. And I will increase the power I draw later, you just have to hold back."

"Meow !? Wait, wait! Meow! Ben Meow ... Meow ~ !!"

During the talk, Zhang Yang has once again started to absorb the power of death, but this time because he absorbed it without having to transfer it into Millais, for Zhang Yang, not only the speed of absorption is greatly improved, but even the soul. The power consumption is much smaller than before.

So at the moment, Medici suddenly felt that the pressure that made him extremely sad disappeared abruptly, but in contrast, Garfield was so painful that the cat hair was all up, and it looked more like a hair ball. Now ...

"Meow, meow, meow me, oh ... ah ... meow ... hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt meow ..."

Although Garfield's cry was miserable, even Medici knew that being so energetic shouting pain, it shows that there is no problem now, at least it will never die ...

In fact, Zhang Yang did not intend to torture Garfield deliberately. The reason for this was that he suddenly discovered that among the forces of death in Garfield, he still vaguely retained a bit of hostility towards him!

If you know that it is just energy, it will not give him this feeling, and the existence of hostility can only show the conscious residue in this group of death energy! As for who owns this consciousness, it is self-evident. Because of this, Zhang Yang couldn't wait to increase the intensity of pumping, and even had no time to say hello to Garfield.

That's about two points or so. With Zhang Fei sucked into Zhang Fei's body, the source of the hostility was finally found by Zhang Yang! Almost the same as Zhang Yangliu thought, in this group of death forces, it really has a very weak soul!

Looking at the appearance of this almost completely transparent soul body, is it not who the big worm that calls itself the Nest Guardian Sischa?

It's a pity that the soul of the guardian of the nest, not only looks extremely weak, but even the stupid appearance is completely different from the previous fierceness. In fact, if this force of death had inadvertently preserved it, in the process of just exploding, then Si Si will definitely die to the point of scum!

(It seems that the bug ’s soul has been hit hard in the self-detonation, but I do n’t know if its memory has been damaged too much. There is no way, now its soul looks broken as soon as it touches If you want to get information, you have to wait for it to stabilize before you talk.)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang sealed the soul of the nest guard, Si Si, with a trace of death power into his own soul space, but this caused a slight commotion to the tiny dragon soul that was originally received.

(Oh? After more than a year, has that Dragon Soul actually begun to regain consciousness? It's just that it is still too weak, and when it can bear the communication of the soul, then let it go.)

Glancing at the two souls imprisoned in his own soul space, Zhang Yang couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. Starting from the dragon soul in the dragon blade, when it was in the devil world, it seems that it also came with a magical equipment that sealed the soul of some unlucky dwarf strong?

Until now, he captured the soul of the Qiraji Zerg, and he had imprisoned several souls unconsciously. If you count the countless Terna souls in the Tandani world seed in the ring of space in your hand, Zhang Yang even feels that he and the undead lich who are happy to imprison, control and play with the soul are not too different. too much.

(I want to do so much, I just do what I want. Instead of worrying about this, it is more important to find a way to absorb the power of life and the power of demons.)

In fact, Zhang Yang's energy in the body is somewhat unbalanced at this time because he has absorbed a lot of pure power of death. Don't look at Zhang Yang's strong combat power at this time, but in terms of his body's tolerance of those three sources of power, it is still only the capacity of the fourth-order silver primary.

Therefore, when the pure power of death in Garfield was inhaled by him, although some of them had been differentiated and left to the guards of the nest to scrutinize, even when the dragon soul also showed the desire for power of death, Zhang Yang It was also partly distributed. But even so, the remaining power of death has reached the limit that Zhang Yang can safely absorb in one fell swoop!

If you do not pay close attention to absorbing some life force and demonic force, as soon as possible, when there is death force again, Zhang Yang either chooses to give it up, or he can only choose to continue to let his body undead ...

Now that the soul of the guardian of the nest, Lo Si, has been completely acquired, there is no need for Zhang Yang to continue to use the strength when absorbing the power of death. So Garfield finally passed the extremely difficult five-point leak for him. If it were not for its own soul, it might have passed out.

"Meow me ~ Wright, you guys almost killed Ben Meow, but I recognized it to cure the Ben, but why you can **** it slowly, but you suddenly started to be so cruel!"

"Uh ... because I found something interesting."

"What meow !? Are you cheating Ben meow !? Hey! Hey! Meow! Medici you don't hold meow, Ben meow and this guy's theory and theory ..."

In fact, just before Jia Fei complained to Zhang Yang with his teeth, the surrounding Ophelia and others had already disposed of the dead and wounded in the transfer station. Even Millil, who had been in a coma, had been healed by Charlotte's light magic, and now seemed to be out of danger.

Only at this time, the voice of zombies had been vaguely heard in the surrounding channels, but Ophelia came to Zhang Yang to discuss countermeasures. So, Zhang Yang just nodded at Medici, and then passed a cat ball still chattering, and turned directly with Ophelia and left.

"Meow a mi! When Ben Miao has a good rest, be sure to restore the body and him ..."

Garfield was leaning in Medici's arms at this time and was about to make some cruel words, but Medici's mood suddenly became better in a sentence, and he even forgot to be angry!

"Admiral Garfield, you're fine if you're fine! It's still pretty cute. It's awesome, but it's not cute at all, so wait for you to go back to town. ! "

"Meow? Meow! Meow meow !!!"


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