Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 797: Misunderstanding

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(Come on Beast! Even if you get my body, you can only reap my eternal curse! Even if I lose everything, keep the pure blood of the flame family will not be hurt! The great flame warlord Kampas! If ... … If you really will be resurrected, if you hear the call of your descendants, then please help us!)

At this time, Silia was somewhat abnormal. To be precise, it should have suppressed emotions, dissatisfaction, and pain for several years. Today, they are all inspired and released due to Zhang Yang's relationship. Whether it was the oppression from the orcs and nobles, or the persecution of human slavers, and even the accumulation of repressive hardships in life, Siria was overwhelmed.

Therefore, at this time, Hiriya seemed to be crazy, and she wanted to take off her bra with tears, but completely forgot the original intention of chasing her.


Zhang Yang now looks at the look of Xilia, it is really a headache. He could clearly feel that the opponent's spirit was a little abnormal, but at any moment, he could not let Shiriya continue. So when Xilia was halfway off, Zhang Yang suddenly reached out and put the other person in his arms!

Under the control of his arms, Hiriya couldn't move at all, and couldn't keep going.

"Why, do you want to do it yourself? As expected, you too ..."

Sheria had almost lost her eyes with tears. She didn't even resist at all, so she let Zhang Yang hold her round body in her arms. However, while Silia murmured in her mouth, she suddenly discovered that the man next to her didn't even want to go any further!

His arms and body were sturdy and strong, but at such close contact, Shiriya suddenly realized that the other person's breathing was still very stable, and there was no trace of excitement! Not only that, because of Zhang Yang's tight embrace, Shiriya's cheek is now tightly pressed against the other's solid chest.

The heartbeat was so powerful, and so steady, just like that person's gaze and expression.

So slowly, listening to the steady heartbeat in her ears, Hilia finally calmed down. At this time, her reason finally returned to her mind, and her face began to get hotter and hotter. If it was not buried in Zhang Yang's arms at this moment, she even felt that her face could be compared with a ripe apple.

(Siriia, which rib was n’t you right? How could you make such a crazy move! I clearly felt that he was not that kind of person, but how could I be like crazy afterwards? That's too much! The ancestors are on! I just wanted to ...)

I thought of my crazy desire to take off my clothes just like a woman ... Hiriya suddenly felt like she was burnt to the ground, shaking suddenly. At this time, she clearly felt that the fullness of her chest was tightly pressed against the other's chest and abdomen.

This trembling was good, and an inexplicable feeling immediately spread throughout Shiria's body, so that she did not dare to raise her head, and did not dare to move.

(What a shame! If he is really a bad guy, then just now ... how can I wait for him to face him! Heyria! What crazy are you doing! Make yourself suffer!)

So, Hilia, who was so embarrassed in her heart, had no courage to raise her head to face Zhang Yang, so she simply buried her head in an ostrich and continued to nest in the other's arms. At this time, Zhang Yang was also really afraid that Hiriya would continue to play the suit of **** just now, so she really dared not relax or move.

Now it's okay, the two of them are sitting on the sand like this, holding a seemingly intimate hug posture, and no one moves at all. With the passage of time, Siria felt a long-lost peace!

This embrace is so solid and broad, as if it were a peaceful harbor, so that Hiriya gave birth to the idea of ​​wanting to be so dependent on each other's arms. And Zhang Yang's feeling at this moment is also a bit broken. Although he is determined, he is also a normal man. Okay!

Because of his ears and his eyes, he felt a particularly delicate relationship. Zhang Yang could really feel the softness and smoothness of this fox beauty in her arms at the moment. Whether it's the softness that tightly touches his chest, or the skin touched by his arms all around, Zhang Yang is always in a state of struggle with himself.

In addition, whether the hairy fox ears above Shiria tremble, scratching his chin, if Zhang Yang has great perseverance and strong body control, I am afraid that the body will react early. . It's just that as Hiriya's body became tense, under the ups and downs of friction, Zhang Yang was finally unable to control her original instincts.

Even though he has begun to meditate on the self-hypnotic mantra of 'Heart Ruin Bing Qingtian', he still gradually got out of dormancy somewhere, and began to show little signs of wanting to be transformed!

This is good, because the body is close to each other, Zhang Yang's changes are immediately noticed by Shiria! But at this time, although Hiriya was nervous and dying, there was a trace of joy in my heart!

(I thought his charms were ineffective for him. It turned out that this man was only very strong in concentration. But in this case, it can be kept still, which is already worthy of respect. But the question is ... what to do next! If it goes on like this ...)

It feels like her belly is being held up by something, and the mother of two children, Hiria, who has experienced these before, how could not know what that is!

And at this extremely embarrassing time, making Zhang Yang and Xilia both feel one head and two big, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a burst of unabashed maliciousness from the desert behind him! Although this maliciousness does not seem fatal to Zhang Yang, it has become the key to breaking the status quo!

So Zhang Yang was overjoyed! I saw him gently reaching for a beat on the sand, and the whole person stood with one arm around Shiria. It was only then that Shiriya reacted in a sudden shock, and now she was not worried about what this person would do to herself. She was just curious about what Wright would do next?

(Does he want to run away again like he was in the house?)

But then Zhang Yang's words suddenly made the beautiful thoughts of Shiriya's heart disappear.

"Be careful, Warcraft."

"Uh? Ah!"

For Shiriya living around the psychedelic desert, she has indeed seen Warcraft. The strong body and magic can be used. If the village chief saw the opportunity early, let everyone escape as soon as possible. I was afraid that it would not be as simple as dying one or two people ...

It's a pity that with the sight of Hiriya, she can only see two faint green lights looming in the depths of the desert, and the rest are all dark, and she can't see the whole picture of Warcraft.

"Let's run away! Almost all the Warcraft in this psychedelic desert are very powerful. If they are stared at ..."

Sherea had just said half, but Zhang Yang suddenly lowered her head and smiled confidently at her, only because he would speak too few Orc common languages ​​at this time and could not express the relationship, he simply did not speak, but continued to use his left hand. Armed with Hiriya, he pulled out the spiral desert terror horn from behind with his right hand as a dagger, and walked in the direction of the appearance of Warcraft!

Although Hiriya's body is round, plump, and uneven, but because the fox family is relatively thin, it is about one meter and six meters tall, and its weight is just like 50 or more Pakri. And this weight for Zhang Yang, even if she mentions her fight, it is completely a matter of course.

So, when the one-and-a-half-meter-long dark body with a grayish brown surface and a sand lizard with a periosteum around its head appeared in the eyes of Xiria, Zhang Yang gave a soft sigh, and the corner of his mouth was slightly up. Qiao laughed.

(Sure enough, you guys, did you remember this place before because you had preyed on the orc-gatherers? If I guessed right, Wolfe, they would run into the depths of the psychedelic desert, it was you who chased you Did n’t you think that now you guys are getting more and more courageous, and have dared to run to the edge of the desert. But speaking of it, I really have to thank you for your siege! If it ’s you, I ’ll stay just now I'm going to be ugly ~!)

Zhang Yang's idea that this sand lizard naturally does not know. Besides, this thing is just a second-order Warcraft. There are two magic cores in its brain. It is impossible to distinguish Zhang Yang's true strength. Therefore, in its view, it was really worth running to the edge of the desert this time. After all, if these two orcs could be eaten, it would be safe to hide back in its nest under the sand and sleep beautifully for a few days.

"Wright, Wright! Let me come down, can you really fight like this? Yeah!"

Sheria was really scared at the moment, but she was just a woman with no fighting power! If you are held in your arms to fight Warcraft, if it is spread, is it not dead! ? It was just that Zhang Yang also wanted to retaliate about what he was scared by Helia just now, coupled with his full confidence in his heart, so regardless of Heriya ’s plea, she hugged her left hand tightly, Step towards the sand lizard!

As a second-order earth-based warcraft, the sand lizard can only use one [Stone Skin] and one [Rock Sharpening]. So when it was discovered that the two orcs did not choose to escape, but rushed towards it, the periosteum next to the head of the sand lizard was suddenly propped up, and a green light of greed and hunger flashed in his eyes!

In its view, there is no energy fluctuation in these two orcs, which is not enough to worry about, but driven by its instinctively careful mentality, this sand lizard still blessed itself with a layer of 【 Stone Skin Technique], after all, it has seen that the sharp thorn in Zhang Yang's hand looks like a sharp corner above the desert terror wolf!

And just when the surface of the sand lizard lit a light earthy light, Zhang Yang hurried to the three meters in front of him!

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