Tales of the Reincarnated Lord

Chapter 124: Noble war

   Chapter 124 The War of the Nobles

Jim came back in the morning, his whole body swayed, he looked like he hadn't woken up from a hangover, his face hadn't been washed, his forehead, cheeks, and throat were still covered with red lipsticks. Everyone looked sideways and snickered along the way. Endless. Unconsciously, he rushed into Lorester's room happily without knocking on the door, yelling: "My lord, my lord, I have found out why..."

   Pat saw Jim's "pussy" fun, and Lorist smiled: "Just crawling out of the women's pile?"

   Jim was taken aback: "My lord, how do you know? Did you go there to play last night?"

   Lorist looked left and right to see that there was no silver piece as a mirror, and he simply pulled out a dagger, and handed the blade to Jim as a mirror: "Look at your own face..."

   Jim hurriedly wiped his face with his hands: "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry, I forgot to wash my face..."

   "Go ahead, what did you find out?" Lorist asked.

"My lord, the Kenmes family armed no longer attacked the city because the soldiers below refused to obey the Viscount’s orders and almost turned into a mutiny. Last night I went to the tavern in the battlefield merchant camp to invite those old friends from the mercenary group to drink. When Viscount Kenmes sent someone to contact the four mercenary regiments, he hoped to hire four mercenary regiments to attack our castle and pay a big price. However, the four regiment leaders are all old foxes. Consider it, but refuse to agree immediately."

"At this time, a large group of soldiers armed by the Kenmez family came to drink, and found that the person whom Viscount Kenmez had sent to negotiate with the mercenary group began to insult, saying that the Lord Viscount wanted to attack the city and let him attack alone. They went to die. If it weren't for the Viscount Lord to go his own way, their colleagues would not have died more than two hundred, and now there are more than two hundred injured lying down and suffering. Originally thought that becoming the armed forces of the Kenmes family would be delicious and spicy. Unexpectedly, the Kenmax family lied to them to come to the North to die or say a lot of bad things."

"The commander of the four mercenary regiments listened to the soldiers and refused to hire Viscount Kenmey. I asked those soldiers for two rounds of wine. The soldiers said that Viscount Kenmey still wanted to attack the city the day before yesterday. Killing a few escaping soldiers, but all the soldiers quit, so the strong wall defended whoever died, so he confronted Viscount Kenmes. In the end, Viscount Kenmes had no choice but to let them camp and rest. It took a batch of bounty to appease these soldiers."

"These soldiers also said that the seven lords were invited by Viscount Kenmey to attack the city together, but they are still wrangling. A soldier standing guard at the gate of Viscount Kenmey said that the seven lords asked Kenmey When the Viscount attacked the city, they followed up first, and they followed. It was just that the Viscount Kenmesi had the idea of ​​four mercenary regiments because the family soldiers refused to obey his orders. Those soldiers told the mercenaries not to be fooled. "Jim finally reported what he had heard.

   "Well, if we knew this way, we wouldn't have to rush back. It won't be too late to clean up Kitano Town and come back." Pat was very upset.

   Lorist said: "We didn't know what happened when we received the emergency. The situation was really urgent at the beginning. The three guards are one and a half short at once. Who can relax."

   There was a whirring horn outside the castle...

   "It seems that someone is coming to challenge? Let's go and see..." Lorist walked out first and came to the top of the first city wall.

Three riders appeared in the open space in front of the Rock Castle. In the middle was a knight with a black horned helmet and a black iron ring armor. There was a silver flying horse emblem inlaid on the chest, and a chestnut blue under him. The horse from the Northland, holding a horse in his hand.

To the left of the knight is a tall attendant, wearing gray leather armor, holding a blue and white swallowtail flag in one hand, the same is the Pegasus design, and the other hand holding a horn. He blew the horn of challenge.

   To the right of the knight is a middle-aged man wearing a gray-blue cloth robe, but his voice is loud, and he is shouting loudly, preaching the name of the knight and his previous achievements...

"My master Ramblerway Knight has won three Whisky Cup Cavaliers Tournaments, and he was called the Cub Knight by the Duke of Pupadra. He also participated in the Battle of Minashevik and fell in front of his hoof. Over a dozen famous knights...Today, he came to this splendid, huge, solid castle, and challenged the famous roaring bears in the North, the Norton family...The raging bear knights of the Norton family , Do you dare to come out to fight? My master Ramblerway Knight will show you what is the bravery of a knight. He will dedicate the victory to Miss Stefanie in the distance. All the glory belongs to the beautiful and innocent Stefanie. Miss..."

   After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the attendant in leather armor raised the horn in his hand again and blew the horn of challenge again...

   "My lord, look..." Pat pointed to the distance.

   Lorist looked up, but saw a lot of people gushing out of the camp armed by the Seven Lords and the Kenmes family in the distance, but these people did not seem to come to the war, but to watch the excitement. There were even some servants who quickly set up a canopy to block the sun, and served a few ladies dressed as ladies.

   "My lord, what are they doing?" Jim was dizzy.

   "Siege, they are challenging us, the Cavaliers' challenge." Lorist said.

   Now the loudly voiced attendant under the city began to yell a second time, the content is the same as before.

   The gate of the camp of the Battlefield Merchant Group also opened, and many mercenaries and women rushed out to watch the knight who came to challenge. As there were more people, the loud voice of the attendant became higher.

   "Then, why did that person say it the second time? Didn't you say it just now?" Jim asked.

"The horn has to be blown three times, and the introduction has to be three times. If none of us go out to fight, then this knight can declare to others that his name makes the Norton family frightened and afraid to face his bravery, so he can only shrink in the castle. Lithose shivered," Lorist said.

   "Then I'll give him an arrow, see if he dare to arrogant below..." Jim said that he was going to move the city guard crossbow next to him.

"You are crazy, do you want us to be the object of everyone's jokes and contempt? If you let go, our Norton family's reputation for more than two hundred years will be lost. We will be treated as cowards and will always be A mocking character." Pat grabbed Jim.

"Jim, this is a noble warfare. It is an ancient and traditional way of fighting. All knights learn this lesson when they first embark on the road of knighthood. For a knight, this way of fighting is sacred and Glorious. If you destroy this challenge, you will become the enemy of all the knights in Galinthia." Lorist said.

   "Ovius, do you want to go out to fight?" Lorist turned and asked the silent Ovius next to him.

   "Ah, my lord, I, I am a commoner..." Orviz lowered his head.

   "Sorry, this should have been given to you a long time ago, but I always forget." There is an angry bear knight badge in Lorist's hand, which Pat handed it over.

   Speaking seriously, Oviz is still a captive and spoils of Lorester. There is no personal freedom, even the guards who were former bandits.

"After following me, your loyalty and diligence have won my trust, especially recently, you have performed very well. Oviz, would you like to be my knight and fight under the banner of the angry bear?" Lorist Asked with a serious face.

With tears in his eyes, Orviz knelt in front of Lorist, and stroked his chest with his right hand: "I, Sealand Orviz is willing to loyal to Lord Lorist and let the God of War witness my loyalty forged with life and blood. I will follow the banner of the Norton family and fight bravely in the roar of the angry bear until the last moment of my life..."

   Lorist drew out his saber and slapped Ovius on both shoulders twice: "Get up, my knight."

   Lorist pinned the Raging Bear Knight badge in the gap on the chest of the iron armor worn by Orviz. Pat and Oviz embraced each other tightly: "You are welcome to join, my brother."

   As soon as the knight promotion ceremony was completed, Oviz paid a salute to Lorist and ran down the city. Lorist shouted, "Let Sedkamp accompany you. He knows how to negotiate."

   When the horn of the challenge was blown for the third time, the suspension bridge of Rock Castle was lowered, and the city gate opened wide, and Ović rushed out with Sedkamp and another guard holding the angry bear flag. At this time, all the onlookers cheered and thunderous, and finally watched.

Father Barek, butler Boris, and Hansk all came to the top of the tower. They all watched at the bottom of Sedkamp and negotiated with the loud attendant. The two turned back to Ovi. Ji Si and the knight named Lamberway talked for a while, and soon reached an agreement. Sodkamp and the guard holding the flag began to retreat, and the two attendants of the Lamberway Knight on the other side also retreated.

   "My lord, what are they doing?" Even though Jim was silent when Ovius was promoted to the Cavaliers, the enviable look on his face could not be concealed. Since Lorist promised to follow him a few nights ago, he knew that as long as he performed well, and made more credit, Oviz would be his role model.

"They are negotiating and challenging the methods, horse fighting, foot fighting, what weapons to use, etc. If the knights who came to challenge don’t know which method to use, then we can now ask for the fighting method we are good at. For example, Josk is in If he does, he can ask for a trial archery. So when going to challenge, he must first think about where he has an advantage, and make it clear first, so that his opponent will not propose to fight in a way he is not familiar with and end up in disarray."

"Some powerful knights don't care which way of fighting, they have confidence in themselves. However, the opponent of Ovius below is obviously too big and self-righteous. If Ovius proposes to fight on foot, the kid is guaranteed to be dumbfounded. "Lorister said.

It’s a pity that Ovijes didn’t choose to fight on foot. Perhaps it was because he was too excited to become a Norton knight. He chose to fight on horseback. The two retreated thirty meters apart, and the opponent Lamberway Knight put down his visor. And Oviz also set up a ride. Both raised their left hands to signal that they were ready, and now they only waited for the handkerchief in Soderkamp's hand to fall, and the two began to sprint for a duel.

There was an episode, and the handkerchief of Sodkamp was thrown out, but when he was about to land, he was picked up by a light breeze, spinning around in mid-air, everyone was staring at the handkerchief, watching it in the wind Dance in...

   Lorist suppressed a smile, his stomach hurting. Jim didn't have this scruples, and smiled and hit the city wall with his head. Pat and others are also laughing, but not as exaggerated as Jim. It was a sacred and serious challenge, but it was ridiculous to be done with this handkerchief.

  Until the handkerchief attracted enough attention, it slowly fell to the ground...

   "Kill!" Orviz roared, his legs clamped, and he rode forward. He did not allow himself to be defeated on the first day of becoming a knight. He must defeat his opponent.

   A sword light appeared on the Rambowe knight’s lance. Like Orviz, he is also a silver two-star knight...

   The two shining swords rushed into each other, making an ear-splitting sound. The two horses were spinning around, and the two knights were fighting fiercely...

   Different from Lorist’s memory, the medieval knights of the world in the previous life did not have grudges. Their confrontation was to sprint each other with two long apple woods. And in this world, with fighting spirit, the duel between the two knights is more like the one-on-one battle between the generals in the storytelling "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that I heard when I was young. The fight was better and more exciting, and the crowd of onlookers cheered. And shouting...

Technically speaking, this knight named Lamberway is more skilled and exquisite than Ovius. Obviously after a long period of hard training, Ovius is more fierce than he has been in battle. Several times, I would rather trade with your opponent for injury. This stance of going to the end soon caused the Lambertweik knight to fall into a disadvantage, restrained in his moves, and fell into a passive parry.

Owiecki suddenly yelled, like a mad tiger, using the lance as a long stick, and smashed it down. For five or six consecutive times, the Ramblerway knight finally couldn't stand it, fell off the horse and lifted it again. When he started, Oviz’s sword-bright spear pointed at his throat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Lambert Cavalier sat on the ground helplessly and waved his hand. Oviz retracted the lance. The lambway knight's attendant placed the flag held high on the horseback, picked up the horn and blew a low horn, which indicated that the challenged knight was defeated and was about to leave.

  Campze immediately talked with the loud-sound attendant in a low voice for a while, then saluted and separated. The Ramblerway knight also got up from the ground and gave a breast-stroke to Ovius who was riding on the horse. Ovius lightly tapped the iron armor on his left chest with his fist. Appreciate the courage of the other party and show respect.

   "My lord, that's it? Why didn't Oviz kill the opponent?" Jim asked.

"Generally speaking, warfare like this kind of nobleman rarely kills people, unless it is a miss or manslaughter. Those who can keep their hands will try to keep their hands, and will not easily hurt the opponent's life, just because the opponent is also a brave knight like us. However, the failed knight will pay a ransom worth his worth as the trophy of the winner. Such ransoms are for the failed knight to think about how much he is worth? If he cannot pay the ransom, then he has to surrender his armor. Weapons and mounts. Just now Sedkamp talked with the other side's attendant to confirm the time for the payment of the ransom. If not unexpected, the knight's attendant will send the ransom over." Lorist explained patiently to Jim.

   Jim scratched his head: "My lord, why do I always think that such aristocratic warfare is a child playing a house wine game?"

Lorist replied with a very philosophical sentence: "Because life is a game~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.wuxiaspot. com~ mobile phone users please go to read.

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