Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 770: Metamorphosis elbow and armpit

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The compromise of the elder Cameron and others, or surrender, almost relieved everyone present. Even if the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion are not afraid of death, it is not what people expected if they died unnecessarily in the civil war.

And this is the same for Zhang Yang. He can torture and kill the devil ruthlessly, and he can kill Warcraft for the magic core and materials, but he really doesn't like killing people. In his opinion, even if it is a bad guy, it is not necessary to hurt the killer until the last resort.

However, in many cases, Zhang Yang cannot be chosen at all. If he does not lay down the killer, the other party will die. Sometimes, for the lives of friends and innocent people, Zhang Yang will raise the butcher knife without hesitation!

Because his past experience has made him understand that the kindness to the enemy is cruelty to his own people! Zhang Yang himself does not want to die, and at the same time, he will not harm the friends he cares about for his liking. Therefore, Zhang Yang is very happy today, do n’t look at his murderous indifference, but he can solve the problem without fighting or killing. This is really good ...

So, when Ophelia turned around to say hello to him, Zhang Yang nodded very swiftly, and the power of his soul was put between one and the other, and the sniper bows in the hands of the night kiss and black Arrow 'retracted the ring of space. At the same time, the elder Cameron and others, who looked a little downcast on the opposite side, also lost their weapons and walked straight to Ophelia's side.

(How do you feel there is something wrong? The elder Cameron has obviously given up, and even the grudge armor outside has been dispelled. What is wrong? This hidden but real sense of crisis ... )

At this time, Zhang Yang, who was walking towards Ophelia, still felt a little wrong in his heart, except that the elders of the Camod family came across from each other. . In this state, they just want to launch a surprise attack, and they are not staring at their opponents of the Silver Pegasus Knights, which makes Zhang Yang unable to figure it out.

(Then be more careful, if they suddenly have trouble, they should be able to intercept it with their own reactions.)

However, when Zhang Yang was thinking about it, the elders of the Camord family opposite had already reached ten meters in front of Ophelia. And at this time, from the beginning to the present, it has been very low-key. In the memory of Zhang Yang, the five elders Barrie, who almost never spoke, suddenly showed a crazy color in their eyes, and even began to mumble in his mouth. Somehow.

"As long as you can ... everything will be fine ... as long as ..."

"What's the matter with the fifth? What are you talking about?"

Almost all of the people present were professionals who were not weak, so even if the five elder Barrie was just whispering something, the second elder Hull walking in front of him heard it roughly, and then asked.

"It's a pity ... I wanted to see that day come alive, it seems there is no chance ..."

"Lao Wu? What a shame you said? We failed, but aren't we still alive, better to die here?"

Hearing Hull's words, Barry the Five Elder suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.

"Hahahaha ~ You always scrupulously worry about this, and then you will fall to today's point! It's all about this time, and you still want to save your strength to make a comeback ?! I tell you, once they are sealed by our strength, we are Really dead! So ... "

"Lao Wu! Don't be fooling!"

By the time Elder Hull and Elder Cameron heard the words of Elder Barrie, they found it was too late! At this moment, I saw that the five elders, Barry, suddenly stretched out the right hand that had been hidden in the sleeve and pushed forward violently, and a scroll with strange waves suddenly appeared in his hand!

"Let me disappear! As long as you disappear, everything will return to the original plan! Disappear! Aha!"

"No! Five!"

"Sir Ophelia! Be careful!"

"be careful!"

"Protect the Lord!"

"Attack! Attack!"


At this moment, as the five elders Barry suddenly got into trouble, all the surroundings including the elder Cameron and others suddenly shouted nervously, but at this time everyone wanted to stop the five elders Barry already late, as he instilled The magic opened the seal on this mysterious scroll. An invisible and qualitative wave rushed out of the scroll instantly and flew back the elders who wanted to pounce on him!

"Ha ha ha ha! Let me disappear! Ha ha ha ha!"

In the direction pointed by Barry's right hand, the scroll turned into a piece of fly ash, and at the same time, a gray and transparent beam of light went straight to the location where Ophelia was!


At this moment, Feiyun is flapping his wings and trying to fly, and Castro beside Ophelia is also reaching out to push Ophelia away, but this gray-white transparent beam is too fast. When everyone reacted and wanted to make a move, they came to a place less than one meter in front of Ophelia!

(Is the gray-white transparent light? Could it be that the almost lost magic of the space system is impossible?)

At this time, there was no fear in Ophelia's heart. She even had the mood to pay attention to this beam of light that was about to hit her! And at this moment, Ophelia suddenly felt the whole body, the sudden huge inertia actually made her accustomed to high speed, almost black fainted in front of her!

When Ophelia reacted in front of her, she found that she and the flying cloud underneath were thrown into the air of tens of meters high from the ground!

At this time, in the position where Ophelia was just now, there was now an extra-white transparent ball with a diameter of about three meters, which was spinning steadily!

Look carefully, there is a person standing quietly in the middle of the ball!

"Wright! No!"

"grown ups!"

It was only then that all the talents saw what had happened in the field, but they could only see clearly what had happened. Among the people present, there were at most ten people!

Just a moment ago, Zhang Yang suddenly burst into a bright electric light! After this, Zhang Yang's figure seemed to have turned into a light belt, and came to Ophelia behind him in the blink of an eye, and grabbed his horse and slammed into the air, and then came in the gray transparent beam When Zhang Yang was in front of him, he used the last moment to kick Castro away!

It was just that after finishing this, Zhang Yang wanted to avoid it too late. When that gray-white transparent light column touched his body, it was dispersed directly into a light curtain and immediately wrapped Zhang Yang. At this time, Zhang Yang also had a sigh in his heart. The off-white transparent light column Zhang Yang didn't know what it was, but what it looked like when it turned into a spherical light curtain, Zhang Yang could not be more familiar!

(Is n’t this space-transmitting magic? I did n’t expect it to be sent in the form of a beam of light at the beginning. It really collapsed ... Is it because of the space-based magic? Is it necessary to send it from time to time? Erjie Lina will be together soon ... Where is this going to be sent again?)

At this time, because Zhang Yang had used the relationship of "Lei Ji burst" just to save Ophelia, in his feeling, the time actually passed much slower than usual, so even when Zhang Yang just thought , And the external time has just passed for less than two moments.

At this time, the state of "Lei Ji burst" on Zhang Yang can still last for about two instants, so he suddenly came up with a bold idea!

(Speaking of having tried the hardness of this space magic hood, it was completely unbreakable in terms of the attack power of his own demon at the time. However, now that he has used [Lei Ji burst], the destructive power has exceeded the original. Reached the level above the seventh-order legend, then can this strength of strength be broken? If you add the sword of forbidden magic?)

As soon as this idea appeared in Zhang Yang's mind, it suddenly became uncontrollable! It is impossible to be a good place to be sent to the destination from left to right. It may be better to try it now and maybe it can be broken directly and rushed out!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang did not hesitate to take out the sword of forbidden magic from the ring of space, and then twisted a little and then severely cut on the transparent shield outside him!


With Zhang Yang's slashing, the space-transporting magic shield that was rotating at a high speed suddenly shuddered and stopped. At this time, Zhang Yang looked along the blade of the sword of forbidden magic, on the space magic shield, Sure enough, an obvious crack appeared! It is a pity that although the power of this cut is strong, it is not enough to break the protective cover in one blow, and when Zhang Yang is going to cut another sword, he finds that the cracked area gradually moves to repair with the re-rotation of the protective cover stand up!

It is extremely difficult to cut the crack when the space magic shield rotates at a high speed, plus Zhang Yang's [Lei Ji burst] lasted now, and I just want to come again, and I have no strength.

(It still seems to be lacking in strength. If you want to break the protective shield formed by this space magic in one blow, how can you get the destructive power of the seventh-level legend or higher. Only hope that the destination of this transmission will not be What a weird plane? What if the fire elemental plane, the water elemental plane and the like are thrown away, it would be miserable ...)

Silently put away the sword of forbidden magic, Zhang Yang no longer did useless work, at this time he suddenly turned to the direction of Neil Jielina running, waved helplessly with a smile, while using the mouth as an export type said: Wait Me, I will definitely come back.

At the same time, as the spherical shield formed by the space magic turned faster and faster, it finally shrunk into a small dot in a burst of white light, and after a slight flash, it disappeared completely ...

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