Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 772: Random transmission

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"what did you say!?"

"you are?"

"Oh, my name is Ou Ning. I'm a magician based in Moxim. I was just worried that under the interference of the violent self-explosive magic, the remnants of the magic fluctuations in this space might be washed away. But now it seems that this place has been completely restored. This understanding of the magic circle and magic runes really surprised me! Is this your masterpiece? Little girl? "

"Uh ... let you laugh at the master! But you just said about the destination ..."

The person who spoke to Anna and Neil Jielina at this time was an old magician wearing a black magic robe. Although there is no long white beard in the impression, this old man, who looks at least ten years old, has long, neatly combed white hair.

If you count the eyes that are not as muddy as the ordinary old man, but have deep eyes, and the faces are covered with folds but still smiling, it makes people feel kind. At this time, when Anna mentioned what she had just said, Ou Ning once again glanced at the magic traces restored by magic materials around him, slowly explaining:

"In fact, through my years of research on space teleportation magic, it can be seen from these traces that this is a very rare exile space magic!"

"Exile ?! Isn't that ... the kind that was once legendary ..."

"Yes, it's the exile space magic that exiles the target to certain wilderness planes."

"What should I do! Those wilderness planes are probably not suitable for survival, if the husband is passed over ..."

Seeing Anna was so anxious that she was about to cry again, Ou Ning suddenly waved her finger at one of the magic marks and said:

"In fact, although the magic was completed, it was destroyed in the course of its deployment! This really surprised me! To know that the space magic shield is almost as strong as the weakest space barrier. Breaking the space barrier requires at least the strength of the Holy Order or above to achieve it! "


"It's just that from the present trace, this person who has been transported has not reached the Holy Order, but from the point of view of his ability to destroy the space magic shield, it is at least a superpower of the seventh-order legendary peak! "

(Huh ?! Listen to adults, his destructive power is close to the seventh-level legendary intermediate level, but how can this old magician be sure to be the seventh-level legendary peak? Is it because the adult uses the power of thunderbolt? Is it possible that the power of thunder and lightning cannot restrain the power of space?)

Niel Jielina was thinking of this, and after being questioned by Anna, Ou Ning finally revealed the key points that the second daughter wanted to know.

"After the destruction of the space-based magic of the exile type, the magic coordinates that should have been perfectly running deviated. Not to mention that even the magic that supports the completion of the magic has lost a lot. This led to the transfer of the desolate plane The exile magic now can only teleport the target to a random place on the Orlando plane. Inferred from the continuity of space magic, this teleportation distance is very far away. "

"Really ?! Master, he's still on Orlando !?"

"This ... I'm not sure, but I should still be in the plane of Orlando. It's just that in the vast overseas, as well as the existence of the elven continent and other large islands, this adult in your mouth is really not affected by the random transmission. It must be there. Just hope that he will not be teleported into the air, or some kind of lair in Warcraft ... "

"Isn't that Mr. Danger?"

"This is really hard to say, I can only hope that the strong man you said will have better luck."

(If it's luck ... then isn't he really dangerous? I hope it will be safe, no matter where you go, zero will definitely wait for you to return ...)


In the teleportation magic of the space system, there has always been a theory that when performing teleportation, the location of the teleport destination must have enough space. That is to say, even if it is a random non-directional space to transmit magic, its landing point will not be in rocks, mountains, water bodies, at least it will be an independent space.

However, Ou Ning's statement is not impossible, whether it is above the high sky, or a relatively empty Warcraft lair somewhere, it also meets the requirements of space transmission magic.

It's just that whenever luck is needed, Zhang Yang's ending is always miserable, and this time ...

(Is it possible that I have a relationship with the plane void? Why do I always encounter this inexplicable teleportation magic, so that now I look at the unique scenery of the plane void in front of me, I will feel a little familiar ... I'm really drunk ...)

In fact, just after that space teleportation magic was launched, when Zhang Yang entered the space channel again, it didn't take long for Zhang Yang to realize that something was wrong!

Generally speaking, under the protection of the outer space magic shield, the teleporter is basically safe in the space channel. And the length of this space channel is often determined by the distance of this space transmission. It's just that at this moment, the originally straight-through space channel was violently shaken!

Looking at Zhang Yang's eyes, the source of this vibration turned out to be a huge vortex with black and grey light passing through the space channel! Zhang Yang didn't know exactly what this huge black-gray vortex was, but driven by some instinct, Zhang Yang could understand that this huge black-gray vortex is definitely an extremely terrible thing!

You should know that the space debris that is fundamentally formed by the power of space is almost the sharpest and strongest thing in the world, but outside the space passage, wherever the black and gray vortex passes, there are countless space debris that emit charming colors. Even if you just touch the outermost light of the dark gray vortex, it will collapse into a colorful light and disappear!

And at the moment all this happened silently in the infinite silence ...

However, when Zhang Yangzheng looked at the scene in front of his eyes and was fascinated, incidentally marveling and all kinds of magical phenomena in the plane void, he suddenly discovered that the huge black-gray vortex had passed, and it was different from the space channel where he was. Intersection!

This is really a fate!

(What to do! At the speed of the spherical shield now, it is absolutely impossible to get out before the black-gray vortex scratches the space channel, but once the space channel collides with the black-gray vortex, the space channel will definitely break directly ! By that time, whether you hit the black and gray vortex with this space magic shield according to your inertia, or you missed it and were lost in the plane void, I am afraid that you are all dead?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly smiled bitterly. Although he has discovered the seriousness of the problem, he has no ability to solve it now! Not to mention that he has no power to change the direction and position of the space channel, even the space magic shield outside him, he can't break it.

At this time, the degree of tremor of Zhang Yang's space channel has become more and more intense, and that level can already be clearly felt by Zhang Yang in the protective cover.

(I feel so strong when I'm still far away, wouldn't it end up with those space debris in an instant if I got close? How could this be good ...)

At this moment, Zhang Yang never wanted to sit still, but it didn't help whether he pushed backwards, slammed left or right, or took out his weapon to attack the protective cover desperately outside. Unconsciously, the black-grey whirlpool, huge enough to have a diameter of at least tens of kilometers, has arrived above the transparent space channel where Zhang Yang is!

(No way, now I can only pray that the dark gray light does not directly hit this space magic shield. As for this space channel ... anyway, the place where it is sent will not be safe, there are left and right Danger is not as acceptable as the one you choose.)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly calmed down. Since he had no plans to do so, it would be better to wait and see its changes.

(Only speaking, I used [Lightning Enhancement] and [Lightning Outburst] once, and now my body is already overloaded. Although my physical fitness is now much stronger than that of ordinary combatants, it has changed from the ancient flame magic Compared with the body, the body's defensive ability is too far apart. In this case, if you fall into the void of the plane, will you not be able to resist the environment here and hang it directly?)

Thinking of some of them, Zhang Yang ’s eyes have been paying attention to the periphery of the huge black and gray vortex passing above. If the space channel where Zhang Yang is located is a line in the void of the plane, then this huge The black and gray vortex can be regarded as a 'thorn ball' that can't be rotated by countless black and gray light bands!

At this moment, the space channel has entered the rubbing range of the peripheral light of the black-gray vortex. However, because the black-gray vortex is too large, there are many black-gray 'light bands' of varying lengths at its edges. A huge gap. This gave Zhang Yang a glimmer of hope, if he could get away with this space channel ......

(The one in front of you wo n’t hit, the one too short is not threatening, but the one in the back ...)

The more you worry about something, the more you get. After passing the three light strips, a huge black-gray light strip several tens of meters wide is now like a light blade, colliding directly into the space passage 100 meters ahead! At this time, Zhang Yang had to do his best to prepare for the impact.

Suddenly, as the huge black-gray band cut in front of the space channel, Zhang Yang seemed to hear a crisp click. This transparent space channel composed of the power of space seemed to be inferior crystal, directly from the location where it was cut. Broken a section of more than ten meters!

However, at this time Zhang Yang understood that the ‘click’ was just his own feeling. In fact, all this happened in silence, but now the biggest crisis has appeared! With the breaking of the space channel in front, Zhang Yang, who was still rushing forward in the space shield, found that there were still several black-gray bands about to cross the gap in the space channel in front! And once hit by it ...

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