Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 763: Presbyterian decision

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At this time, this snow feather falcon was standing next to the three princes Aden, with its pale gold eyes closely staring at the elder Cameron and others, the aggressiveness and confidence revealed between the expectation, and the third prince Aden Looks very similar!

It's just that compared to the three princes Aden flying on the snow feather falcon, the shadowy old man named Yarrag standing behind him is the one who really fears Cameron and others. Just know that Cameron and the elders of the Camod family just saw it with their own eyes. This Yarrag actually flew into the sky alone by the pair of earthy wings of grudges behind him!

And the ability to fight the wing of gas is something that only the strong fighters of the seventh-order legendary level and above can do!

(Are you showing off your strength? Aden? Or do you want to ...)

"His Highness the Three Princes are so courageous! If the old man is right, this should be its rare flying Warcraft Snow Feather Falcon? Seeing its power at this moment, I am afraid that it has reached the peak of the fifth-level gold level and will be advanced to the sixth-level. Right? "

Hearing the elder Cameron so complimenting himself, the three princes Aden suddenly showed a modest smile on his face. In fact, with his identity and strength, he can do whatever he wants, but he feels that he does not need to do too much. As long as you deter the people of the Camod family from time to time, after all, the two sides still have a cooperative relationship ~

"Oh, Great Elder is really serious, but it's just a transportation tool, but it's not as powerful as you say ~ It's really handsome horse, should it be said that it is Silver Pegasus? After all, it was inherited from ancient times. World of Warcraft, the strongest silver Pegasus in legend, can even reach the Holy Order! "

Listening to Aden say this, while Cameron sneered in his heart, there was an annoying bitter smile on his face, and then said:

"Where there is such a thing, legends are only legends after all, they are all things that are undesirable. After all, according to the records of our Camod family, there has never been a silver pegasus of the Holy Order in history. Even the legendary Silver Pegasus has not appeared in thousands of years ... "

(Huh! I am afraid that you old fox will not tell me? After I inherit the throne, I will definitely take back the Silver Pegasus Legion! By then, you **** old guys, will not continue to exist. Meaning!)

Although he couldn't wait to kill Cameron and other elders immediately, Aden still had a charming smile on his face.

"Since the legend exists, there must be some basis for it. Just like the ancient silver Pegasus trial, I thought it was just a legend. Do you mean it, Lord Elder?"

"This is not a kind of thing. His Royal Highness really laughed."

"It's all right, gossip is here, now I only ask one thing here."

"... Your Highness, please talk."

Seeing Cameron still wanting to act silly, the third prince Aden finally lost his patience and said straightforwardly:

"Elder Cameron, let's go straight to the point of the matter. How is your plan going? Don't tell me to wait and wait, I have got the news, now Ophelia has left Kim Dele, rushed directly to Moxim!


"You used the undead spirit to kill the entire city of Kindler. Although it was a bit overdone, if the plan can succeed, I can barely accept it, but! Not only did Ophelia not disappear, she now also merges silver Hundreds of Silver Pegasus Knights of Pegasus Knights! "

"... just an accident ..."

"Really? But I don't like accidents! Now I just want to know, can we succeed in the plan we have set before?"

"Hour Highness, the Three Princes, don't worry, there should be a chance ..."

"Hehe ~! Opportunity? What opportunity? Opportunity for Ophelia to marry me? Or is it an opportunity to get rid of you after she returns to Moxim ?! Tell me!"

At this moment, the three princes Aden are no longer calm and calm at the beginning. He is now angry like a lion who wants to eat others! In front of him, the elder Cameron and others didn't know what to say for a while, and who made them promise Aden things now seems difficult to do now.

After an unspeakable silence, a few elders of the Camoord family look at me and I look at you. In the end, the elder Cameron came to talk.

"... What do you mean by the three princes?"

"I mean? I'm angry now, and at the same time I'm starting to be a bit disappointed with you. But even then I will still give you a chance, if you can make Ophelia disappear before returning here, then everything will be saved. Chance, otherwise, hum ~! Even if Ophelia let you go, I have a way to make you pay! The price of failure! "

Hearing the threat of Aden, the naked man, the elders like Cameron's face suddenly became difficult to look at. It's just that because the legendary strongman named Yarague is beside the three princes, Cameron and others are still unable to attack.

"But ... His Royal Highness Prince Aden, with Ophelia converging the Silver Pegasus Knights, we don't have enough strength to make Ophelia disappear ..."

"Huh! I really regret working with you now. Each of the five elders of the Camoord family is a strongman above the sixth-order Zijin level. If you add a little strength hidden in your hands, you will count as a dozen. It is not impossible for the sixth-order strong! If you could kill Ophelia together, she would die early in the morning! "

Listening to Aden say this, Cameron and others were speechless for a while. Cameron can't always say that he has respected himself for so many years, he has already lost the courage and will to fight and fight? But at the moment no need to talk about Cameron and others. Aden sneered at the three princes in this dim sum, and then took a scroll with mysterious magic fluctuations from the space bracelet on his hand and threw it at Cameron.

"This is a scroll sealed with powerful space magic. According to the record, as long as it is hit by the magic in this scroll, the subject will be teleported to an unknown plane world! It does n’t matter if you kill her, use this to deal with Ophelia! I think there must be some of you who can use this scroll? "

Seeing this scroll, Cameron and others suddenly shuddered in their hearts. This scroll is definitely not the kind of goods that can be seen everywhere. Today, when space magic is almost lost and only some magic arrays are used, the significance of this scroll is naturally quite different! Cameron even speculated that this scroll was probably a collection of the royal family of the French Empire, and then the old emperor who gave the three princes to Aden might not be!

However, when I think about it, Aden's move is really vicious! Now that the Silver Pegasus Knights converge with her, how easy is it to get close to Ophelia and release the scroll? ! And perhaps the only chance is when Ophelia returns to the welcome ceremony in Moxie Wood City, right?

(But doing that would be the same as tearing your face in public? Or ... Aden means letting us sacrifice an elder to do this? Damn it!)

"His Royal Highness Prince, I'm afraid something is wrong with this?"

"Inappropriate? What's wrong with it! You want to gain monstrous power, but don't want to pay enough? Is this possible?"


"Cameron, you should know more clearly than anyone else. Now that things have developed to this point, if you are hesitant, you will have no chance to turn over! You can do it yourself! If you ca n’t grasp this last chance ... "

Speaking of which, the three princes Aden even smiled contemptuously, and then no longer said much, turned and jumped up to the saddle behind the Xueyu Falcon next to him, and under the protection of the legendary strongman, he flew into the sky quickly A black spot that disappeared into the sky disappeared.

At this time, at the top of this Presbyterian castle in the domain of the Camoad family, the elder Cameron looked at the four elders Hull, Herman, Filari and Barry behind him, and he was really depressed and angry. . You have to know that the Presbyterian Church and the three princes Aden were in a cooperative relationship. Although Nayard was arrogant and proud, he was still courteous to Cameron and others.

Today, after Ophelia passed the ancient silver Pegasus trial, Aden's attitude towards them has changed in an instant! Not only are they no longer as respected as they used to be, they are now threatening them! This made Cameron and others who were accustomed to the wind and rain in the Camod family feel the feeling of being on the wrong ship.

"Brother Cameron, what do you say now?"

The second elder Hull and the third elder Herman were a pair of twin brothers, but they played with Cameron until they were young, and the relationship was very good. Otherwise, with the strength of their brothers' six-level Zijin primary, it may not be I am afraid of the elder Cameron.

"Now this is really difficult to do. If Ophelia came back smoothly and mastered the power of the Silver Pegasus Knights, she already has the strength to challenge us. And since she completed the ancient silver Pegasus test Refining, and has been recognized by the king of contemporary Pegasus, then in the Silver Pegasus Legion, her influence is absolutely unmatched, if coupled with the support of her father, the waste chief, I am afraid that the people in the family Which side will most fall to her! So as long as she comes back, our good days are over. "

"Then there is no way to stop her?"

"Now her situation is complete, even if we kill her now, I'm afraid we can't change anything. Unless ..."

Hearing that Cameron said half of it was gone, the four elders, Filari, glared at him and became angry. Filari's temper is already violent, if there was a legendary strong guard next to Aden, he even wanted to kill or capture Aden directly and then persuade Cameron and other elders to switch to other princes!

But now Aden and the old man have left, suffocating Filari, suddenly shouted:

"At this time, Boss Cameron, you still have a lot of energy! You always have the most ideas. If there is any way, just say it!"

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