Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 761: Night talk

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Because people walked so hurriedly in the city of Kindler, the pub in the city even had the appearance of someone dining at the time. However, the deceased was already gone, and those who were still alive would have to continue their lives, so after simple tidying up, Ophelia, Zhang Yang, and Castro even arranged for a dozen pubs on the street with the soldiers Among.

Light up the oil lamp, clean up the debris, food and drinks are almost ready in the back kitchen. So, although people's moods were depressed at first, under the influence of fine wine and food, everyone's mood gradually improved.

After all, most people are forgetful. If you ca n’t learn to forget, then this person is likely to live in pain all day, but it is better to die.

After all, the most painful injury is called sadness ...

Since leaving the ancient trials and returning to Fran, Zhang Yang has hardly been alone with Ophelia. Up to now, there are more and more people around Ophelia, and Zhang Yang always stays with the friends of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, even if he wants to be as close as in the trial, he must also take care of the people around him. view.

Therefore, at this time, the two sides chose a tavern to settle down, but Ophelia chose the largest tavern in the city of Jindler because of the large number of people, Jin Yang, and Zhang Yang, and Niel Jieli Na, Sean, Ryan and others chose one of the most obscure taverns, "The Gold Contestant", and lived there.

"Uncle Castro, Fiya misses you so much! Since mom ... you haven't seen me in Moxie!"

At this time, in the largest luxury room on the second floor of the "Golden Cup" tavern, Ophelia, Castro and Olesia sat around a round table, but on the table, it was filled with exquisite Foods such as pastries and wine cheese are not related to barbecues. I am afraid it is related to the earlier battle. After all, not everyone can eat meat after hacking a large number of zombies ...

However, these foods are not the point. At this time, Ophelia, whose armor was removed, is playing with Castro in a very rare tone.

"... Fiya, you are so big in a blink of an eye. And you are already the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion, but you can't be as spoiled as before ~ ​​And look at Olesia, she is better than you More calm ... uh ... "

However, before Castro had finished speaking, Olesia, who was sitting on his left, had tears falling down! This made Castro, who was not surprised at all, usually panicked.

"Don't cry, don't cry! Your little broken boy is still so unpretentious, okay, wait for your uncle to buy sugar for you ..."

Hearing this, Olesia burst into tears, and Ophelia's eyes flashed a warmth.

"It's almost two decades later. Uncle, how did you coax us when you were a kid! I remember you were famous and powerful in Franks, the capital!"

"Uh ... that was all when I was young. You see, Uncle is almost 50 years old now, and he is about to become an old man ..."

"Alesia, don't let him change the subject! Let's say, what have you been doing without coming back for so many years?"

Speaking of which, Castro only smiled slightly, then stared at the wine glasses on the table and said lightly:

"What else can we do? It's just a confrontation with the orcs of Campas all day long. We fought this month, and they fought next month, that's all ..."

"Have you been fighting for so many years? Didn't you find us an aunt or something like that?"

"Isn't Feiya married?"

"It's not all right ~ And it looks like I'm asking you questions!"

Because Castro and Ophelia's mother were the closest when he was a child, he always accompanied Ophelia and Olesia and other children when they were young. So to some extent, Ophelia's affection for Castro is even deeper than that of his father.

It's a pity that since Ophelia's mother went to the ancient silver Pegasus for trial and never returned, Castro never returned to Moxim.

"... In fact, the frontline of the **** battle is different from what you know. After so many years of fighting, the real fierceness is only in the winter each year. From what I have seen in these years, the orcs are violent but not evil. They are just fighting for Just a place to live. "

Hearing this, Ophelia was immediately puzzled. She could hear that Castro was never deliberately digressing or joking, he wanted to say something. Therefore, Ophelia and Olesia just glanced at each other, then nodded and did not say anything, and chose to continue listening.

"In my opinion, the nobility in the southern part of the French Empire ... has really fallen. You should know that slavery in the south is prevalent, but you do n’t know what they have done! If you just arrest and dare to attack the orcs as laborers, This is understandable, but they even organized a large number of mercenaries to sneak into the Campas orc empire to capture female orcs to go back to sell or Yinle! "

"Silver ?! But they are not humans! How can ..."

Ophelia was shocked when she heard this, but she knew that Castro would never lie to this matter, then ...

"There are very few orc slaves in the north. Even if some nobles hide some of them, you will not see them. In fact, the gap between the orcs and humans is not too big. Among them, the fox, rabbit, cat The orcs of tribes and snakes are no less beautiful than human beauties, and the best of them are even more than that. Unfortunately, this has become the source of their tragic fate, so that often orc villages are destroyed by human beings. . "

"So, isn't it that we humans are more evil than the orcs? This is not the same as what is preached within the empire!"

"It's hard to tell. After all, the human woman fell to the end of the Campas Orcish Empire. It's not much better. It's just that the life of the southern nobility is too chaotic and degrading. I can't accept it."

"Then you come back? Since you are not used to the South, and the frontline of the **** battle is so dangerous, how come you didn't come back today?"


Speaking of which, Castro suddenly fell silent completely, only Ophelia found his eyes, staring straight at the legendary thin sword ‘flying wings’ worn on his waist, and his heart was moved!

"Uncle ... remember that when you were in Franks, you were a fifth-level gold junior swordsman? After so many years, your strength seems to have reached the sixth-level purple gold intermediate level? Is it because you want ... … "

"Yeah, I thought that I could advance to Tier 6 Zijin Advanced in my lifetime, and then go to the ancient silver Pegasus trial to find your mother's whereabouts, but unfortunately my talent is far worse than your mother, and it is only Tier 6 now. Zijin is only intermediate. But thank you, Feiya, should you find your mother ’s trace? "


"However, you succeeded and fulfilled your mother's dream, and if she knew it, she would be happy for you!"

"Uncle ..."

(He has been fighting for so many years, just to improve his strength to find his mother? Is it true that his uncle secretly fell in love with his sister in rumors? But it does n’t matter, after all ... the mother has already returned Not coming ...)

Castro didn't know what Ophelia was thinking, but even if he knew it, he would only smile bitterly? In fact, he didn't know whether he fell in love with his sister Oliala at that time. He just thought that he also wanted to find a woman who was as strong and gentle as his sister to spend a lifetime with him.

Unfortunately, until now, Castro is still a person, and he always felt that his genius sister was still alive! Therefore, he always wanted to go to the ancient silver Pegasus trial to see what happened.

"But Ophelia, I heard that your strength has been hovering at the peak of Tier 4 silver, and has not yet reached the gold level of Tier 5, although now it has reached the level of Tier 5 gold, but I want to pass the ancient silver fly by myself. The horse trial should not be possible. Could it be that the rumor is true? Is there really a legendary strongman who helped you pass the trial? Why didn't I feel the existence of this person? "

Hearing this, Ophelia suddenly smiled helplessly, talking about that person, it really makes people wonder where to start! Thinking of this, she suddenly saw an inexplicable color in the eyes of Alessia sitting opposite Castro, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Speaking of that man, you have seen him, uncle ..."


Zhang Yang, who was being talked about by Ophelia and Castro at this time, now just sits alone and drinks quietly in the tavern by the window, but in fact at the moment on the first floor of the 'Nuggets' tavern , The environment is completely unattractive with quiet!

Despite the fact that Lanster is fighting with Garfield and Angela in an outrageous manner, he launches a general attack on a table of meat. The elf Jason really can't stand the "brain powder" around him. It's so hard, I don't know where I got a small harp, and I'm playing a song written in elven language.

In addition to them, Ryan and Defer were sitting in the darkest corner of the tavern and hugged each other sweetly for a while, but Sean did n’t know what the stimulus was, and even begged Anna to learn Olympics. Spell magic, just looking at Anna's eyes from time to time, she knew she was definitely not willing ...

As for Charlotte, Lily, and even Millais, seeing how they looked at Jason with all their hearts, you know who the brain fan is talking about ...

Charlotte should have taken care of the injured Millier, but let her use light magic to cure the injury, but when it comes to taking care of people, uh ...

So you are on the bed made up by two tables about two meters away from Zhang Yang. Neil Jielina is wiping the sweat on the forehead for Millier while watching Zhang Yang in a daze. This scene can be regarded as a hodgepodge. .

(What a nice night, how good it would be if I could enjoy life in such a quiet way often ...)

Zhang Yang silently sighed in his heart.

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