Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 811: Important information

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He used to think that the village chief ’s grandpa ’s story was boring, plus he wanted to train himself to try to stimulate hemorrhagic gas when he was an adult, so when Womiga played, he mostly worked hard.

It ’s just that Wolf ’s innate physique is too weak. He has been training for several years. Although he is not afraid of adults in two or three vulnerable races, compared with the wolf orc hunter, he is afraid of one-on-one. It is a loss. This made him sad for a long time in private, and after a long time, he cheered up again.

"Don't interrupt! Listen to your sister's words!"

At this time, not to mention the surrounding villagers, even Shiriya was in a hurry, so she pulled Wolfe around and said something in her arms, and then her eyes turned to Vomija.

"That ... don't stare at people like that! I see hair in my heart ... Okay! Okay, I'm saying it won't work now!"

At this moment Womiga held his hands tightly together, feeling as if he could not stand. But when she unconsciously looked back at the man in black behind him, even if there were a lot of wounds on her body, but she still looked calm and calm, Womiga took a deep breath and then spit out, and the whole person gradually calmed down.

"The grandfather of the village chief said that there are actually many villages like ours around this psychedelic desert. But most of them are relatively small, and few of them have more than a hundred people. But in this, There is one exception! You should have heard of the Sheep Race? Although most members are not strong main battle races, there are always powerful warriors and shamans in the race. "

"Yeah! But haven't you heard that the tribes of the sheep tribe have moved to the westernmost part of the Kingdom of Campas? Because there are several famous strongmen in their tribe, so that even the kings and nobles, Be polite to them and almost never provoke them! "

"Yeah, that was what the village chief and grandpa said to me. But you do n’t know, in the west of our village, close to the southwest edge of the psychedelic desert, there is an orc who lives in the various ethnic groups in the front. The village! "

"Ah ?! Thousands of people !? Doesn't it all have the size of a small town ?!"

"Yeah! But they didn't build walls or the like, but lived in a magical valley. It is said that there is a very powerful sheep clan shaman and several powerful sheep clan warriors."

Hearing Wolfe's eyes glaring here, he wondered how could a few strong men protect the village of thousands of people? After all, in addition to the wolf clan orc safari in the kingdom, there are also a few stalkers of other races. It is said that even nobles such as lions, tigers and bears have occasionally joined the ranks of hunters.

So even if they are as strong as this Wright, I'm afraid they can't hold the other person?

Wolfe ’s idea is understandable. After all, he has never seen how powerful and powerful a real powerhouse is. But he didn't say it directly. After all, on the one hand, he believed his sister, on the other hand, he was also afraid that the villagers would find it hard to find it, and it would be bad if he was put out by himself.

And by this time Womiga has continued to say:

"The place called Sunset Valley is really amazing. The village grandfather said that besides a few sheep warriors who personally protect the big shaman, there are many other strong people who follow the ancient prophecies. Waiting there, the most incredible thing is that there seems to be a double-headed dragon knight there? "

Hearing this, the surrounding villagers were shocked! The names of the two-headed dragon knights are too loud. They can almost be regarded as the synonym of Campas to the strongest fighters in the country. Compared with the three remaining empty knights in the French Empire and even the human countries, the two-headed flying dragon knights of the Kampas orcs to the country are definitely the strongest individuals with the average combat strength!

After all, only in terms of the level of the Warcraft mounts, most of the beautiful and handsome silver Pegasus strength is only around Tier 4 to Tier 5, and they are still Warcraft mainly based on magic attacks. While the Griffon Knight of the mercenary country of Ladvia, although the strength of the mount is almost the same as that of the Silver Pegasus, the Griffon Warcraft is a purely physical attacking Warcraft, except for one or two less powerful talents. In addition to magic, the melee ability is relatively good.

As for the horror bat knight in the Pompeii Empire, although this huge bat has both the dual attributes of magical attack and physical attack, on average, it has only three to four orders of strength, but they are generally better than Silver Pegasus. Griffins are worse. If not all Pompeii knights controlling the dread bats are powerful combat magicians, their long-range magical attack power is too horrible. This dread bat knight may not be able to be tied with the silver pegasus knight and the griffon knight.

But in contrast, the two-headed flying dragon knight of the orc kingdom of Campas, most of them only have the strength of Tier 5 to Tier 6 just sitting down! You should know that from the fourth order upwards, every time you upgrade a big order, the strength is almost different!

Therefore, although the number of two-headed dragon knights in the orc kingdom of Campas is much smaller than the number of three air knights in the human kingdom, as far as the battle on the front line of the **** battle is concerned, the two sides can always contain each other and draw a tie. It is the fighting power of the two-headed dragon knight.

And the knight who can surrender and control such a powerful mount will never be worse than its mount! Even many warriors in the Campas Orc Kingdom regard winning alone and surrendering a two-headed dragon as one of their greatest glory. There are very few orc knights who will fight the two-headed dragon with group fights or witchcraft, but although this can easily defeat or even capture the two-headed dragon, but want to make this high-level Warcraft willing to surrender to become his mount, But it is much more difficult than defeating the kind by yourself.

So, after hearing Womiga mentioned that there were two-headed dragon riders sitting there, the surrounding villagers suddenly let go of their minds and agreed to go there to take refuge and resume their lives. Immediately after a short break, the number of remaining villagers was counted.

Apart from Zhang Yang, this guy, including the Hilia family, was originally a weak orc village with more than 100 people, and only 62 survived.

Perhaps it is used to the protection of such a person as the village chief. After being unanimously recommended by the villagers, An Baduo, the best feathered woman in the village, was chosen as the village chief. This made Wolfe and Womiga secretly keep his lips open, and he almost didn't speak out in person.

As a matter of fact, the position of the village chief is both fat and extremely dangerous. Because it is necessary to arrange the manpower to sell the collected income on weekdays, the village head can always save a lot of money. If they are conscientious, they will tell the villagers of the existence of the money and use it as emergency money.

For example, the old village chief before them, Hiriya, can still save more than twenty gold coins in the cracks of the stone in such a difficult life. It is a pity that in the end, it was accepted by Stone, the captain of the safari team who was familiar with him, and finally came to Zhang Yang's hands.

However, neither Zhang Yang nor Shiria knew this, and even if Zhang Yang knew, he would not be so kind and kind to give away his battle proceeds.

This is actually the biggest danger to the village head. After all, whether it is a stalker or a lone robber or a robber, it is known that the village heads of vulnerable ethnic groups will have oil and water in their hands. So even at this point, Wolfe does not want his mother to be the village head.

Now that all the decisions have been made, the villagers began to tremble along the edge of the psychedelic desert and head southwest.

Speaking from the day after being attacked by the wolf clan orc hunters, Zhang Yang and Xiria and others walked steadily for seven or eight days without even encountering Warcraft!

The unparalleled luck really surprised all the villagers, and many people even thought that their decision must be a heavenly arrangement, protected by the warlords. So in the future, instead of hiding in the middle of the operation.

It was only during this period that an episode that most villagers did not know happened, that was when the team went to the evening on the first day and found an unremarkable thorn bush to rest.


Zhang Yang had a lot of scary wounds on his body. This is not a secret for the two brothers and sisters who just wounded and wounded him just two days ago.

However, when it was night, Wolff used this reason to tell his younger sister to pull Zhang Yang down into a secluded place to apply medicine. They realized how dangerous the fighting was during the day!

At this moment, Zhang Yang's shoulders, arms and chests had almost no good place. In addition to the old wounds before, a series of brand new wounds, now just like a small mouth, the flesh opened and closed. Only because of Zhang Yang's special physique and his control of his body beyond people's imagination, there was no major bleeding.

Otherwise, these wounds, even if there is nothing to hurt the bones and bones, but bleeding alone will allow him to kill most of his life!

Only because of the unprecedented degree of physical overload, Zhang Yang's exaggerated physical self-healing ability, but now almost completely shut down. Wounds that could have been crusted in one day, now there is no trace of healing, it seems that there is a feeling of being torn and stretched!

This is because at the end of the daytime fighting, Zhang Yang used the force-storing skills that exceeded the current limit of the body. However, this is nothing. Although there is almost no pain in the whole body, it is not a big problem for Zhang Yang, who has a strong bearing capacity.

The key question is ...

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