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Looking at the painful and helpless Olesia in front of her, Ophelia's heart somehow flashed his own shadow.

(If you change to yourself, for your father ’s life, even if you know he is wrong, you will choose to desperately save it? From this point, Olesia is really similar to himself ...)

At this time the situation was urgent. Ophelia did not hesitate for a long time. Instead, he opened his mouth and yelled in the direction of the presbyterian members who had already fought to the front:

"Please stop, Lord Yarrag!"

In fact, when Ophelia spoke, it was only less than half a minute. The elder Cameron and others have been beaten by this legendary warrior of the earth system named Yarrag. Fight back. At this time, even if Cameron himself, did not expect Ophelia to plead for himself because of Olesia's request.

But at this moment Yarrag was already determined to kill Cameron, so he chose to pretend not to hear it, but instead he was mad at Cui, and he started getting heavier and heavier. This was so that the elder Cameron and Herher and the Brothers did not dare to take it lightly and could only assist in defense together.

"Sir Yarrag, don't blame Ophelia if you keep up your hands!"

How could Ophelia not understand what Yarrag was thinking? Therefore, when the other party was still unmoved, she directly let Feiyun, the king of the silver Pegasus who was sitting down, perform magic!

[Wind binding]!

Suddenly, a light blue cyclone appeared directly outside the Yarrag with a pair of grudge wings behind him. As the Yarrag wanted to continue to attack, this light blue cyclone instantly condensed into a long wind. Elemental chain, and then go to the Yaragrad inside!

Seeing that this magic has been formed outside, Nayarag was not afraid at all, not only did he not mean to resist or counterattack, but instead continued to wave his sword of vindictiveness in vain!

(It ’s so big? Is it because our strength is not enough to hurt him? Huh! Feiyun, give him a lesson! It ’s not a good thing anyway!)

As Ophelia thought so, Feiyun, who almost communicated with her, suddenly flashed a blue light in her eyes! At the same time, in front of Feiyun, dozens of palm-sized green wind blades appeared. In fact, this is just a set of ordinary third-order magic [Enhanced Wind Blade], but their original size is compressed by several times under the magic control of Feiyun, and now these wind blades are not only shorter in length , Even the already thin thickness is compressed again!

At this time, Yarrag had already slashed an elder who had just reached the sixth-order Zijin level next to Cameron. He did n’t even bother to use the wind before the shock to disperse the wind. Tied to continue the rush to fight. Although that looks extremely powerful, it has a faint sense of contempt, but it is coming out.

"Do it! Let him know how good you are!"

As Ophelia's voice just fell, these compressed versions of [Enhanced Wind Blades] in front of Feiyun immediately flew straight to Yarrag. Only in the view of legendary strongman Yarrag, even if all these wind blades hit him, it does n’t matter. It is just some third-order magic. In front of the ground-based grudge, which is famous for its defensive strength, it ca n’t exert its maximum power .

Even if the wind element is somewhat restrained in terms of its attributes, Yalage ’s legendary level of grudge strength can not only smooth the gap between the elements, but also in turn suppress some other elements! This is the power of legendary combatants!

However, although Feiyun ’s strength is only a sixth-order intermediate level, after all, it is a powerful Warcraft born to use elemental magic. When its wisdom increases with its strength level, the control and use of magic is not ordinary human magic. The teacher can match it!

So when Yarrag was going to rely on the hard layer of the fighting armor, which was compressed by the earth strife, these wind blades seemed to fly like birds, with a very sensitive attitude, bypassing Yarra The arm and weapon of the grid are directly attached to the chain formed by the previous wind binding technique!

(What is this stuff ?! Could it be that the combined magic of the wind system is not possible !? Not good!)

The power of compound magic is very powerful. Generally speaking, even if it is the first-order compound magic of the same system, the power is almost more powerful than the second-order magic. It's just that the difficulty of compound magic is much higher than that of double casting or instant casting. It can be said that this is a comprehensive test of mental power, magic control, and elemental affinity.

If one of them fails to meet the requirements, then do n’t even want to use compound magic! This kind of magical ability, which is both high and balanced, is an important prerequisite for the magician to advance to the seventh level of the legendary level!

As for the legendary double-line compound magic, even multi-line compound magic, it is said that only a few magicians have used it since ancient times, and it is basically composed of low-level and intermediate-level magic, but the double-line magic The power of compound magic is much greater than the compound magic of the same system. It is almost equivalent to the power of a single magic several times. It can be counted as the effect of two large orders.

The only high-level compound magic that can be used in the historical materials is the ancient gods in the chaotic period, and there are still a lot of holy order warcraft at that time ...

So when Arag found out that the high-level silver Pegasus that Ophelia sat down could actually use compound magic, the shock in his heart was nothing short of extraordinary! Although [Wind Bound] and [Enhanced Wind Blade] are only fourth-order and third-order wind magic, the combined power is definitely much stronger than fifth-order magic!

And when this magic reaches the intensity of order five or more, it is dangerous for Yarrag to rely on the [Tou Qi Armor] outside his body to resist hard. Under desperate circumstances, he has to change his target and run his qi to try to use this weird wind blade chain 'Shock. But at this moment, under the full control of Feiyun, the ‘Wind Blade Chain’ started to run fast, but it looked like a moving chain saw!

Suddenly, on the "Armor of Dou Qi" outside Yarrag, with the high-speed operation of the "Wind Blade Chainsaw", the surface of the armor burst into a dazzling earthy yellow spot! However, in just a short time, Yarrag was extremely strong enough to resist the magic and grudge attack of Tier 5 and below, and suddenly there were several deep cracks!

It's just that this "Wind Blade Chain Saw" also consumes a lot of itself when it splits the Dou Qi Armor, so in the yellowish spot, there are a few green-green fragments. However, even so, the consumption rate of the "Wind Blade Chainsaw" is much lower than that of the "Fighting Armor", so when Arag found that he could not easily break this "Wind Blade Chain Saw", he was extremely decisive. Blasted out this "Armor of Armor" outside of yourself!

I saw a yellow light where Yarague was, although there was not much noise, but in the distance of Yarrag, there was no semi-circular pit on the ground! At this time, the "Armor of Dou Qi" outside of Yarrag had disappeared together with the weird "Wind Blade Chainsaw". Not only that, even the wings formed by a pair of Dou Qi that could be attacked and defended during the previous battle disappeared.

"What a wind-type compound magic! This is the strength of the Pegasus King? It's just Ophelia, why don't you know how? I'm helping you! If only by the strength of these non-silver horse knights behind you , If you want to sack these old things, I'm afraid I will die at least one third! Is this the result you want to see? "

Seeing that Yarrag had stopped, Ophelia did not continue to let Feiyun attack. After all, Yarrag was the man of His Royal Highness. Even if Ophelia knew that the third prince Aden was not a good bird, even this time it was probably because of him, but on the bright side, Ophelia was a subject, But he can't ignore his face.

"His Royal Highness the three princes and Lord Yarrag have the kindness of Ophelia, but this is something within our Silver Pegasus Legion and the Camod family. Besides, I now have strong evidence that if the elders want to care for their relatives Life and death, then he might be able to catch his hands and catch it! "

Listening to Ophelia's words, Cameron suddenly shed a drop of cold sweat. He is too old to say anything. From the current situation, it is already the limit to be able to advance to the sixth-tier Zijin senior, and it is no longer possible to extend the life of the seventh-tier legend. This makes him highly value his son and relatives, which is one of his driving forces for rights.

Nowadays mentioned by Ophelia, Cameron and Hull and Herman suddenly hesitated and frightened. If Ophelia really ruthlessly killed their direct blood relatives, even if they took the Camod family, they were Who is it for?

"Hahahaha! I did n’t expect Ophelia. You are not strong, but you are very powerful! But this is just your wishful thinking. If Cameron, they would never believe that you will let them go afterwards! If you are a real person, I am afraid that the descendants of Cameron and some of their old things today will be slowly removed by you? Hahaha! "

As if sincerely finding Ophelia uncomfortable, Yarrag's words at this time were conspicuous, which really made everyone on both sides frown, but this made Ophelia see the first time. The purpose of sending this man to the three princes.

"This does not need to worry about Lord Alag. If there is nothing else, please ask the Lord to go back and bring His Royal Highness to the three princes. Ophelia thanked you first!"

The meaning of Ophelia's words is very clear. This is just a polite rush. It's just that the seventh-order legendary strongman is used to being respected in ordinary times, and now Ophelia's tone makes Yarrag inexplicably angry.

"Oh? Little girl, are you driving me away? Do you know who you are talking to? Don't think that if you have the Silver Pegasus Knights, you can't put the legendary strongman in the eye, I won't do it now. Go away, see what you can do to me ?! "

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